


Enhancing employee productivity, retention and satisfaction is vital to creating a happier workforce. One of the best ways to do this is through effective use of the right 员工敬业度 平台.

A good employee engagement platform will gather feedback from your teams.

A great employee engagement platform will give you the 数据、洞察力和反馈 you need to enact real change in your organisation.




💡74%的员工 said they’d be willing to give more feedback if they were truly anonymous.

如果你想得到最好的反馈, making sure that your employees know that what they share won't be traced back to them personally is crucial. If they don't feel safe to share their feedback, they may not be as open and honest. 

Trust is incredibly easy to lose and much harder to build back. If breached, employees may even choose not to offer their thoughts at all. 

使用一个 第三方平台 增加一层额外的信任. Employees are more likely to trust the confidentiality and impartiality of an external party, with a specialist tool rather than an internal system.


💡90%的商务人士会优先考虑 data & 分析 成功的数字化转型.

The instant insights provided by the Ten Space platform enables organisations to quickly identify trends, 需要改进的模式和领域. You can watch your results coming in on our dashboard as your survey is happening. 

Instead of spending hours or even days crunching numbers and organising data, HR and management teams can focus on analysing and interpreting the insights to make 数据驱动的决策

The accessibility of instant insights promotes agility and responsiveness. That means you can show your teams that you are serious about using their feedback to create change and take action. 

定期进行调查, means you have an continual flow of up to date and highly-relevant employee feedback to shape decision making and manage risk.  


💡 1/3一线员工 感到与总部的同事脱节 十分之四的员工 觉得他们的管理脱离实际. 

员工是否更喜欢WhatsApp, 短信或电子邮件, having a multi-channel approach ensures that you can reach everyone in the organisation.

为 远程团队, having a platform that promotes inclusivity makes it easier for all employees to stay informed, 提供反馈, and actively participate in the engagement initiatives of the organisation.


💡 38%的员工 don’t feel their manager knows them well enough to understand their full potential.

员工敬业度 平台s offer guidance and tools to help organisations formulate 有效的调查问题 and design the best processes, ensuring that relevant and meaningful data is collected.

The best questions are those written with the aid of a third-party viewpoint. An expert, outside perspective can be extremely helpful to leadership and HR teams. We’ll help you get to the heart of any issues you want to explore. We’ll also help to keep your questions neutral so they aren’t written in a way that would influence the replies, so you can be confident about the insight and feedback you’ve captured.


💡 38% of employees planned to quit their job in the next six months to a year. 

优秀的员工敬业度平台 allows organisations to categorise and analyse data based on various criteria such as department, 位置, 或人口统计.

通过分割用户粘性调查的数据, you can uncover valuable insights specific to different employee groups. You can find where your problems are coming from and create targeted actions.

We’ll help you with segmentation of your data as part of the set-up process, to ensure you get the most out of each and every survey. 


Getting Started with an 员工敬业度 平台

A successful organisation knows how to encourage team engagement and satisfaction at work. Utilise anonymous employee engagement surveys to collect honest and open feedback. Regular employee feedback and insights are vital tools to take action and build a fantastic workplace.

十点空间, 我们帮助组织了解驱动因素, 或者在团队中不积极参与. 我们经常这样做, 定制敬业度调查, designed to get to the heart of culture and engagement.

开始您的旅程与我们的高参与通过 保持联系. Or check out how we’ve helped others create incredible workplaces in our 案例研究.



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