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Nine months ago, Covid has changed our home and work life drastically and imposed new challenges on all of us. At Zuhlke, 我们很幸运,尽管经济衰退,我们的生意依然兴旺, allowing us to further grow our teams. 特别是我们的十大网博靠谱平台队今年取得了前所未有的增长, going from a small team of 8 to 27. 两位领导者讨论了远程领导和成长的挑战:

Andrew joined in the middle of lockdown as a leader of now 23 Manchester-based Engineers, Consultants and Project Managers.

Dave joined mid 2020 as a lead for the newly created Data Solutions team that’s grown to 16 Data Engineers, 伦敦和十大网博靠谱平台的建筑师和顾问.


Andrew在与同事建立信任方面,它已经发生了变化. As I started during lockdown, I had to remotely build relationships with a team that was used to working in an office space together. 我们必须考虑检查的方法和方式. It puts a greater importance on things like 1:1s and really gaining an understanding of how – besides their project roles – everyone’s life is being affected by lockdown, 以及如何通过不同的工作方式来改善它. 


Dave: Honestly, it’s hard. We’re currently recruiting a lot, 虽然招聘过程非常彻底, 通过视频采访仍然很难了解一个人. 这意味着我们必须付出额外的努力去真正了解这个人. On the other hand, it’s great that we can widen the net and are not restricted to people within the locality in our daily work. 最近我经常和其他z公司的人合作, and that has been excellent. 而许多人以前更喜欢在一个团队中工作, this is now impossible and that has pushed us to start building pan-European teams with more varied skillsets. 

远程工作如何影响z hlke集团的内部协作?

Andrew: Zühlke has always worked as a group in relation to our international connections. But in going remote, we’ve become even more borderless and we’re now connecting with colleagues from other countries a lot more. 在过去的四个月里,我亲眼目睹了这种增长,并亲身参与其中, for example in reaching out to our Swiss colleagues to learn more about their QA tester role before we launched it in the UK. 我们之前就已经开始过这种“z hlke集团”的生活了, 但远程设置加快了速度,增强了体验.   

Dave: I agree, zhlke的各个办公室都有非常优秀的人才, and it’s been great to work with colleagues in other locations and get the opportunity to learn from others across Europe. I currently work with a German Delivery Manager who has brought a whole set of skills and techniques that are new to me. And it’s gone vice versa as well: We’ve run sessions that they haven’t seen before in Germany and they will now start using. 


Andrew这是十大网博靠谱平台过度沟通和设定期望. 因为我们距离遥远,所以我们必须更有意识地去做. Make people feel part of something, from their bedroom, from their living room, or kitchen table. I've also started to embrace the new possibilities of connecting people across offices based on their skills rather than locality for their onboarding. The key thing about growing a team these days is ensuring that we adapt a culture to work across this remote world, 人们不只是接受我们的文化, 但要开始以自己的方式生活.

Dave这也是十大网博靠谱平台保持社交元素. 我们的团队在表演之前会喝咖啡. These are 15-20 minutes where we all get a cup of tea or coffee and have a natter to form some of these relationships that would normally form in the office. We just have to try a little bit harder now to ensure that people engage and get involved. It’s harder in a remote set-up, we have to put in a little bit more effort and think outside the box. 


Andrew: It has become more important that we intentionally create the space for informal conversations, 而远程设置几乎有助于实现这一点. 比如当小家伙出现在镜头前, or the cat comes across the screen, this sometimes allows for more personal conversations than we would have in the office. 

We also had a great “Fika” (weekly Manchester team gathering) the other week: while we normally discuss halfway serious questions, 这次我们讨论了我们最喜欢的三明治. It went down amazingly. 我们有最有创意的前五名, 其他人则纯粹被这种热情逗乐了, and one person was thoroughly embarrassed to share their “dull” corned beef favourite – but then others went “Ah, I LOVE corned beef!”. 这真的把我们所有人联系在一起——也让我们感到非常饥饿. 

Dave事实上,不拘一格的方式可以建立联系,领导者必须以身作则. We are in more informal times; it’s okay to relax, it’s okay to not be okay, it’s okay to ask for help, it’s okay to say no. We have sessions now in our relatively young team where we set up our code of conduct and principles by which the team will live, 现在比以往任何时候都更多地关注心理健康. 这是有充分理由的,这是必要的. People are challenged in new ways, and we’ve got to be conscious of this and look out for the people who may need a little conversation or a bit of a time out. 因为这对每个人来说都是奇怪而紧张的时刻. 

与疫情前相比,平均工作时间增加了48分钟(来源: National Bureau of Economic Research),你如何在你的团队中实现工作与生活的平衡?

Dave: Yes, barriers have come down – and this has got as pros and cons, let’s not kid ourselves. I would always encourage (pre-Covid anyway) that the team does not overwork itself and sets a sustainable pace.  And I think it’s key that the leadership team sets the right example in this regard. 例如,这包括在正常工作时间之外不要发送电子邮件. 我自己也曾因为过早联系别人而感到内疚, 因为家庭和工作是如何相互渗透的. 但领导人应该更加意识到这一点. 

Andrew: I’m happy to help reinforce that. 我认为这些非工作时间的信息发生在新冠疫情前的世界, 但现在这种情况发生得更多了,因为笔记本电脑放在了床尾. And that’s another big aspect: That separation; how do we get that “false commute” into our day and leave work at work? 我的另一半总是提醒我要边泡茶边结束, 过了一会儿,我就会收到一条短信,说:“在桌子上”. That’s when I know I should finish up.  

Dave: That’s a great method. In early days of lockdown, I used to block out half an hour in my calendar at 5:30 p.m. 这样我就可以和我女儿一起打无挡板篮球了. This puts a firm stop to my working day, but these good habits slip and I don’t do it anymore…   

Andrew我认为最诚实的答案是:我们还没有完全找到平衡. 作为领导者,我们必须更好地树立榜样.

Have you observed a shift in the values that candidates are now looking for in an employer?

Dave: Caring about our people has always been a top priority at Zühlke – and that is more appreciated and certainly resonating with people who want to join us in the current climate. I also had a conversation with a new joiner whose main reason for joining were our career progression and training opportunities, and they felt they would be nurtured. 

Andrew我想说的是,更多的候选人与我们谈论了新冠病毒及其对他们的影响. People seem keener to join a business that they can trust and build stability from. In relation to perks, 人们很好奇他们到底能不能进入办公室, or if we can help with their home set-up – it’s not about them fancy offices and free food anymore. 


Andrew在增长方面,我们将继续招聘一些职位, 但自今年年初以来,我们的规模已经扩大了两倍. And with that, the biggest growth will now be around our presence in Manchester and our culture to form the foundations that we need for our people to thrive in their career. 

Andrew West-Moore
Head of Competence Unit
         Dave Clark
Business Solution Manager

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