
心理健康 & 职场幸福感:简单明了

2021年心理健康宣传周将于5月10日至5月16日举行, and all through the week we'll be sharing how some of our members are promoting good mental health and wellbeing within their businesses.

接下来,我们采访了体验设计机构 Foolproof, who tell us about the practices and initiatives they have in place to support their employees from flexible working and recovery days to dedicated wellbeing team and in-house mental health experts.


We have recently set up a wellbeing team to promote all areas of wellbeing throughout the entire business with weekly comms.

We tend to have a monthly wellbeing theme to focus on the areas that our team have requested or are in need of and send out messages via emails, 松弛. 这些信息在全公司的团队会议上得到口头强化.

Simple measures such as hydration/rest reminders have received a great response from the team who often feel ‘stuck at their screens’ – this issues a reminder and even permission to move, 喝水, 吃一顿营养均衡的午餐等等.

Foolproof is fortunate to have Perkbox through which there are a multitude of different wellbeing perks and discounts from meal boxes, 到健身房会员, 在线平台以及员工援助计划.

通过我们的私人医疗保险, 我们有24小时全科医生热线, 24小时压力求助热线和back to Better背部护理.

We advocate using wellness in action plans across the team and these are often used by those who fear they are struggling with their emotional wellbeing.

Are there any measures that you have put in place over the past year in order to protect and support your employee’s mental health following the move to remote working?

在冠状病毒大流行爆发后不久, we ran a comprehensive survey with our entire team in UK and Singapore to see how they were affected by working from home and Covid. 这让我们举办了几次“聪明午餐”(Smart lunch) & 学习适应能力、睡眠和健康的在家工作习惯.

Kate who is part of our wellbeing team has regular check ins with anyone who is struggling with their mental health or emotional wellbeing and we encourage our line managers to have separate wellbeing 1 to 1’s with each of their team to see where the business can better support them.

The survey revealed where there were gaps in our wellbeing offering and we are now in the process of training our Line Managers in mental health awareness.



Our head of HR is a fully trained mental health first aider and Kate will reach out to anyone who may be struggling to see how best we can help them.

正如前面提到的, we offer wellness in action plans (WAPs) which enable employees to take back control of their wellbeing at work, 设定界限,并与直线经理和人力资源部门达成一致,以最好的方式工作.


在办公室工作的时候, 员工会在感谢罐里给其他员工留下鼓励的话或善意的纸条. We wanted to keep this going whilst adapting to the WFH lifestyle so created Appreciation Charlie - a virtual version of our office based anonymous-appreciation notes. They are a non-binary virtual messenger that sends anonymous or signed appreciation notes from and to employees. 我们发现这是一种简单但非常有效的方式,可以在整个团队中表现出认可.

现在我们主要以国内为基地, our 松弛 channels and our team meetings have become vital avenues of communication and sharing with each other. 我们定期发布团队会议公告,并在松弛上使用我们的健康频道来吸引团队成员.


去年弹性工作制很流行, 尤其是那些不得不在家上学的父母. 万无一失总是允许灵活的工作, 但是去年, 重要的是要提醒人们,他们不是机器人,自我照顾和赚钱一样重要.

我们的健康松弛频道有很多十大网博靠谱平台健康的帖子, 十大网博靠谱平台如何变得更健康的正念和建议. 我们也有一个专门研究园艺、烹饪、气候变化和多样性的 & 包容, 自信——这是另一种将人们团结在一起的方式, 讨论他们的激情,感觉不那么孤立.

我们期待着回到办公室,因为那里总是有新鲜的水果可供选择, 提供花草茶和健康零食,让团队保持精力充沛.

你的员工有哪些主动性或额外津贴, 你认为这些在促进心理健康方面有多重要?

Perkbox – a multitude of free and discounted perks and it will soon offer a wellness hub for the team to access.

Percipio – online training videos and courses which cover a huge amount on emotional wellbeing such as stress at work, 在工作和

Cake Friday – before the pandemic we used to meet in each office and have half an hour of cake / treats and just chat. We’ve made the effort to keep these going virtually with interactive games and quizzes on several different topics such as general knowledge, 流行文化, 体育运动, 艺术与历史.

圣流日(公司休假日)——这些也是虚拟的, but we have been conscious to spend a similar budget; offering takeaway vouchers, 圣诞节礼物, 颁奖典礼,甚至是一个互动的哑剧! 在HFD期间,员工总是被鼓励在拨打电话时在房子周围活跃起来.

Smart Lunches – our lunch and learns were held weekly prior to lockdown and we have endeavoured to keep these going with a mix of lunches and breakfasts. What has been heartening to see is that there has been a focus on learning and development which we know adds value to our team and can really boost their wellbeing.

例如,我们在环保影响方面推出了智能早餐/午餐, 黑人历史月的历史艺术,它开启了一场十大网博靠谱平台不同设计如何被解读的对话, 十大网博靠谱平台改善睡眠, 增强韧性和养鸡!

A new initiative called Confidence Collective recognises unspoken insecurities in the workplace such as imposter syndrome or seeking acceptance by conforming to an extroverted persona. 这让一些员工分享了他们与不确定性作斗争以掌握信心的经验.

It’s important that staff are treated as people not just employees to make sure the quality of their wellbeing is exceptional whilst working. We’ve continued to show recognition through long service awards at 5 years and 10 years with several of our longer serving team members taking sabbaticals this year. Birthday announcements are consistent and staff members receive gifts from their immediate team for significant birthdays such as 25, 30, 40, 50 or 60.

当我们采取这样的主动行动, we’re meeting more personal needs which could have a positive impact on wellbeing for all individuals at the company.


这是一个困难的问题,因为我们的业务是全球性的,我们并不总是正确的, 然而, 我们提倡弹性工作, 直线经理负责检查并与健康团队沟通任何问题.

如果某人看起来在非常不正常的时间工作, 我们将与他们联系,看看他们面临什么样的压力,以及我们如何减轻这种压力.

直线经理培训是确保员工健康工作和社会生活平衡的关键. If line managers have a regular check in that’s balancing an overview of daily work responsibilities and casual chats about interests, 它让员工在工作日有一定程度的灵活性, 所以他们感觉不像机器人.

What advice would you have for startups or small businesses who may not have any mechanisms in place currently to support their employees?

为有趣的事情做预算——比如星期五蛋糕, 星期五不开会, 每天一小时不看屏幕, 健康星期三, 虚拟按摩课程——也许可以让它成为你的独特业务.

A wellbeing representative – internal or external so people know who to go to when they are struggling to make sure everyone is aware of what is on offer and what they can get and how to access it.

健康资源-有很多免费的信息,从信誉良好的来源,如NHS, MHFA, 我们用它来教育我们的团队和分享学习.

要了解更多十大网博靠谱平台Foolproof的信息, 点击这里

如果你是十大网博靠谱平台数字的会员,想分享你的组织对心理健康的方法 & 福祉,或想参加未来的功能,请发电子邮件 thom@ycdwkj666.com.

