

Initforthe Ltd - - - - - -十大网博靠谱平台




We're growing here at Initforthe and we're looking for some great 人 to come and join us on our mission to 开发能帮助人们在工作中做到最好的软件.

简单来说, 我们在找一位自给自足的高级工程师, 能够在Rails中工作, Javascript和CSS工作在我们的客户端项目.

你将直接与我们的客户打交道, 有时是独自一人(但有更广泛团队的支持), so great non-technical communication skills are imperative; experience in client work is a major plus.

Initforthe builds line-of-business software; you might not be building the next Twitter or Uber, 但是你写的代码每天都会被真实的人使用, 通常是他们日常生活的核心部分. 高度关注用户体验, 经常与使用我们软件的人合作, 都是我们成功的关键吗.

这是一个 完全远程 角色,不过是(对不起)!)目前对总部设在英国的公司开放.


  • 直接与客户合作 & 用户 (不一定是同一群人!) 构建优秀的软件.
  • 了解潜在的 用户需要 特性请求背后. 解决用户需求——不要只是“在功能框里打勾”。. 如果你不确定,就去问! 客户端是 团队的一部分.
  • 将较大的“项目”分解为用户场景.
  • Keep the client 在 loop; frequent demos and status updates make sure we’re solving the 正确的问题正确的方式,而不是不必要地浪费时间.
  • Write high quality, appropriately-tested, maintainable code in Ruby and Javascript.
    • 我们使用Rails, Hotwire和Tailwind作为我们的核心堆栈.
    • 我们为之奋斗 足够的,适当的 测试覆盖率; knowledge of testing frameworks such as RSpec and Jasmine is a must.
    • We ask for senior engineers because we grant a lot of latitude; in general, 我们将信任您拥有您正在工作的代码库, 了解你的工具, 实践和模式, 继续为我们的客户创造价值.
  • 评估(& 得到了!)根据需要对更复杂的功能进行拉取请求.


作为常务董事, my role is so different from the day to day that I asked my team to put it 在ir own words:

Working 与 the team at Initforthe is like a breath of fresh air;  my previous engagement was 与 a large multi-national organisation and I was simply treated as a number.  We, as engineers were kept at arms length from the end 用户 and this soon became tedious.  However since joining Tomislav and the team I now feel a sense of value in my work, I can see the results first-hand and I speak directly 与 the 用户 of the software.

The client I'm currently working 与 is very engaged and knows what he wants but not necessarily how to achieve it, that's where we come in; we are part of their team and we're treated like it. Being included in strategic conversations beyond the scope of our project is part of what we do; not only because it helps our clients achieve but it also allows us to understand their medium to long-term aspirations, 因此,我们可以(如果需要)提前满足这些需求. 我们不怕问问题.

我们的工作负载最终由客户端定义. We will work together to define the tickets required to complete a piece of work, then I'll go in and add 在 acceptance criteria and relevant time estimate. From then it's down to the client when this is done as they're partly responsible for the priority of tasks.

当票证完成并与客户一起审核时, they're merged in and deployed to live immediately which allows us to cater for clients needs both quickly and efficiently.

We're a small but dedicated team who take pride in our work; trust, 诚实和灵活性是必须的.



  • 4+ years as a ruby engineer, across multiple engagements or employments.
  • Experience working on the frontend in at least one Javascript framework, and basic CSS knowledge.
  • 在一般情况下, ask yourself “Do I have the technical skills necessary to build a well-architected, 经过良好测试的订单处理系统?”
  • 拥有一个项目从头到尾的经验.
    • 这可能是大型应用程序中的一个大型特性, 或者整个应用程序, 或者是一个开源项目.
    • 你可能一直在领导一个团队或独自工作.
    • What we’re looking for is the ability to take something unspecified and complex, 把它分解成一组 具体的、可实现的技术任务,通过工作 .
  • 有与非技术干系人合作的经验.
    • 这可能是与上面讨论的相同的项目.
  • 良好的口头和书面沟通能力.
    • 我们知道这是对的 每一个 job description, but when working 与 用户 directly this is a must.
    • 你能描述一下你要做什么吗, 以及它将如何运作, 以一种非技术人员也能理解的方式?
    • 你能解释一下 其他人说,并将其转化为明确的技术行动计划?
    • 没有清晰有效的沟通能力, 你不能确定你在建造正确的东西.


  1. We’ll have a quick initial chat for about 30 minutes about your skills and experience.
  2. We will ask you to complete a technical assessment, in Ruby on Rails and Javascript. 我们预计这个过程不会超过2个小时. If you have any open-source projects in Ruby or Ruby on Rails, you can send those to us instead.
  3. 我们会和你进行更长的谈话(大约90分钟), where we’ll discuss your technical assessment (or open source projects!),并就你的经历进行更长时间的交谈.

这将包括大约45分钟的配对 要么 技术测试的改进, or a small self-contained ruby task, depending on what you sent us in step 2.


我们希望人们能长期和我们在一起. 我们有两个选择:

  1. 12个月合约 可选择续订:每天350-450英镑
  2. 永久全职 职位:年薪7 -9万英镑

如果你想要的是灵活性, 这个也是可用的, so please let us know when you're applying what you're looking for in that regard.


  • 标准的28天假期(不附带福利), 加上银行假期, plus a 2 week shutdown over Christmas (the bank holidays and Christmas don't count towards the 28 days)*
  • A computer (Windows, Linux, macOS) - Macbook Pro or equivalent*
  • 每周35小时工作制
  • 平静、无压力的工作环境. 我们不做压力锅式的发展
  • Completely flexible working arrangements - if you need to pick your kids up or want to take your dog for a walk, or spend a few hours 在 middle of the day doing something different, 这很好!
  • Honest, open, friendly culture where discussions and opinions are encouraged. 我们不是一个家庭,但我们是一个伟大的团队
  • 远程. 永久.



Send your CV and covering letter explaining clearly why you believe we are a good fit to jobs@initforthe.com.

PS. If you're a recruiter, we don't need help filling this, so please don't get in contact.

