
Every small business knows that they can change faster than their larger competitors. The flip-side of that coin is that most ambitious business owners would love to have one of those larger businesses, 但又不想牺牲小公司的灵活性. 一艘大油轮可以装载更多的集装箱, but doesn't have the turning circle of a small 和 nimble speed boat. It's the turning circle that gets you places when you're small.

Interestingly though, it's also what gets you places when you're big! So, the purpose of this post is to show you just how important it is to practice Agile across your whole business.

To start with, I'm going to tell you about a company some of you may have heard about: 百视达. 谁还记得他们? That's right, they went bust 和 by 2014, they had no stores remaining. 谁把他们带走了?? (当时)勇敢的小网飞公司. What was even more frustrating for the 百视达 board was that they'd had the opportunity in 2000 to buy 网飞公司 for a meagre $50m.

网飞公司最初是一家提供邮购DVD服务的公司. I was a member back then 和 I paid a subscription where you could choose how many DVDs you wanted each week. 我列了一张我想看的节目清单, 只要我把看过的DVD还回去, 接下来的一周,我又收到了一封邮件. If I didn't, I wouldn't get another one until that one had been returned.

In 2007, 网飞公司 started to transition to a streaming service (did you know their original DVD-by-mail service 仍然存在?) as broadb和 became more readily available, 和 then in 2013 started to develop its own content.

The way they have adopted an Agile approach to an ever changing l和scape, 作为其他竞争者(迪士尼+), 本地电视流媒体服务, 亚马逊Prime等)已经出现, 这在很大程度上是他们恢复活力的原因吗. 网飞公司的敏捷“品牌”是均衡的 写过 by Scrum Alliance, the largest association of Agile professionals in the world.

通过专注于持续改进, 迭代和短周期和明确的反馈循环, 和 by putting people first (whether that be customers or staff, 视项目而定), they've found new ways to innovate 和 deliver what many consider to be an excellent service. 他们与苹果(Apple)等公司打过仗, have you noticed that they don't let you sign up in-app on iOS? 他们已与电视机制造商合并, 谷歌, Apple 和 others across a whole ecosystem of devices, 和 were early to deliver the best possible resolutions in their own content. That's not just in the delivery, but in how they film 和 produce that content.

在公司发展的每一步, 从羽翼未丰到庞大的庞然大物, 您可以看到敏捷方法正在发挥作用. 那是因为这是他们文化的一部分. 所以敏捷绝对是人的事情. You can't do it if the culture that comes from the top doesn't support that style of work. It won't work if your company has a distaste for curiosity 和 for questioning the status quo. It won't work if you or your company suffers from "that's the way we've always done it"-itis.

问题来了. If your business doesn't support a truly agile approach to doing business, you're unlikely to reach heights the kinds of which Amazon, 网飞公司, SpaceX公司, 和 还有很多其他的 能做什么. 为什么? Because the people across the organisation hold the keys to the kingdom. They're the ones to listen to, 和 to enact the change that is required. They can 和 will have the company's best interests at heart, but only if you let them.

那么如何开始呢? 看看你的客户体验. Note down all the ways that you could improve it, if there were no barriers to that change. For example, if your immediate thought is "I'm going to have to send another email", don't worry. 这些都可以自动化. Now consider how much of the process could be automated, 和 what parts of it would give you the biggest gains by being more streamlined.

I imagine you're already finding that you're getting your time back 和 that of your teams. Let's say you save 80% of your time through automation. That means you can now do 5x more business with the same people. 你的公司是什么样的? Your Big Hairy Audacious Goal might just have got a tad bigger.

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