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DevOps解释:“DevOps工程师”在z hlke实际做什么

DevOps Cycle

你有没有想过“开发运维工程师”到底是做什么的? 这篇博客解释了DevOps的概念以及它给组织带来的价值.

Romano Roth, Thought Leader DevOps     Raul Rodriguez Zühlke

Romano, DevOps Partner                Raul, DevOps Engineer

Why is DevOps important?

想象一下这样的场景:执行委员会召开季度会议,技术主管无意中听到:“我们的计划是扩展平台, 在未来6个月内,我们的收入将增长25%,并将我们定位为市场领域的首选供应商。”.

在很多情况下,这样的陈述可能会导致恐惧、恐慌和压力. But with DevOps, 公司可以优化和自动化开发过程,从构思阶段到开发周期,再到生产. This creates a lot of tangible benefits:

  • increased efficiency
  • lower costs
  • increased feedback cycles
  • increased throughput speed and time-to-market.

As a result, 公司明显变得更具创新性,能够更快地对客户的要求做出反应.

What is DevOps anyway?

最初,“DevOps”是作为一种连接软件开发和软件操作的开发方法的标签而创造出来的, 并带来了以下原则:

  • holistic system approach
  • no silos between disciplines
  • short and fast feedback loops
  • collective code ownership.

这些原则的应用可以有不同的解释, 导致各种各样的方法和工具都声称“解决DevOps”之谜. Also, 这些原则在其他领域的普遍适用性导致了大量的新缩写词,如DevSecFinHugOps.

DevOps is not a job description, or a discipline. DevOps is a mindset, a culture, and a set of technical practices, 因此,本文中“DevOps工程师”一词被打上了引号.

As part of this new philosophy, 文化转型和工作方式变革具有核心意义. 这不再是十大网博靠谱平台“他们”(开发和运营), 而是十大网博靠谱平台“我们”(价值流中的每个人). Teamwork is the foundation of DevOps. Mutual trust, empowerment, responsibility, continuous improvement, 基于数据的决策和客户同理心是DevOps的价值观.

For Zühlke, DevOps means: Bringing all the people, processes, 与技术相结合,不断为客户提供价值!

What is the goal of DevOps?

DevOps provides communication, integration, automation, 所有人之间的密切合作需要计划, develop, test, deploy, release, and maintain a product. It essentially empowers an organisation with:

  • faster time to market
  • Informed experimentation
  • small and frequent software releases
  • shorter fix lead times
  • Improve the mean time to recovery

Who is DevOps?

用人的术语来说,这是对价值流做出贡献的每个人. The DevOps practice does not operate in a silo, 而是作为跨多个学科协作的推动者.

What skills do DevOps Engineers have?

The fundamental skill is to understand DevOps. “DevOps工程师”必须有DevOps的思维方式,并且能够完全接受DevOps文化.

有软件开发人员或系统管理员的经验显然是有利的——如果你知道如何编码的话, 您可以轻松掌握DevOps的自动化方面. On the other hand, 系统工程背景也很有用,因为它使你熟悉基础设施——这是软件程序员经常忽略的东西.

说了这么多,之前的技术经验并不是进入DevOps的唯一途径. There are many other possibilities such as

  • bootcamps
  • self-learning
  • transitioning from other roles
  • 指导或澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台思想开放的组织(支持另类教育路径).

At Zühlke, when working as a "DevOps Engineer", your work not only revolves around technology, 自动化和工具——还有其他被高度重视的技能:

  • 跨多种编程语言的代码理解.
  • 良好的倾听技巧:您必须对开发团队的突发奇想和愿望做出反应.
  • Patience and perseverance: We are one team, and we want everything stable, well performing – and ready yesterday.

Read more: How to become a successful DevOps Engineer.


“DevOps工程师”确保整个价值流的工作流程顺利进行, giving businesses a competitive advantage. For this to happen, 上下文是关键,因为他们的工作根据操作环境产生不同的价值. Some typical work areas include:

  • 参与发现:z hlke帮助客户定义要构建的正确事物的项目阶段.
  • Building minimum viable products.
  • Conducting architectural assessments.
  • 评估和实施监控能力,从而提高系统的可操作性.
  • Cloud Native projects.
  • On-premises projects.

列出z hlke的DevOps的各个方面超出了本文的范围. 然而,这里有一些典型任务的例子:

  • 建立一个持续的交付管道,这样团队就可以持续地交付价值并接收反馈.
  • 定义流程以达到通用的系统方法.
  • Prioritise automation over repetitive, manual tasks: In a highly or fully automated system, 任何团队成员都可以执行复杂和专门的操作.
  • Keep consistency across the developer’s environment, the test environments, and the production environment.
  • 支持业务需求和计划,以实现创新和业务发展.


一般来说,DevOps是整个开发团队共享的方法, 并且通常归结为十大网博靠谱平台如何处理开发过程的共同协议. 当一个组织将DevOps作为其业务发展战略的核心时, it empowers faster and safer production, and the ability to reach goals more consistently. 它还允许业务部门探索新的想法,并最终实现创新.

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