
As a website owner or webmaster, you will have certainly heard about mobile-first indexing. This simple phrase is responsible for one of the biggest shifts in the SEO world to date and has driven unprecedented amounts of website and platform improvements by businesses wanting to compete effectively in organic search.

在这篇短文中, 麦肯连接的 有机搜索总监, Radek科瓦尔斯基 provides a useful list of main DO’s and DON’Ts which will help you ensure the competitiveness of your site. 但在我们深入讨论之前, 让我们快速引导您了解此重大更新的历史及其含义.

截至2019年7月, 谷歌 has enabled mobile-first indexing by default for all new websites (whether it has been launched as a new project or become suddenly discoverable to 谷歌). 任何现有的网站,特别是老网站,都受到监控和评估. Once 谷歌 decides your site is ready they will inform site owners directly via Search Console by providing a custom message. 从历史上看, 谷歌 primarily used the desktop version of a page's content to evaluate the relevance of a page to the actual user's query. 现在更新完成了, 谷歌bot主要使用智能手机代理抓取和索引页面.

It’s also worth clarifying at this stage that t在这里 isn't a separate mobile-first index. 谷歌 Search continues to use only one index and will show the URL that is the most appropriate to users, 无论是桌面URL还是移动URL, 在serp中.

So now we’re all up to date with mobile-first indexing updates, let’s get into the do’s and don’ts. Below is the list of the most important updates and best practices you should abide by, 逐节:

如何获得正确的移动优先索引:5件事 要做

1. 在移动和桌面网站上发布相同的内容. Your mobile site must contain the same amount and quality of undifferentiated content between your mobile and desktop website when operating off separate mobile and desktop URLs or sporting an adaptive one. It’s quite common for the wireframes and amount of content to differ which can virtually turn all your content optimisation efforts into dust if not carefully replicated on the mobile site too.

谷歌 对此非常明确,并向网站所有者发出警告: “If it’s your intention that the mobile page should have less content than the desktop page, you can expect some traffic loss when your site is enabled for mobile-first indexing, 因为谷歌不能像以前那样从你的页面上获取那么多的信息.”

2. 在源代码中保留机器人注释. 谷歌 may fail to crawl and index your page when your site is enabled for mobile-first indexing and you differentiate at page level how you use meta robots’ tags. Ensure you keep such annotation in the source code on a like-for-like basis between desktop and mobile URLs with attention to “noindex” or “nofollow”. 如果存在差异,它可能会严重损害你的排名努力.

3. 允许谷歌随时抓取你的资源. Blocking resource URLs will inevitably result in 谷歌 being unable to correctly construct DOM (document object model) and render your pages. This may particularly be a case if you use separate URLs or even platforms to serve your pages across devices. 这里的一个关键检查点是检查你的机器人.以确保您没有使用disallow指令阻止url.

4. 使用相同的页面标题和元描述. Are you working on optimising page title tags and improving your meta descriptions to entice users and improve CTRs? If so make sure that when using different URLs or adaptive code the descriptive title and meta description are the same across both versions of your site. This is a common case w在这里 the desktop version receives high levels of optimisation and the mobile version is simply forgotten in the hustle and bustle of making changes.

5. 确保结构化数据的存在. As 谷歌 constantly highlights the growing importance of structured mark-up which helps it to improve the recognition of content and data, 确保两个版本上都有相同的结构化数据. Ensure that URLs in the structured data on the mobile versions are updated to the correct mobile URL equivalents. 这一点特别容易被忽略,需要更多的技术经验. 幸运的是,谷歌推出了一系列非常酷的工具,比如 数据萤光笔 或其 结构化数据测试工具 在那里您可以愉快地召唤和测试您希望的任何类型的数据和格式.  

如何获得正确的移动优先索引:5件事 不做

1. 确保您不会在用户交互时惰性加载主要内容. 延迟加载非关键或不可见的内容, 通常也称为“延迟加载”, is a common performance and UX best practice but if you abuse it for the important on-page content which helps 谷歌 define the value and purpose of the page you will be in trouble. 在这里,您可以找到十大网博靠谱平台如何进行的最佳实践惰性加载内容.

2. 设置正确的图像大小. 不要在移动网站上使用太小或分辨率低的图片. Make sure you provide a good quality one without overinflating the size to keep page load times to a minimum.

3. 不要忘记在所有平台和url上优化ALT文本. Make sure that the mobile site has the same ALT text for images as the desktop site. Use descriptive ALT text for images on your mobile site as you do on your desktop site. 这一点经常被编辑和开发团队所遗忘.)被规范化为它们的桌面等效.

4. 不要根据设备和用户代理区分错误页状态. 如果操作时设置了单独的url, 不要根据设备和用户代理区分错误页状态. It is guaranteed that in a case w在这里 the desktop site serves normal content and the mobile site is an error page, 这一页将从索引中消失. 再一次。, as most editorial teams use desktop devices when working with content make sure you crawl and compare regularly error codes.

5. 移动和桌面之间的链接rel=hreflang url分开. 最后但并非最不重要的, 当您使用rel=hreflang链接元素进行国际化时,不要忘记这一点, 您需要在移动端和桌面端url之间分别链接. 简单地说,你的移动url的hreflang应该指向移动url, 类似地,桌面URL hreflang应该指向桌面URL. All this supported by correct use of  rel=canonical and rel=alternate link elements between your mobile and desktop versions will surely work wonders for you.

If you’re in the mood for some detailed reading into best (and worst) practice you should check out these pretty comprehensive 移动优先索引最佳实践 为开发人员.

最后 ... 迁移到响应式平台! 这会帮你省去很多麻烦, 会受到编辑团队的喜爱,并成为一个强大的吗, 谷歌自己的约翰·穆勒(John Mueller)的官方推荐@JohnMu)作为首选的网页平台.

For more advice or assistance on mobile-first indexing, get in touch with the McCann Connected team 在这里.

