

我参加的第一个会议的题目是“如果?,由首席技术官兼创始人理查德•法伦(Richard Fallon)提出 Naimuri这是一家总部位于索尔福德的软件开发和数据智能公司.

Such an open-ended name made for plenty of anticipation around Richard’s discussion points, and the audience listened with interest as he laid out a utopian vision of Manchester existing as the United Kingdom’s definitive, 绝对的技术和数字中心.

他思索着构成这样一座城市的主要因素. 旧金山、特拉维夫和柏林这样的城市有什么共同之处? 人才, 大体上, and a steady stream of it flowing into great businesses - but the quality of life has to be t在这里, 太. 一个人们想要生活和工作的地方. 建造空间. 繁荣的市场. 

Richard stressed the need for a co在这里nt ecosystem of talent generators (Universities, 学徒制, 大学), digital companies and internal training initiatives all working towards this same shared vision.

“90年代去度假的时候,” 他说. “If you were to mention you were from Manchester it was nailed on that you would be asked if you were in a band.

“对我来说,最主要的KPI是把它找回来. If you mention you’re from Manchester in the future - you should be asked if you work with technology.”

下一个疗程我一直待在同一个房间里. 排在理查德之后的是首席执行官迈克•西班牙 & 的创始人 NeuroCyber

迈克在儿子被诊断为自闭症后,于2018年创立了神经网络公司. The diagnosis inspired Mike to research the potential employment opportunities he 五月 expect in 晚些时候 life, 调查结果是“可怕的”.”

英国国家统计局公布的数据显示 22%的自闭症成年人 你有什么工作吗. 显然,自闭症患者的就业差距是存在的.

NeuroCyber, 因此, set out to grow neurodiverse representation in the cyber sector (Mike has worked at Atkins for nearly two decades) by raising awareness, 建立联系,改善包容性环境.

In April they launched their NeuroUnity research findings - a study that set out to:

“record and understand the real-life experiences of neurodivergent professionals at all stages of the employment lifecycle [focusing] initially on experiences across recruitment, 新员工培训, 日常生活, 发展, 和分离.”

From these findings a series of opportunities and recommendations were produced, 描绘了一幅网络商业(以及更广泛的商业世界)如何, 在某种程度上)可以更好地招募, 管理和培养神经发散型人才.

This was a really thought-provoking session and the full summary report can be downloaded 在这里.


下面这个, 我转到另一组节目去找马特·斯奎尔, 的首席技术官和联合创始人 模糊的实验室.

Matt’s session discussed large language models (LLMs) from an open-source perspective, 完成一个系统在行动的现场演示.

现在, admittedly, I was listening in from the perspective of a humble marketer, so t在这里 五月 be elements that went slightly over my head, but one of the key quotes that I noted down was: “We’ve all heard of the rubber duck debugging method - what if the rubber duck talked back?

LLMs are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that train on massive datasets of text and code. 它们可以用于各种任务, 包括生成内容, 翻译语言, 以及调试——更多十大网博靠谱平台它的优点和缺点, 晚些时候. ChatGPT is当然了, the most popular and unders太d example of a product based on an LLM.

法学硕士主要有两种类型:开源和专有. Proprietary LLMs come with a license that grants limited rights to use the software under certain terms and conditions. For example, if you wanted to build a new product using Open-AI’s API, it will 成本 你,你永远不会真正拥有你所做的工作的100%. 还有谷歌的吟游诗人, these are closed LLMs offering limited control and no transparency over their actual architecture.

开源法学硕士是免费提供的,任何人都可以使用. 其中一个例子是 RedPajama. 免费使用,提供广泛的特性和功能,他们 

提出了一个令人信服的替代封闭模型, 为用户提供透明度, 灵活性, 和控制.” - 模糊的实验室 - 探索开源语言模型的前景

The main takeaway from Matt’s session was that the future must lie with open-source LLMs, 而不是建立在封闭的系统上, 因为它们提供了更大的透明度, 灵活性和控制力.

After a short networking break, the conference reconvened for the day’s panellist discussion. 继续上一个主题, the discussion centred around the integration between AI and the human workforce - “在科技领域工作10分钟,你就会听到‘人工智能’这个词。”当然了.


  • Katie Gallagher,十大网博靠谱平台数字公司总经理
  • Simon Thompson, GFT数据科学主管
  • 朱丽叶·丹尼特,戴尔·卡内基北方公司顾问
  • Mike Skelton, GDS出版和基础设施部副主任
  • Alex Meehan -数据科学产品主管,Co-Op

It explored the tension between the hype that surrounds AI’s potential application in business… and the actual bare-boned reality of the technology. 

It was stressed that generative AI, in the purest sense, simply regurgitates data. 如果模式匹配. 用Simon的话来说,ChatGPT是“一只非常老练的鹦鹉”.“他们不会推断或推理. 在使用此类系统时必须牢记这一点.

The serious and very real security threats of using generative AI in its current format were also at the forefront of the afternoon’s conversation. 比如三星, 禁止ChatGPT 在敏感代码泄漏之后. 默认情况下, ChatGPT saves a user’s chat history and uses those conversations to train its models, 也就是说敏感数据 可以 与其他用户共享.


So, how best can we integrate such technology into businesses in a practical and co在这里nt way, 同时承认它的局限性和缺点?

Juliette suggested that artificial intelligence can reduce operational burden in areas w在这里 we know humans don’t typically do a good job. 例如,处理非常大且复杂的数据集.

Organisations that are considering introducing artificial intelligence into their workplace were given four key areas to consider:

  1. 人权,包括隐私,尊严等等.
  2. Robustness, covering the security and safety of the technology at a human level.
  3. 透明度, covering the ability to explain the technology to colleagues so that they are aware of its role within the business, 以及它如何影响/与他们沟通.
  4. 问责制, 包括谁对技术的管理负责, 包括如果出了问题.

We are on the edge of the next technological revolution, the last one being driven by social media. 当时, 没有人想到Facebook可能带来的负面影响, 推特之类的. 现在, these platforms are losing the battle against misinformation and the debate rages on about social media’s overall impact on society as a whole.

我们不能再犯同样的错误了, and AI must be excruciatingly examined before mass adoption so that it is integrated into businesses, 以及更广泛的社会,以最有意义和积极的方式.


一如既往地感谢十大网博靠谱平台数字公司举办这样一场伟大的赛事. Venditan是一个骄傲的人 十大网博靠谱平台数字公司成员, an association of people and organisations working with digital media, technology and 电子商务解决方案 总部位于英国十大网博靠谱平台及其周边地区.

