
第一次, 十大网博靠谱平台数字公司专门举办了为期一周的活动计划,以庆祝大十大网博靠谱平台蓬勃发展的电子商务行业. 

整个电子商务周, 2023年3月20日星期一至24日星期五, we’ve discussed some of the key challenges facing the sector, 了解了令人兴奋的技术进步,并聚焦了在该领域运营的一些企业. 请继续阅读我们本周的总结.

电子商务周2023由 先进的商务, PushONBruntwood科技.


The week began with the publication of our Industry Insights piece “绘制客户旅程的黄金标准”. 任何拥有电子商务商店的人都明白规划客户旅程的重要性, 和 we asked leading ecommerce businesses such as 先进的商务, PushON, 非常组, 黑马, 雨城机构, Userism, 丝毫, 创意内容作品和凤凰数码如何优化客户旅程的不同阶段.

  • “Visual merch和ising is a crucial component of successful retail strategy, 和 retailers can delight 客户 by creating visually appealing, 信息丰富的, 和 entertaining displays that guide them on a journey through the store.”
  • “自动化点燃了个性化, which enables you to transform contact data into genuine 客户.”
  • “确保你的客户旅程流畅, 消除“死胡同”, offering multiple options of entering 和 re-entering the purchase funnel throughout.”
  • “Mapping a customer journey can help create a more user-centred experience, increasing user satisfaction 和 leading to improved business outcomes.”
  • “如果你的品牌有故事要讲, you should absolutely be looking for ways to weave that into your product proposition.”
  • “监控你的数据,并根据你的见解,制定行动来改善你的客户旅程.” 
  • “Immersive technologies have the power to transform your user experience, 和 provide significant benefits to both 客户 和 br和s.” 
  • “在一个竞争激烈的领域, 确保在线销售是关键, 所以要确保你的退货政策是明确的, 可视化和尽可能简单的过程.”


周二, 利公司, 专注于转换的机构Door4的主管, 主持了一场十大网博靠谱平台“看、想、做、关心”框架的30分钟信息丰富的网络研讨会,这是一种可以提高参与度的行之有效的方法, 驱动转换, 提高客户忠诚度.

The STDC framework helps businesses to underst和 how 客户 interact with their product, 莱昂强调,这不是线性的——顾客在任何时候的心理状态都与购买意图有关, 哪个会一直波动.


  1. 要认识到你的受众在每个阶段与你的品牌的互动都是不同的,并不是所有人都准备好了购买
    • 参见:专注于提高品牌知名度
    • 思考:强调考虑和参与
    • 要:优先考虑转化率
    • 关怀:专注于客户维系
  2. 确定您计划采用的数字和离线渠道,以优化STDC框架的四个阶段, 包括搜索, 电子邮件, 视频和付费搜索.
  3. Leverage analytics to assess the success of your campaigns across all stages, 和 gain insight into the comparative influence of your efforts at each phase.
  4. Recognize that retention plays a vital role in maintaining engagement 和 encouraging repeat conversions; avoid focusing solely on acquiring new 客户.


电子商贸周继续举办了两场专业发展会议,并出版了我们的 电子商务企业观察功能.

The first professional development session of the day was led by Rachael Kotadia, 营销总监, 还有克莱尔·特罗亚尔, 客户总监, 来自营销自动化专家 番茄酱.

In an 信息丰富的 session with plenty of actionable takeaways, Rachael和Claire列举了从现有渠道中获得更多价值的10种方法, 客户, 团队, technology or data as the UK navigates tumultuous economic conditions.

  • Rachael: “Give your 客户 unexpected moments of delight. 告诉他们你真的很感激他们,在他们觉得特别的时候给他们折扣或奖励.”
  • 瑞秋:“让顾客买东西真的很容易. 我们应该为贵宾们扫清障碍.”
  • Claire: “Know what your 客户 care about 和 their pain points. 是什么把他们引向你的产品/服务/品牌? You'll never be short of content if you know those great insights about your customer.”
  • Claire: “People in your marketing department aren't the only ones who can create content. Ask 客户 to share your products or services on social media. Imagery from real 客户 和 people can be more authentic 和 trustworthy.”
  • Rachael “Test everything 和 it doesn't cost you a penny. Really subtle changes can increase your conversion rate 和 in turn your revenue. Remember to test one thing at a time over a period of time.”

上午晚些时候,电子商务周赞助商先进的商务发表了十大网博靠谱平台在线搜索的演讲 & Merch和ise Optimisation, led by Katie Woodhead, Client Services Director.

  • “深刻理解客户的想法和感受. Underst和 how these emotions are impacted by psychology, relations, economics 和 culture.”
  • “创造相关且无摩擦且有吸引力的体验. 相关性消除摩擦, but needs to be combined with additional UX Optimisation through to end-to-end journey.”
  • “过滤器依赖于最佳数据. 良好的管理是纠正不良数据的必要条件. 或者使用人工智能来绘制和优化选项.”


周四 saw our flagship conference event take place at No.1 Circle Square as we were joined by some of the region’s leading ecommerce businesses.

在工作室1, PushON的商业战略总监Simon Wharton发表了“最大化客户生命周期”的演讲。, 在那里,他谈到了品牌如何真正了解他们的客户,以及他们如何为他们解决问题. 西蒙用最新的例子展示了哪些品牌在个性化方面做得很好, 忠诚度和用户体验. 

同时在工作室2, 本Hookway, CEO of Relative Insight discussed “How to sell biscuits without cookies", 讨论有关网络浏览器上第三方cookie的终结以及这将如何影响电子商务零售商的问题. 他讨论了品牌和代理商如何使用比较方法从四种类型的文本数据中获得更多价值:调查数据, 回顾客户服务, CS记录数据和社会倾听.

接下来的会议由詹姆斯·马克斯菲尔德主持, 搜索引擎优化铅, 还有大卫·卡雷伦, PPC负责人, from marketing agency 黑马 discuss “How To Beat Google And Your Competition”. 

The duo focused on how to rectify: loss of visibility, limited control 和 sneaky additions. 他们解释了如何使您的ROAS增加,并展示了SEO的基本原理,以最大限度地提高收入增长.

同时在工作室2, 安德烈·布朗, 先进的商务的首席执行官和创始人, presented “Blending AI personalisation with Merch和ising". 这是电子商务零售商如何利用人工智能来个性化视觉营销体验的一个引人入胜的见解, which includes controlling the sequence of how the consumer views the products, which could highlight the highest markup products or seasonal products, 例如. 安德烈还讨论了人工智能的作用,以及它如何需要人类的判断来做出最好的决定. He asked retailers, “Do you want to be an order-taker or a trendsetter?”.

Next up was a panel talk, led by Ralph Robinson, Head of Retail & BJSS的消费者市场, 还有罗布·布莱克, 美容湾和普尼特·戈恩卡的技术主管, AWS销售主管.

The discussion centred around how Beauty Bay is laser-focused on its core demographic, 哪些业务随着业务的增长而增长. 2022年初, 美湾拥有6000万活跃用户, 哪一个比2019年选举中投票的多. 他们还谈到了“任何地方的商业”,即客户希望在那里购买,然后当他们看到产品时. 通过AWS重新构建网站, 现在,Beauty Bay的计算机成本降低了50%,并且可以自动扩展,以适应任何未来的中断和更高的网络流量和订单. 

Vladimir Mulhem的演讲名为“虚拟世界的崛起:它将如何影响数字制作”, 创新 & Creative Content Works的技术总监, 马克·斯托克, 非常组的高级创意经理非常棒, highlighting that currently the metaverse is the equivalent of the internet in the 1990s, which demonstrates how much potential there is yet to come. 

马克·斯托克向我们讲述了在Covid大流行期间,非常组是如何解决问题的, where their online orders had very obviously shot through the roof, 但由于健康和安全法规的限制,他们很难拍摄足够的产品照片,以限制新冠病毒的传播. 

The group came up with an interesting solution which saw them use digitalisation of models, 谁会看到模特拍摄的衣服尺寸和他们自己的模特一模一样. 然后,数字软件将衣服添加到模特身上,这样几乎不可能看到模特没有为每件衣服拍照. 当然, 在这方面有一些有趣的道德规范,模特们同意以这种方式使用他们的形象.  

我们的主题演讲是由Andy Todman发表的, 宠物之家的工程总监,他讨论了这个行业是如何经历巨大的数字化转型的. 80% of their business is from the 450 bricks 和 mortar stores across the UK, 在线客户可以多次登录使用宠物之家提供的不同服务. 

Andy向我们讲述了他们是如何开发一个mach驱动的全渠道平台的, which joins up the digital eco-system for 客户 with multiple touchpoints. 

最后一个讨论“优化在线零售”的小组由商业云编辑Chris Maguire主持, 丽贝卡·沃斯利也澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了, 创始人 & CEO of 雨城机构, Deirdre McGettrick, 创始人 of ufurnish.和Shopit的创始人Adam Pritchard.

三位创始人齐聚一堂,分享了他们建立电子商务业务的经验和知识,以及如何优化在线体验, which includes knowing your 客户 和 target audience inside-out. 

Together they discussed how they ensure their own ecommerce experience, 或者是他们的客户, is completely optimised 和 targeted to their demographic. Deidre explained how 85% of  purchasing decisions are made by females, so their ecommerce experience is completely aimed at this target market. 

We like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended the conference, all of our speakers who kindly shared their own experiences, 见解和知识, 还有我们的赞助商, PushON, 高级商业和布朗伍德科技, for supporting our conference 和 our work with the ecommerce industry. 




Manchester Digital

