

Whether you're a seasoned veteran or an emerging player in the e-commerce landscape, creating a visually appealing online store is crucial for drawing in new customers. 然而,一个有效的网站不仅仅包含美学.

It's important to adhere to various best practices during your website's development. If you're eager to enhance your understanding of Shopify, we have some insights for you.

Relax and let us guide you through the best practices for setting up a successful Shopify store...


在开发在线商店时,性能应该是最重要的. 一个速度不快的网站, 用户友好的, 而且容易导航也不会有很好的效果, 哪些因素会阻碍你吸引新客户.

什么可能会减慢你的网站? 具有讽刺意味的是, 这些功能旨在改善用户体验, 比如应用程序, 分析, 图片, 和视频, 往往是表现不佳的罪魁祸首吗. 这些元素让你的站点超载会减慢它的速度, 对访问者与网站的互动产生负面影响.


Regularly monitoring Google's 核心网络生命 is an excellent strategy to assess the impact of these features on your store. 需要关注的三个基本指标是:

  • 最大含油量(LCP) - This measures the load time of the largest content elements, like 图片 and text blocks, on a page.
  • 累积布局移位(CLS) - 这将在页面加载时跟踪元素的稳定性.
  • 第一次输入延迟(FID) 它测量从用户交互到浏览器响应的时间.

你可以使用Google pagespeedinsights来检查这些指标. 只需在搜索栏中输入您的URL并按enter键.

Shopify网站上的核心Web vital

接下来, 累积布局移位(CLS) 在用户浏览时评估网站内容的稳定性. This metric accounts for any unexpected repositioning of page elements that might occur, 哪些会影响用户体验. 例如, 如果一个广告弹出并导致页面移动,就在您试图关闭它, 导致无意中点击广告, 这被认为是一个意想不到的转变. Such occurrences can adversely affect your CLS rating on Google’s 核心网络生命.

最后一个要监控的核心Web Vital是 与下一幅画的交互(INP).

Interesting update – INP took over from 第一个 Input Delay (FID) as a core metric in March 2024.

INP measures your webpage's responsiveness and how swiftly it reacts during ongoing interactions. 例如, it tracks the delay experienced when a user clicks through an image gallery or interacts with buttons that reveal additional content.

总之, while adding features can certainly enrich your website and enhance user experience, it's crucial to be mindful of the potential negative impacts these features can have on your site’s performance. 



Making your website 搜索引擎优化-friendly can bring substantial benefits and is certainly worth investing in. 通过优化你的产品描述, 网站布局, 元数据描述, 标题标签, 以及包含正确关键字的url, 你的商店可以在谷歌上获得更高的排名. 这提高了你的有机可见度,并有助于吸引新客户. 此外,制作引人注目的内容也是必不可少的. If you find it challenging to create engaging content that adds that extra flair to your website, 我们可以协助.

作为一个 位于十大网博靠谱平台的搜索引擎优化机构, we have extensive experience in creating dynamic content that not only highlights your products or services but also captivates your audience immediately and encourages interaction. If you're interested in learning more about our 搜索引擎优化 services, feel free to contact our team today.


Constructing a customised website offers significant benefits to your business. A website tailored to meet your customers' needs and preferences can significantly boost the likelihood of purchases and foster long-term loyalty. 从一开始就做到这一点会让你走上成功之路.

此外, a custom-built store positions you better to adapt to future growth and changes. 它允许您将其他功能合并到您的站点中, 比如防欺诈工具, 客户评论小部件, 支付网关, 提升客户体验. 



One of the most critical best practices for developing a Shopify store is focusing on outstanding UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface). 

UX involves how customers interact with your website, such as clicking and scrolling. 一个好的用户体验意味着用户可以毫不费力地浏览你的网站, 找到清晰的信息, 并且很容易得到他们问题的答案. 相反, a bad UX might be caused by long loading times or difficulty in finding necessary information.

UI complements UX by handling the visual and interactive aspects of your website, 比如按钮和搜索栏——基本上所有用户可以交互的东西. 因为用户界面显著影响用户体验, 确保你的网站导航是直观的是至关重要的. 如果导航令人困惑,或者交互元素的大小不合适, 顾客可能会离开你的商店.

Consider what your target audience needs and tailor your user experience and interface accordingly.



根据我们之前的讨论, adopting a mobile-first approach is essential for developing your Shopify store. 62%的英国人用智能手机购物, 电子商务企业利用这一趋势至关重要. Making sure your store functions well on mobile devices can attract and engage new users.


首先让你的网站响应. Enhancing how your site displays on both large and small screens can increase the duration of user visits. 例如, make sure that 图片 do not exceed the screen width and minimise unnecessary scrolling and resizing.

A mobile-optimised store that loads quickly and is easy to navigate can significantly boost your sales. 选择一个与你的品牌一致的设计,并吸引你的观众, 确保它既令人兴奋又符合你的品牌准则.

此外, 优化页面速度,小心不要添加太多功能, 哪个会减慢你的网站速度. 请参阅我们的“性能第一”部分了解更多细节.

Incorporate responsive design elements to ensure your website looks great on any device, 自动调整,以适应任何屏幕上观看.



A crucial best practice when developing your Shopify store is to ensure it's accessible to everyone. While this may sound straightforward, it involves several important considerations.

第一个, 你的网站必须能被所有人浏览, including those with disabilities that might hinder their browsing capabilities. Overlooking this can be shortsighted and might result in lost business opportunities. 例如, 如果网站上的文字对视障客户来说不够清晰, 他们将无法有效地参与到你的内容中. 

类似的, appropriate color contrast is essential so that consumers who are color-blind or have visual impairments can differentiate elements easily. 在开发阶段持续测试颜色和文本是至关重要的.

Additionally, if your website includes videos, think about users with visual and hearing impairments. 这些人可能无法完全理解或理解您的视频内容.

因此, 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台字幕可以帮助那些听力有障碍的人, and providing detailed video descriptions can aid screen readers for the visually impaired. These simple enhancements can significantly improve how these customers perceive and understand your offerings.

Lastly, it's important not to remove the keyboard focus style from page elements. This feature is crucial for users with visual or motor impairments who rely on keyboard navigation and visual cues to interact with your site. Ensuring clear and consistent access to these navigation aids can greatly enhance their browsing experience.


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