

这是 全球无障碍宣传日 本月初. So we thought we’d share some useful links to do with accessibility. This post includes links recently shared in our #可访问性 Slack channel.


The Home Office has created a brilliant 和 useful set of 可访问性的海报. They clearly set out considerations for a range of accessiblity needs. 它们涵盖了为用户设计:

  • 在自闭症谱系中
  • 屏幕阅读器
  • 视力低下
  • 有身体或运动障碍的
  • 谁是聋子或重听人
  • 患有难语症

海报可在此下载 英国英语 和 其他语言 GitHub上. If you’d like to see them all in one place, see this post on the Accessibility in 政府ernment blog, Dos 和 don’ts on designing for accessibility. You can read more context about them there too.

还有一个伟大的 poster about designing for users with dyscalculia or low numeracy. 它是由DWP和HMRC创建的. 它也可以在Github上找到. There’s also some interesting information about the research behind it too.


访问数据 is a website about presenting numbers 和 data clearly. It’s a companion to the DWP 和 HMRC poster. It has lots of useful information 和 guidance on things like:

Upcoming accessibility features from Apple

An Apple press release from 本月初 includes details about upcoming accessibility features. 它的标题是 Apple introduces new features for cognitive accessibility, 现场演讲, 个人的声音, 和点和说在放大镜.

These efforts are around making iPhone 和 iPad core apps more accessible. They’ll be rolling out high-contrast buttons 和 large text labels. There’s also a feature that will let people type messages to be spoken out loud on calls. And the Magnifier app will soon allow users to point a finger at real-world buttons 和 have their device detect 和 speak button labels.

Researching with blind 和 low vision users

Here’s a detailed blog post from Essex County Council’s Service Transformation blog. 这是标题 测试埃塞克斯.政府与盲人和低视力用户. Accessibility has been a consideration behind the choice to move essex.政府.从Contentful到 LocalGov Drupal.

有趣的是, the post isn’t just about how to make 政府ernment websites more accessible to blind 和 low vision users. It has some excellent insights about making research sessions accessible too. 例如:

“Some participants were very experienced with assistive technology 和 had experience testing websites. In that case we run the risk of using people who’ve essentially become professional testers or as 戴夫·特拉维斯说:“设计评论家’. While expert users provided useful feedback, those with lower confidence provided different 和 equally valuable feedback.”


快速小巧的可访问性 is a site with brief accessibility tips shared in 150 words or fewer. 例如,这里有一些建议:


十大网博靠谱平台所有文本的主题,W3C有一个 useful decision tree for writing alt text in different contexts. It’s short, 和 doesn’t cover all use cases. But it does cover many of the use cases people in public sector technology are likely to come across.

Disability-inclusive design in the built environment

This link steps out of the digital, into the physical realm. This is a transcript of a recent talk, titled Inclusive Spaces: Disability-Inclusive Design for Climate Resilient Cities. 许多人都发了言. It’s quite long, but this quote from Anna L和re gives an interesting slice of the subject:

“Additionally, it’s important to think intersectionally. Maybe the wheelchair user or deaf person that you’re designing for is also a parent with small children 和 that introduces different needs in the event of a disaster or in whatever you’re using a built environment for. And another really important point is to resist ableist assumptions about who is assistable or saveable in a crisis. Dr Watts Belser has talked a lot about how too often there are these thoughts that well not everybody’s going to make it in the event of a disaster 和 so we don’t have to design for every need in mind 和 this turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy…”

It’s a great read for any organisations that, 像我们这样的, are thinking about how we can improve or change our office spaces to make them as accessible 和 inclusive as possible.


If there are any accessibility pages or sites you’ve found especially useful, 请通过社交媒体让我们知道. 我们在:

报名参加我们的 洞察时事通讯 来听听Made Tech团队的更多信息.

