
How tech companies can best prepare for the 适龄设计守则


作者:Tony Allen ACCS, the independent third party certification scheme for providers of age-restricted goods, 内容和服务.

随着滥用网络数据的故事在当下盛行, t在这里’s no doubt in anyone’s mind how necessary it was to introduce the 适龄设计守则 (AADC) last year. 对于那些不确定的人, AADC是一份法定的业务守则, 由资讯专员公署拟备, 旨在解决在线处理儿童个人数据的问题. 

该守则确保儿童在使用游戏时的数据得到保护, 应用程序, 联网玩具和程序以及搜索引擎, social media platforms and websites offering goods or services over the internet. 在推出之前, nothing was stopping organisations from storing children’s data and using it to shape content they would be more likely to be influenced by and engage with.

AADC于2月2日生效nd 2020年9月,并有12个月的过渡阶段, 这意味着它所适用的组织必须符合2nd 2021年9月——仅仅六个月之后! 如果您对这些变化是否适用于您的业务感到困惑, the ICO has stated that if anyone under the age of 18 is likely to access your online products or services, 你必须重新审视你的政策.


作为社会上最脆弱的群体之一, it’s important that children are protected against any potential persuasive or damaging content. 我们知道很多家长都很担心孩子上网的问题. 回应这, we recently commissioned some research and found 56% of parents with children under the age of 16 are concerned that tech companies have access to too much of their children’s personal data. 此外, 56%的家长担心孩子上网的时间过多, 冠状病毒大流行加剧了这一统计数据, with 72% admitting that recent lockdowns have led to a surge in their child’s screen time.

It can be daunting to know w在这里 to start in making sure your organisation complies with the AADC. 由15个标准组成, those with developed privacy programmes such as data minimisation and restrictions on data sharing will be familiar with some of the points included. 然而, it is worth studying each one as t在这里 are some significant changes included which will change the way many companies can store data and the content they can use. 来帮助你, we’ve pulled together some of our top tips to help you best prepare for when the Code comes into force.

 A good place to start is to determine your audience and the steps you have in place to identify/protect children should they visit your site. 如果你不希望你的网站被儿童访问, you should make sure you have elements such as neutral age-screens and cookies that show the demographic of the person visiting your site, 包括年龄. 对于高危活动, it can be worth hiring a third-party age verification service to check ages/collect ID solely for age verification purposes. 可以找到我们独立认证的系统注册表

 Moving forward, child-friendly privacy disclosures should be worked into websites. 经常, it can be confusing for a child to understand a privacy policy so it can be good to ask yourself, 如果你是个孩子, 你了解你的隐私政策吗? 考虑包括图表, 卡通和引人注目的图形, 以及简短的解释, 帮助年轻用户了解他们同意的内容. You can even include messaging asking children to read through the policy with their parents before agreeing to it, 为了增加额外的保证.

 Another simple way to comply with the Code is to make sure all optional data collection/sharing settings are switched off by default for all under-18 users in the UK. This includes any extra analytics and personalisation features that cannot be classed as part of your organisation’s core service. To find out if a user is under 18, ask them to input their date of birth upon entering the site.

The Code requires all companies to document their compliance through a 数据保护影响评估(DPIA). 你可以找到一个样品 DPIA模板在线 作为守则的一部分. A key requirement for an effective DPIA is to make sure you are consulting with parents and children to get their feedback on how they use your services and whether they fully understand the privacy policy you have in place. This can help you shape what needs to be done to improve your current policy and it is encouraged you host regular feedback sessions as you add more features to your website to make sure they are as compliant as possible.

 如果你认为你会从专业帮助中受益, we are now taking initial enquiries for certification of ad在这里nce to the Code. This should be a quick and easy process and can provide added reassurance that you are doing everything you can to be compliant under the new rules.

Whilst the Code presents a number of new challenges for organisations to overcome, now is the best time to make sure you fully understand the changes that will need to be made and how to make them so you are ready for 2nd 2021年9月. It can be daunting to begin with; however, complying with these rules and regulations will become even more imperative as we move towards a safer society that prioritises the protection of children online. 

欲知详情,请浏览网页 ageappropriatedesign.accscheme.com 或联系 mark.cooley@accscheme.com

