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At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Warren Lunt, Co-Founder at Circular Benefits.

Hello, please can you begin by telling us who you are, your role and your background.

我叫沃伦·伦特,我是循环福利公司的联合创始人这是一个令人兴奋的员工福利平台. I’m also a mentor to founders of other exciting ventures.

Straight out of university, many moons ago, 我自己创业,建立了一个高尔夫预订平台,将1000个高尔夫球场预订系统与各大旅游公司连接起来. 在此之前,我花了12年多的时间指导和咨询初创企业的创始人和更成熟的公司的领导团队,以建立和扩大他们令人兴奋的机会.

Throughout these years and with various entities, I’ve supported businesses across a number of needs ranging from strategic, product and brand consultancy to raising investment/funding and operational efficiency. 

I’m passionate about all aspects of business, ultimately establishing an exciting vision and working with great people to make it a reality.

You have told us you've been through funding before, what are the main challenges you faced in securing funding and how did you overcome them?

所有阶段的融资都不容易,我有很多建议给正在融资的创业者. That said, based on my own experiences, I can share my learnings when it comes to funding an early-stage business.

与其在早期花太多时间追逐投资,我更愿意提前做好基础和证据准备. Investment brings with it further accountabilities, so I want to be in a position where I’m happy and confident to take them on. 

Every business is different, but before I’d expect an investor to put money into mine, 我想让自己放心,投资的目的是最大化这些基础,加速增长,而不是简单地“让梦想活着”,这听起来很明显,但很容易落入陷阱,并存在于一种虚假的安全感中.

我知道,如果我过早地筹集资金,我就会面临失败,所以我希望有信心,在不久的将来,我不需要带着有限的动力“毕恭毕敬”地回到投资者面前, there’s no worse feeling than this. 

As part of building great foundations, I want to be sure I’m crystal clear on what value we bring to which audience/s. Audiences aren’t limited to our customers they extend to our suppliers, partners, employees, investors and so on. 

Paramount to success, in business generally but also in raising investment, 是确保我能有效地传达价值和市场机会,让每个人都对参与这一旅程感到兴奋,并清楚地知道他们可以在哪里增加价值.

Can you tell us more about Circular Benefits and what inspired you to start the company? 

Circular Benefits is an employee benefit platform (SaaS). 每个企业都应该能够为员工提供福利,无论大小.

Richard Rankin, 我是一个10多年的朋友,也是循环福利公司的联合创始人,在员工福利公司工作了25年,他对这个令人兴奋的领域的一切都了如指掌. 在建立并退出了之前的员工福利业务后,理查兹的热情是创造一些更具包容性的东西. 


Ultimately, 我们的使命是让员工福利更容易获得,更容易实施,适用于各种规模的企业,而不仅仅是大型企业. 

The struggle to adequately serve SMEs, as well as the larger enterprises, stems from various factors, including:

  • The high costs to implement and maintain traditional benefit platforms.
  • Limited customisation options to address the diverse needs of smaller organisations.
  • A lack of dedicated support during the onboarding and implementation stages.

应对这些挑战是确保中小企业能够有效利用员工福利平台的必要条件, enabling them to:

  • Enhance their competitive advantage.
  • Attract and retain top talent.
  • Foster employee well-being and satisfaction.

Ultimately contributing to their long-term success and growth.

In a short period of time, 循环效益已经建立并推出了一个了不起的产品,解决了许多行业的挑战,我们现在开始看到越来越多的客户对它感兴趣, suppliers, distribution partners and investors which is very humbling.

What is your organisation working towards at the moment? 


我们已经吸引了几家重要的分销合作伙伴,从PLC业务到全国特许经营,我们的产品可以为他们的客户带来显著的附加值. We are in the process of agreeing terms and integrating sales and account management processes.

到目前为止,我们是自筹资金的,但已经在与感兴趣的投资者进行谈判,并欢迎与其他投资者进行讨论. 随着我们的业务开始在这个令人兴奋的领域加速发展,找到合适的支持对我们来说非常重要.


What excites you the most about joining the Manchester Digital community?

Well, we love Manchester and we love Digital so that’s an easy one!!

On a more serious note, 我们喜欢和任何一个热爱商业的人建立联系,像我们一样经历商业的高潮和低谷. 我们很乐意分享我们的经验,并向他人学习,希望在此过程中我们能为社区增添一些价值.



Thank you for having us!!

You can connect with and say hello to Warren here.

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