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At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Matt Williams, Senior Software Engineer at Equal Care, Co-op, based in Greater Manchester.

What does your organisation do?

Equal Care exists to give power to the people in social care that have far too little; the people who are giving and receiving care and support. 我们已经证明,更好地控制我们的照顾关系会让我们更快乐, healthier people with better care outcomes. 我们的平台发挥了巨大的作用,为人们提供了他们需要的工具,让他们掌握自己的新能力. 我们现在要做的就是想办法把这种模式推广到世界其他地方。


目前,卫生和社会保健正在经历一场迟来已久的数字革命. We all have a right to our own health data, 但通常如果/当我们看到这些信息时,它是过时的, contradictory or flat-out wrong. 出现这种情况并不奇怪:卫生保健系统是碎片化的,因此卫生服务部门之间的信息交换有限,这导致患者记录不一致. 然而,改善这种状况的唯一方法是开始共享和整合. It’s going to be a long journey to get there, 但良好的数字记录将使我们的健康和社会保健专业人员能够做出最好的判断, based on plenty of evidence.



Equal Care is an extraordinary place to work. There are dozens of stories 人们的生活被改变了,因为 the way we work. We have an exceptional quarterly turnover rate of 3.4% (compared to an industry standard of 36%). Our tech platform is founded on the needs of our co-ops members and enables over 2500 hours of outstanding care per month; it’s all designed, built and maintained by one person. 我们的工作不仅限于建立关怀和支持关系:我们正在推动整个行业的系统性变革. In September last year, we published a report 确定了卡尔德代尔的人们在护理关系的双方都经历过的一些问题. 报告如此有效地提出了这些问题,以至于让我们(错误地) labelled a “watchdog”.



It’s core to our mission that the power concerning care decisions should reside with the people who understand those needs the best; the people giving and receiving care and support. 我们的增长计划需要扩大这一结构,确保我们的护理质量保持卓越. This is no mean feat, to put it lightly! 我们将依靠这个平台来完成许多繁重的工作:处理各种任务,否则这些任务将由多层管理来完成. However, 对我们来说至关重要的是,这个平台可以可靠地执行这些任务,这样我们各种各样的团队都可以参与进来.



数字和科技在十大网博靠谱平台是一个非常强大的行业,我只能看到它从这里开始扩张. For me, it’s a no-brainer over London (or any other large city region); the quality of life is much greater, 与生活费用相比,工资是很高的, 那里的人更友好,去任何地方都不用花45分钟.

我很乐意看到更多科技界与其他领域合作的场合. 我的经验告诉我,技术本身是无用的. 我们都需要一个目标去实现,但我们的聚会和活动很少反映出这一点. It’s time to branch out a bit!


We’re often called pioneers of the “platform cooperative” movement. 这是大型科技公司的一个很好的替代方案,技术解决方案由需要它们的社区拥有和控制.

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