

澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们最新版的MD文化俱乐部是数字化的, BAE系统数字情报公司的网络和情报专家. 

We spoke to three members of their team to find out exactly what it's like to work there. 

Vicky Newhouse,未来人才经理

Can you tell us a little bit about the company, before describing the culture at the organisation?

BAE Systems Digital Intelligence is home to 4,800 digital, cyber and intelligence experts. 我们与16个国家合作收集, 连接和理解复杂的数据, 所以政府, 国家, armed forces and commercial businesses can unlock digital advantage in the most demanding environments. 2022年发射, 数字情报是BAE系统公司的一部分, and has a rich heritage in helping to defend nations and businesses around the world from advanced threats.

我们所做的一切都是为了创造一个更安全的未来. 在网络和数字威胁的新时代, 我们的人民对保护互联世界有着共同的愿景. We are obsessed about solving problems for our clients; we bring together great minds that make a difference on a daily basis.

How does the company go above and beyond to attract and retain tech talent?

人是BAE系统公司的核心. 我们信任他们. 我们尊重他们. We’ve built a place that supports the ever changing needs of our multi-cultural, 多样化的, 全球员工总数. 我们的员工承担起改变世界的个人责任. They have a shared vision to take on and solve complex client problems. Whatever their job title, they take pride in doing something worthwhile.

We need to attract our future workforce and we are doing that by investing in our Early Careers and Returner programmes and other diversity initiatives. 我们希望人们在自己的角色中感到快乐 & workplace and that why we have adopted hybrid working and have flexible policies to support the needs of our employees.


As an organisation we always want to ensure we are operating in the best possible way to deliver for our clients and keep up with the pace in the market. We continue to see a positive market environment and we expect sustained demand for our capabilities across our portfolio. 我们预计2022年和2023年将出现显著增长.

Jasmine Dhaliwal, NSAC软件工程师


I work at BAE Systems as a NSAC (National Security Academy) Software Engineer. The first four months of my time at BAE comprised of technical training followed on by deployment onto a project. 我在一个React应用程序的小团队中工作, but also remain connected to the rest of my peers in my department through regular meetings and activities.

What was it about the organisation that attracted you to the role?

我的职业目标一直是软件工程. BAE系统公司的卓越声誉, combined with the fantastic opportunity to develop my coding skills while making the world a safer place, 这个角色吸引了我. The opportunities to network and develop your skills at BAE Systems are endless and a particular highlight has been the opportunity to partake in a week long AWS training course.


The onboarding experience has been dynamic and I have been exposed to a wide range of technologies and systems in a short space of time. The training period was fun and a fantastic chance to network with others who have similar interests and goals. Within three months of finishing my training I was working on my first project and I have felt very much supported from day one. Doing onboarding virtually was a new experience for everyone but the onboarding team made it lively through online social activities helping us stay connected to the training and each other. 这些机会在培训期结束后继续存在, 比如今年晚些时候的团队建设之旅.

Clare Cornforth, Engineering Lead, National Security – UK Law Enforcement & 软件工程主管


I currently perform two roles in the company: Lead Engineer and Architect for our UK Law Enforcement account, as well as the head of the Software Engineering Profession for Applied Intelligence. I see myself as ‘account technical support’ and cover a range of activities from assuring engineering work on projects, 设计新系统, 直接指导工程师,培养他们的技能. 软件工程专业, 我代表~1,000 strong workforce and make sure any decisions and initiatives take into account their needs, 同时也让他们的日常工作更轻松.

你已经在这家公司工作好几年了, 你能告诉我是什么原因让你在这家公司呆了这么久吗?

I would say the people, coupled with the autonomy we have over our careers. 我们有非常有才华的员工,我喜欢和他们一起工作, and who care deeply about delivering good solutions for our clients. I also value our lack of hierarchy and the trust instilled in our employees. 这 really gave me the freedom to shape and drive my career forward, 一路上得到的只有支持和鼓励.


We cover a wide range of technologies, industries and project types. Make the most of this by moving around and building skills in a wide range of areas to form a solid foundation of technical skills and project experience. You’ll be surprised how much you pick up from random project roles, and will find yourself using those experiences when making technical decisions years later. 这, 加上对提供高质量工作的真正热情, 会让你成为一名伟大的软件工程师吗.

To find out more about careers at BAE Systems Digital Intelligence, 点击这里.

If you’re a member and would like to take part in a future edition of our Culture Club series, 请联系 thom@ycdwkj666.com.

