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Building company culture in the age of remote working - AND Digital


来自and Digital的David Avis(小队领导)和Vicki Fox(人员领导)与我们分享了他们如何开发创造性的入职流程,并帮助他们的团队在在家工作时蓬勃发展. 

For many of us in the digital sector, the step to remote working was easy. Tech Savvy employees who are used to collaboration tools just got on with it. We rightly patted ourselves on the back, and why not? We moved whole companies to remote models, we kept our people safe and in many cases productivity actually went up. Totally unexpected but we’ll take it!

So what’s the problem? 我们现在已经在同一个空间生活和工作了将近一年,随之而来的是一个全新的挑战世界- Zoom疲劳, staying motivated, balancing your work day and downtime, and, for some, the teeny, tiny task of becoming full-time nursery assistants and teachers. 

We’ve all been running a very strange marathon for almost a year, 生活方式的重大改变给全国的家庭和工薪阶层带来了损失. After such a lengthy lockdown, is there anything else we can do to keep ourselves and our teams healthy, happy and in touch with each other. 在AND,我们必须重塑我们最成功的两个领域——入职培训和俱乐部社区文化. Oh, how we do love a challenge.

Making the Warmest of Welcomes

We all know what it’s like to start a new role, and when that role starts in the middle of a pandemic, 重要的是要确保你的新员工尽快感觉到自己是团队的一员. Luckily, here at AND, 我们有一个良好的基础,从我们现有的三周获奖和训练营. 我们的入职团队卷起了他们的创意袖子,迅速重建了and的入职流程,以便远程工作.

我们希望我们的新ANDis甚至在他们走进(虚拟)门之前就感到受欢迎. After all, first impressions are important. To set the tone for culture and values, our team worked hard to create new content, specifically tailored to a remote Onboarding environment.

入职培训大约在员工入职前4周开始,从那时开始, every week our new starters receive countdown communications from us, 这有助于让他们真正体会到他们即将进入的文化.

Using our internally built pre-Onboarding tool, 我们鼓励我们的新初学者创建一个配置文件,并完成一些澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台前的任务. We pair them up through the tool with a buddy, so that they can get to know their colleagues before they start. They can also see profiles of other new starters, who they’ll be sharing their bootcamp experience with. 

我们的工具也是训练营时间表的中心点,包括常见问题解答,以帮助他们获得尽可能多的信息. All of this is aimed at establishing early connections, building a community, and overall better preparing our new ANDis ahead of their Onboarding journey. Starting a new job is always an emotional time, especially remotely. 这些小改动消除了不确定性,让你有更多的空间专注于未来令人兴奋的旅程.

Since April 2020, we’ve onboarded 197 ANDis through a fully remote Onboarding experience, with another 37 joining on 1st March. The feedback is clear, 100%的人说这是他们经历过的最好的或者比其他入职经历更好的. 我们很高兴在2020年底的《十大网博靠谱平台》内部招聘奖中获得“年度入职战略”类铜奖!

From Functioning to Flourishing
What about the rest of the ANDis life in the Club? How does a culture that includes weekly and monthly social activities, wellbeing drives, free beer and bring your dog to work continue at home? (thankfully the dog part was easy).

We got together and made a plan:

● Team socials would normally be focused on games, food, and laughing. Rather than the Friday drink and catch up in the Clubhouse, 我们开了一个Zoom上门电话,让每个人都带杯饮料,聊聊周末看的是哪部连环杀手纪录片.


●我们创建了“AND Connect”,每个月每个人都会收到另一个ANDi的名字,以便在社交活动中预订.

● We have drop-in breakfasts and lunch calls, a ‘Chat’ thread for sharing memes, weekly comms round-ups by email, random info, or a nice pic of a walk.

●我们的俱乐部高管给每个人都发了手写的感谢信,感谢他们的个人贡献,这就像风暴一样受到了欢迎——看来人们喜欢真诚和个性化的感谢信,而且几乎不花什么钱, besides aching wrists from writing 92 cards…)

● Our Club Days proved quite the challenge. Usually, 这是一个以活动为基础的一天,在地球上最伟大的城市里跑来跑去,玩寻宝游戏或密室逃生,然后吃点东西喝点饮料. 所以我们给人们提供了在线鸡尾酒制作或披萨制作课程的选择, or a voucher to spend on themselves.

●我们邀请了几位精神健康冠军参加精神健康急救培训,为他们提供帮助那些可能正在挣扎的人的工具. 我们使用我们的信息服务与人们进行“心理健康检查”,并询问他们的情况. We launched a ‘Wellness Action Plan’ which people could use to capture
how they are doing and what support they need from us.

●我们最近还发起了“在家办公——7点承诺”,要求人们考虑会议的时长和时间, taking breaks, walking their commute time, and a reminder some people are currently part-time teachers too.

●我们还将在4月份推出“混合工作模式”,这将允许我们的员工决定何时在客户办公室工作, 在俱乐部工作或在家工作(我们还为他们所有人支付了设立“办公室”空间的费用). 有了它,我们需要更少的办公空间,希望拥有更快乐、更平衡的工作环境.

And this brings us to March 2021...

Children will be back in school soon, which will help many. Boris has told us to hold tight until June and with this, we again need to find new ways to keep our people happy, well, and engaged. Some people can’t wait to get back to the office, at least some of the time. 有些员工对回到办公室感到担心也是很自然的, 所以我们的下一步是确保他们对重返办公室感到放心, will be safe, keeping them informed every step of the way.

As the definition of what work might be changed again, we’re again dedicating time and thought to topics like; how do we keep the culture going? How do we keep people well?

How do we keep people motivated?

We don’t have all the answers but who does? This is a novel situation for everyone. We know if we keep making contact with our people, truly listening, 并寻找新的方式向他们展示我们的关心,我们可以保持高度的文化和参与度.

Most importantly, start planning for the return of after-work drinks, lunchtime catch-ups, coffee at our desk, beer gardens, and giving everyone you love a big hug.

To find out more about AND Digital click here.

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