
Business Development Director Jonathan is working on projects that epitomise the potential of Zühlke, 利用我们所有的能力. 致力于可持续能源, he’s shaping the future of the business by building our capability and reputation in this future-focused industry.




你在z hlke做什么?

I work in business development and I joined Zühlke in our London office in October 2020 with a larger group of people specialising in data-led transformation in large organisations. I’ve come on board to take that capability and focus on the energy and utilities sector, and the question of sustainability – particularly the decarbonisation of the energy system.


当我澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台时,我正在寻找一个非常有能力的工程组织. 对我来说, one of the things that I was excited by was that Zühlke’s got a capability around mechanical and electrical engineering. That’s really important because changing the energy system is a transformation not just of the digital systems, 但也适用于世界上的物理系统. 拥有跨越这两个极端的能力是很重要的.


Countries around the world are trying to decarbonise and that means big changes are taking place. It’s not just sticking wind turbines up, it’s a fundamental redesign of energy systems. The current landscape has energy generated centrally and distributed outwards. 新系统将会非常不同. It has energy generated, traded and consumed in the local communities where it’s needed. That means you need to help businesses with old models change and become part of the new world. Our involvement is around helping government and existing energy organisations make that shift and also helping new entrants come into the market, 创新并成为这个重新设计的系统的一部分. As it localises you get ‘pro-sumers’ who both produce and consume energy and that needs to be taken into account in the infrastructure too.


The UK government has put data on the forefront of its critical path for energy transformation and decarbonisation. 这意味着利益相关者正在使他们的数据可见和可共享. But existing systems weren’t built for data to be extracted in a standardised way. So we’re involved in initiatives to pull this data across the industry together and make it usable. We’re demonstrating the art of the possible – the innovative things you can do with data that accelerate the decarbonisation of the energy system.

已知R&D从政府获得资金, and the project we’re working on focuses on one aspect of this decarbonisation journey – the transition from the sale of all petrol and diesel vehicles to electric by 2030. If that’s going to happen the infrastructure needs to be in place and our project is about using data to accelerate the rollout. It’s not just about the charge points – you also need to have localised battery storage and generation capacity. 你需要加强当地的网格,以跟上过渡. 进入政策议程, 部署速度需要提高6倍, and our concept is to simplify complexities and help the many different organisations involved to collaborate more easily and effectively.


我们的项目将三个主要群体联系在一起:投资者, 电力公司, 以及当地政府. We’re helping them to share data so investors can know where infrastructure actually needs to be built, 电力公司的成本也更低. 我们用更好、更可靠的信息加快了速度. 当这一切都完成后,它是一个非常简单的应用程序, 我们刚刚完成了把它们连接在一起的艰巨任务. And it involves a cross-functional team of experts in delivery management, 业务分析, 用户研究, 数据科学与工程, 软件工程师和架构师.

z hlke公司的文化是如何支持这样一个项目的?

我认为这是一种普遍的文化现象, 每个人都对做大规模的事情感兴趣和兴奋. It’s a character of person who isn’t just interested in doing ordinary things. 他们的动机是做有意义的事情. So what you find is that even if people haven’t worked in an area before, 他们可能在挖洞或者在里面玩耍. So, it was very easy to form a team of people who were interested and up to speed in this area.

在政府R之上&D funding, one of the big energy giants has provided people to help our project achieve more. zhlke也进行了投资, 这表明了对未来的巨大承诺, 以确保更多有趣的工程工作, 设计和业务挑战, 人们关心自己的话题.

People can also see the potential of where this could go and how their skill set applies. 这种情况不仅发生在英国. 我们也得到了国际业务的合作. 这几乎很奇怪. Zühlke was founded in the 60s with this electrical and mechanical engineering capability so it was designed from the get-go to be the right organisation to do this. 电力行业的人知道我们有这个能力.


This is a problem at a national and global scale, and we are working with people who recognise this. 你不会有太多的登月计划, 在我退休后很长一段时间,这将对社会产生持久的好处. 能够回顾自己的工作生涯是一个梦想, 看到你所产生的影响,然后说“是的”, 我也参与其中。”.

你不能做有意义的事情, without looking back to thank the people who have contributed over the years. 真是太棒了,居然是z克的电话响了, when a customer has a problem of scale or strategic importance that needs solving. 人们只相信我们能解决这一代人最大的需求, 因为我们自己就站在这些巨人的肩膀上, who have built Zühlke’s reputation for trust and capability over the years.

受鼓舞澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们的团队? 在z hlke寻找职业机会.

