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From fashion to tech: Lynne Johnson's flexible path into tech, leadership and beyond

‘One of the things that I love to do is inspire others’, says Lynne Johnson, Senior Head Competence Unit and Career Coach at Zühlke.

In a long, 多样而有成就的职业生涯——包括模特, follies dancing, being a hotelier, fashion design, entrepreneurship, programming, 敏捷项目管理和现在的指导——激励他人——也许在当今是很自然的事情.

Driven by values

Lynne holds Zühlke’s values such as integrity, honesty, transparency, fairness and trust close to her heart. 她从不回避实现自己的梦想,无论需要多大的改变.

“我们在z hlke工作的所有方面都是迭代和增量的. 如果我们犯了错误,我们会承认,从中吸取教训,转向,做一些不同的事情.’

Her own journey began in the Seattle suburb of Burien, 帮助她的父亲(波音公司的电子技术员)完成他的国内焊接项目. 但给十几岁的琳恩留下最深印象的是他的一位同事:“她很高, dark, unbelievably beautiful—and a computer programmer. I wanted to be her. 很快,我升入了七年级的高级代数课程,并开始在一台大型IBM计算机上运行代数问题. 这是最酷的事情——成为一名程序员很快成为我的梦想.’

The model programmer

然而,当她自己变得又高又黑又漂亮时,琳恩被说服去了模特学校. After missing out on an opportunity to work in Paris, 她自己冒险买了一张去伦敦的单程票. With just a few hundred pounds in her pocket, 幸运的是,她的两个电话号码——模特经纪公司和卧铺——都能用.

经过十多年成功的时装模特生涯——其中还包括在格雷格·汤普森的“音乐厅杂耍”中担任两年舞者——她创办了自己的时装公司, called ‘Panic’.

Lynne and her actor husband, Richard Johnson (’Look him up’, she says proudly, ‘he was the first person asked to be James Bond. Sean Connery was the eighth.’), then took over the Savernack Forest Hotel in Wiltshire, 将其改造成英国第一家环保酒店.

‘It was a crazy few years. 但最终,理查德开始大量工作,所以我们卖掉了酒店,搬回了伦敦. 这是其中一个关键时刻,当一个传单落在我的手中,宣传在大学的Windows课程. 我坚持了下来,最后上了大学,追随我最初的梦想,成为一名程序员.’

Caring about people

“大学毕业后,我在几家公司做过程序员. 查令十字医院是一个特别棒的工作场所. 与护士和其他护理人员一起工作真的很愉快,也很鼓舞人心.

During her time at the hospital, 她还帮助创建了“It ' s a Green Green World”,这是一个在线旅游门户网站,旨在将具有生态意识的环球旅行者与可持续发展的目的地联系起来, services and accommodation.


最终,Lynne以敏捷项目经理的身份进入了z hlke - first, then as a Senior Project Manager, and finally joining the management team in early 2016. 那年春天,她开始了自己的人生和领导力教练之旅.

Career coach - Looking bravely forward

“我最初澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台z hlke是因为它积极拒绝瀑布项目——这在九年前是闻所未闻的. When I first thought about it, it was really brave, but when you start working here, you realise it was just the right thing to do.’

‘My job as a career coach has three aspects. First, 我是部门经理,负责管理一个多学科的工程师团队, data scientists, designers, project managers and more. Second, I look after staffing, 确保有相关技能和抱负的人被安排到正确的客户项目中,并得到充分的支持. 最后,我是一名招聘经理,为z hlke UK招聘多学科人才.’

最关键的是(部分是受到近年来在家工作文化的推动),她角色的第四个重要维度出现了:“我也热衷于建立培训项目——z hlke是一家投资于人的公司。. 去年,我们的规模几乎翻了一番,但每个人都在上网,而不是在办公室. Nobody is passing one another in the corridors and, if we’re not careful, we’ll lose the cultural aspect of the company. 因此,我们创建了一个z hlke入职培训项目,以便尽早建立文化联系. 我们还为所有级别的员工提供培训和大师班.’

‘I’m kind of living my life’s purpose as a career coach. I like people to be brave. 我喜欢鼓励他们在他们想做的事情上尽可能做到最好. 我指导他们找出生活中不可或缺的秘诀.’

“最终,作为教练,我们在这里是为了帮助别人提升自己. 这是十大网博靠谱平台提出正确的问题,并真正倾听答案——找到真正驱动一个人的东西. The possibilities are endless—I love it here. Zühlke is my resting place.’

Lynne Johnson
Senior Head Competence Unit

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