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A work environment for improved mental wellbeing

A work environment for improved mental wellbeing


Why we should talk about mental health in the workplace

At any given time, 在英国,每6个工作年龄的成年人中就有1人患有可诊断的精神疾病(抑郁症), anxiety, etc.), 另外六分之一的人有不符合诊断标准的症状(睡眠问题), fatigue, etc.) government statistics show. 根据该报告,心理健康问题对经济造成的损失(1050亿英镑)与英国国民健康服务体系的全部预算相当 BrodwayHouse Chambers.

These are pre-Covid statistics. Under Covid-19, 有些人可能是第一次出现精神疾病,或者现有的问题可能会恶化 British Medical Association.

We care for our employees

While this is concerning, 我们在工作场所优先考虑心理健康的主要动力与我们的价值观有关:在Zuhlke, we truly value our people and care for their wellbeing. We’re not primarily looking to fight mental health illnesses; we strive to establish mental health and wellbeing as a default by cultivating a workplace where everyone feels included and can thrive.

To achieve this, we consider it key to emphasise psychological safety in the workspace. 心理安全指的是团队成员所持有的一种共同信念,即团队将公开欢迎一个人的意见,而不是拒绝一个人的意见. As a part of cultivating psychological safety, Zuhlke鼓励每个人交流并追求自己的想法, and more importantly, they’re okay to fail. 我们积极维护一种不责备的文化,在这种文化中,人们可以安全地尝试事物,并将失败作为他们学习旅程的一部分,或者在发现新的创新想法时.

另一个提高工作-生活幸福感的关键因素是在工作中“追求意义和方向”. Therefore, we support our people’s growth 通过了解他们的目标,将我们每年营业额的10%用于他们的专业发展. 我们的直线经理扮演职业教练的角色,帮助团队成员规划个人旅程和里程碑. They help identify tailored learning, knowledge exchange or mentorship programs that support their learning, 达到一个里程碑意味着他们的团队成员离目标又近了一步.

我们还认为,营造健康工作环境的首要和核心是 transparency. 这为人们提供了洞察力(建立信任和稳定)和贡献的机会. 这些平台不是火箭科学:除了电子邮件更新和群聊, 我们每月举行一次市政厅会议,公开讨论我们的业务, projects, sales pipeline and innovations within the business. Of course, 每个团队都有进一步的会议——既有专业会议,也有社交会议——他们在会上分享最新进展,并相互联系.

Hand in hand with transparency goes an open dialogue – another integral part of our culture. 我们将心理健康作为日常工作和会议的一部分, but also in the form of educational workshops. This has helped raise awareness, 减少耻辱感,让人们有信心和词汇来谈论挑战——心理健康问题, or helpful exchanging on wellbeing practices.

Lastly, a strong social network plays a vital role in people’s mental health. Our colleague Szymon Debsky, Senior Data Scientist, has shared his views 在这方面,以及在工作场所强大的社会关系的影响.

Making mental health a priority

We don’t claim to have the perfect solution for mental health in the workplace; however, we have invested in initiatives to support our people:

除了与我们的健康福利提供者合作,扩大我们的心理健康相关服务, we engaged a mental health trainer to deliver a workshop 对于我们的同事来说,这是培养意识的第一步,并为彼此提供基本的支持.

We have also trained two cohorts of certified Mental Health First Aiders in collaboration with MHFA England, 在为期两天的紧张课程中,参与者可以更深入地了解心理健康状况和急救技术.

Mental health considerations have also invaded our daily planning and decision-making processes. 我们的领导团队将团队的福祉作为制定职业目标的关键优先事项, as well as in planning their daily work and projects. Principle Agile PM Caz has recently published a blogpost about her Mental Team Health Indexing 实践——阅读更多内容,了解如何开始衡量团队的幸福感.

Don’t consider mental health 'done'

心理健康需要是一个持续的对话,对于我们作为一个组织来说也是如此, 我们提供一个强调心理健康的工作环境是很关键的.

Further to raising awareness and making support available, 我们将继续加强我们的文化要素,强调更快乐的工作和生活. According to MHFA England, such factors include meaningful responsibilities and the possibility to try out new things. Furthermore, it includes ‘acceptance’, ‘relating’ and ‘giving,强调健康的人际网络以及团队内部和团队之间的紧密联系的重要性.

We’ve also been pleased to witness our people’s self-initiative. 一些同事在与整个团队分享他们十大网博靠谱平台心理健康的知识和建议方面做得非常好. 我们就"危机中的幸福"和"适应时期的心理健康"进行了一系列的讨论, 我们的新认证的心理健康急救员和其他充满激情的团队成员正在介绍更多的讲座和健康通讯.

After all, it’s a combination of intentional education and support initiatives, as well as healthy practices in our daily work, that shape our approach to mental health. And we keep learning as we progress on this journey.

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