

作者: 罗伊·雷诺兹VCG首席信息官

Recent years have seen monumental challenges for IT departments as technology continues to accelerate at pace. Flexible working is replacing traditional models as businesses transform to survive, 而责任总是止于IT.

无处不在的 连接, 基于web的应用程序, 安全的云服务意味着我们现在可以工作了, 不是我们要去的地方, 并随时连接到系统, 在任何地方, on any device has become the norm – improving employee productivity, IT部门保证一切正常运行和安全.


Developing and implementing an IT strategy whilst keeping the lights on is challenging for everyone as a shortage of IT talent affects everyone. Small to medium sized businesses are exposed as IT teams are generally small, 当一个团队成员离开时, a major hole is blown in the staffing resource running the operation – particularly as the lurking and ever-present 安全威胁 来自网络空间的威胁和危险越来越大.


When skilled and reliable IT people depart for pastures new, they’re very hard to replace. 我们的业务也是如此, but as an IT services company we have a decent sized team of highly skilled people to cover the workload. The pressure to recruit and replace someone urgently isn’t so great – and we can take our time to unearth and hire the best talent, 这对我们的客户也有好处吗.

Technology is constantly evolving and keeping up to date with the latest advancements takes time and effort. 增加了复杂性,特别是在 网络安全, means it’s an on-going ‘arms race’ between criminals and IT professionals. The question is; how long can companies continue to manage 安全 in-house before a serious incident occurs?


Working with a professional IT services partner to supplement in-house resources is becoming the norm, and in my view too many IT companies try to promote full outsourcing above everything else, 当然,因为这能让他们赚到最多的钱. But people who’ve been on the receiving end of an outsourcing pitch usually tell you the same thing … the costs of outsourcing simply don’t make sense, and trying to convince a Finance Director that a massive hike in operating costs will actually deliver huge cost saving just doesn’t wash!

It’s why I believe that a smart use of Managed Services blended with in-house capability makes much more sense. The extent of the managed services needed are obviously determined by the level of in-house skills and resource – and the direction in which the business is heading.


As 零售商 manage the shift in consumer habits from the high street to on-line, 他们实体财产的运营需求正在发生变化. 许多行业都是如此, 他们需要简单, 安全, and reliable 连接 to systems and applications that are cloud based. Dedicated connections route traffic ‘on-net’ to fully protected and monitored internet breakout points at our 安全 core sites. Business class network connections are utilised at each customer location to speed up service and response times; and even though everything is becoming more complicated – client complexity is reduced as critical functionality is handled by our managed services desks. Customer systems operate seamlessly as everything is monitored and managed on a 24/7 basis by our dedicated tech support team.


It’s been said many times that we are all bound for the same destination – public cloud. 这只是你决定多快到达那里的问题, 这取决于你的商业策略和投资计划. A declining amount of on-site hardware reduces the amount of in-house support needed, 但它带来了一系列不同的要求.

Recruitment challenges and the need for operational simplicity mean businesses are increasingly turning to managed services as a cost-effective solution to IT management. Managed service providers (MSPs) have a team of experts available 24×7 – ensuring you always have someone on hand to deal with any problems. Services mostly extend to proactive monitoring of network and systems so any potential issues are detected and dealt with before they become a problem, 减少停机时间,提高效率.


Managed services are about supplementing your in-house skills with as much or as little help as you need. 它们包括从硬件供应的一切, 维护, 软件安装, 升级, 网络管理, 安全, 技术支持. 公司可以节省与招聘相关的成本, 培训, 管理一个完整的团队, while simultaneously ensuring their technology infrastructure is up to date and running smoothly.

此外, managed services allow organisations to focus on their core competencies and strategic business goals, 而不是担心IT管理的日常问题. 精心设计和支持的系统可以帮助公司提高服务水平, 建立关系, and create customer loyalty – driving increased revenue and profit.

Businesses need agile user-friendly IT that rapidly adapts to changing environments with easy to consume, 随着业务的增长而扩展和灵活的低成本服务. 你是否专注于业务转型, 云之旅, 管理网络, 网络安全, 数据和应用, IT has never been more vital to survival and success in the digital age.

If you’d like to know more about our managed services and how we help customers resource and support their IT function – please 十大网博靠谱平台 进行初步的、探索性的谈话.

