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近年来, the banking industry has witnessed a significant transformation driven by technological disruptions. While traditional banks have long been the stalwarts of the financial world, 他们现在被迫采用技术来保持竞争力. In 2020, the banking and investment services sector spent approximately $556 billion on IT infrastructure (source: Gartner). This article explores the challenges faced by banks in adapting to the ever-expanding market expectations and the technical implications of these challenges in the current landscape.

银行业面临的挑战 & FinTech解决方案:

数码时代的竞争: The emergence of FinTech startups and digital banks has disrupted the traditional banking sector. In 2021, the global FinTech market surpassed $135 billion in value (source: 专家市场研究). 而传统银行则投资于技术, 这不是他们的核心关注点, resulting in past instances of poorly implemented software systems and disruptions. The 2016 banking outages serve as a stark reminder of the consequences of technology failures.

驾驭不断变化的法规: 自2008年金融危机以来, 全球银行业监管, 包括巴塞尔协议III和消费者保护法, 都有显著的进化. 对世界各地的银行来说,遵守这些标准仍然是一个挑战. Technology plays a pivotal role in analyzing bank data to ensure regulatory compliance and produce insightful reports.

转变商业模式: 从历史上看,银行主要依靠利息收入. However, persistently low interest rates worldwide have forced banks to diversify income sources. 这包括收取服务费用, 保险销售的佣金收入, 外汇操作, 强调运营效率以实现盈利.

满足客户不断增长的期望: 千禧一代和Z世代更喜欢与银行进行数字互动, 利用移动设备和社交媒体提供支持. 这与依赖传统分行的老客户形成了鲜明对比. Banks increasingly adopt hybrid models that integrate digital experiences with physical branches to cater to diverse customer preferences.

数字时代的客户保留: Providing personalized and meaningful services is critical to retaining customers. According to Clever Tap, 73% of new users churn within 7 days if their experience is unsatisfactory. 一次糟糕的体验会影响65%的客户留存率. Technology solutions play a pivotal role in enhancing customer relationships and experiences.

Data Security: 安全漏洞会严重损害银行的声誉. High-profile breaches, such as the 2017 credit rating agency breach, resulted in hefty fines. 银行现在投资于增强身份验证, 端到端加密, and multiple verification methods for every transaction to prevent data breaches.

科技引领的文化转变: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems are increasingly used in credit risk management, 客户服务, 以及自动响应. Banks are compelled to invest in such systems to remain competitive in the evolving landscape.

移动用户界面在当前的市场中茁壮成长, 银行必须提供用户友好的服务, fully featured, secure, 以及响应式移动应用程序. The majority of Gen Z and Millennials are mobile users who readily switch to apps with better features, 让手机银行界面变得至关重要.

不断创新: 创新是生存和成功的关键. 银行通过客户互动不断创新, 组织分析, 技术采用. 利用大数据, data mining, 基于云的基础设施使银行更加灵活和可扩展.


Agility: 银行需要敏捷性来迅速应对挑战, 包括推出技术平台和遵守法规. 更大的员工队伍会有所帮助,但也会带来巨大的it成本.

Accuracy: 有多个平台支持(web, iOS, Android), 银行在推出每一项变化的应用程序时都面临着挑战. 当频繁的代码库更改发生时,复杂的功能可能会中断.

Availability: Ensuring secure and accessible customer functionalities without compromising performance remains a significant technology challenge, 特别是对于复杂的银行业务.

As banking technology evolves, the need for robust testing processes becomes increasingly vital. 复杂的银行功能, 多样化的产品供应, and the demand for seamless performance all contribute to the challenges faced in testing banking solutions. In this context, Ticking Minds offers a compelling solution for addressing these testing challenges.


复杂的功能: Validating intricate banking functionalities is a daunting and monotonous task, with a higher likelihood of missing critical issues during the testing phase, 特别是当功能频繁更新时.

对用户界面的依赖: 仅仅依靠用户界面进行测试可能会导致延迟. Automated validation of underlying business logic through API orchestration mirrors application functionality efficiently.

测试数据质量: 在银行业, the quality of test data is paramount due to the diverse range of products and services. Ensuring accurate and comprehensive test data is crucial for effective testing.

安全测试: With banking solutions operating on multiple platforms, security is paramount. Vulnerability analysis and penetration testing are essential to secure banking products, 甚至在银行内部使用.

性能保证: High-performance banking applications are critical for maintaining a bank’s reputation. 不良申请可以在几天内损害银行的形象.


丰富的金融科技经验: Ticking Minds has a proven track record of working with modern FinTech companies that utilize state-of-the-art architecture. The founders bring extensive experience in retail, commercial, and investment banking.

关注测试数据: Ticking Minds places significant emphasis on test data quality before commencing functional testing. 这种细致的方法确保了全面的测试覆盖.

API编排专业知识: Ticking Minds boasts a homegrown API orchestrator that does not rely on the user interface. It efficiently calls APIs in predefined sequences with well-defined test data, 确保业务逻辑的彻底验证.      

 测试自动化掌握: 滴答思想擅长移动和基于web的测试自动化, 使用像Selenium和Appium这样的开源解决方案. Automation efforts are targeted to provide a significant return on investment.

性能测试能力: With a rich portfolio of over 100 performance testing projects spanning various industries, 包括银行, Ticking Minds possesses the expertise to optimize application performance across diverse technology stacks.

应用程序安全验证: 滴答心灵专注于应用程序安全验证, 特别是在检测OWASP十大漏洞方面. Many global corporations have relied on Ticking Minds’ services to ensure secure applications before production rollout.


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