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From employee 1 to 1,000

Growth is often the #1 goal of any business. In the early days of a business, 我们通常通过观察员工人数的增长轨迹来衡量成功. 

随着一家成长型企业的每一位新员工的招聘,企业文化可能会发生轻微的变化. 随着时间的推移,领导者往往会发现自己偏离了他们想要创造的文化. 

有时候,太多的成功反而会变成一种挑战. Hypergrowth is when a company matures extremely quickly. 它努力坚持最初使其成功的理想和过程. 


Growing the team

When growing a team, it’s important to put plans into action early, so that as you grow you do so in a healthy way. 这样,员工的敬业度就不会有风险,你也不太可能面临许多企业面临的巨大挑战, high employee turnover. 

Did you know? The average turnover of a medium-sized business in the UK is £20,228,523.

从第一天起就高度关注员工敬业度会带来巨大的好处. To start with the end in mind. Companies with a highly engaged workforce have 21% higher profitability. 他们的生产率也比那些员工不投入的公司高17%.

没有放之四海而皆准的员工敬业度策略. 所有的企业都是独一无二的,所以一种策略可能对某些企业有效,但对其他企业无效. Find your strategy and adapt it as you grow. 在为成长型企业制定用户粘性策略时,需要考虑以下几点:

1. Establish strong core values

Rapid business growth creates rapid change. 对于公司来说,维持他们创业时的企业文化通常是很困难的. Every organisation needs a foundation. One that defines what it, and its employee’s value and stand for.

认可是向长期员工强化你的价值观的好方法. It also enables you to define them for newcomers. When you recognise employees for their achievements, you’re publicly backing their actions for other employees to see. This encourages the employee to act similarly in the future. It also sets a standard among their co-workers.

我们自己也做过十大网博靠谱平台认可及其对员工敬业度的影响的研究. 70% 我们的小组成员强烈同意,认可对参与有积极影响. Check out the rest of our findings.

Be specific and tell detailed stories of high performance. 通过展示公司价值观在行动中的样子,它们就越有可能被重复.

2. Create clear, aligned goals

随着组织的发展,领导层将不可避免地需要调整目标. 在以往成功的基础上,将会有战略上的变化和新的基准. Goals are a great way to communicate changes. They ensure all employees are up to date with current initiatives.

所有员工都应该清楚地了解他们的个人目标和日常工作如何影响团队和组织. 员工看到自己的工作有助于实现更大的目标,就会被激励和投入. Inspire commitment by setting SMART targets. 这让个人在实现目标的过程中有一种主人翁感. 鼓励员工设定这些目标有助于推动绩效,并作为持续发展的动力.

3. Encourage growth & change in employees

有时候,从一开始就在那里工作的员工可能会受到高速增长的影响. This can lead to some difficult conversations. To prevent this, engrain changes into the company. 他们必须随着公司的发展而改变和发展,这个过程并不总是那么容易. They will become used to a certain standard. 跟上策略和目标的调整是很困难的. To make this process easier, support them throughout.

  • One-on-one meetings 能对员工在不断增长的业务变化中挣扎有益吗. 管理者应该询问员工对这些变化的看法,以及如何帮助员工适应. 持续提供反馈的公司报告的流动率是 14.9% lower than for employees who receive no feedback.
  • Feedback 允许管理者指导员工,员工也可以向管理者表达自己的担忧或赢回. It also allows for a more thorough performance evaluation, as managers can’t stay up-to-date on every single employee.
  • By giving employees goals 为了追求目标,你设定了一个对组织重要的期望. As things change over time, 员工目标的靶心会发生变化,帮助他们理解期望.

4. Connect leaders and employees

小公司在将组织领导的想法传达给员工方面没有什么问题. But that gap expands as more and more employees are added. Leadership loses its connection with employees, 让员工闻所未闻,让管理层没有正确的信息来介入和帮助.

在企业中,领导者比其他人更能定下基调,塑造企业文化. 研究表明,人们辞职的原因往往是由于他们的 managers. 确保你的领导与他们的团队参与,可以确保你的企业文化是健康的. You can build a stronger leadership team with employee feedback. 这是确定你的领导可能需要什么支持的好方法. 如果没有强有力的领导,任何可能面临风险的团队也可以被识别出来.


  • managers who don’t offer feedback
  • managers who don’t know their employees’ strengths
  • managers who micromanage
  • managers who encourage a toxic workplace
  • managers who are bad at managing.

随着团队的不断壮大,您可能会发现引入一个 anonymous employee feedback survey. 这可以为员工提供一种安全的方式来分享他们在那一刻的感受. 

在快速成长的团队中,这是识别风险和新出现问题的好方法. Done regularly, it creates a clear “voice” for your teams, which we know is a key element of a highly engaged team. 

Employee engagement needs to be a critical focus in any workplace, 尤其是那些在爆炸式增长中经历重大变化的公司. To see how Ten Space can help, go to or email and one of our team will be in touch.

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