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Employee Engagement Surveys: What you need to know

To put it in its simplest form: Employee engagement is the level of commitment, 员工对工作和组织的热情和奉献精神.

有些人认为敬业度仅仅是为了让员工快乐,但真正的敬业度不止于此. 员工敬业度的提高体现在员工充分发挥其潜力并在工作中表现出色.

当员工将快乐和精力投入到实现业务目标时,就会产生高敬业度. This speeds up individual and team performance.


Measuring employee engagement

You don’t NEED to measure employee engagement, but we think you should! 

为用户粘性设定数值可以让你追踪用户粘性的趋势和变化. 然后,您可以更详细地了解您在组织中所做的更改对敬业度的影响.


You can measure your engagement through employee surveys. 如果做得好,调查还可以获得书面反馈和数据. They are an excellent way to create employee voice. 


Employee survey platforms

💡 74% of employees said they’d be willing to give more feedback if they were truly anonymous


So what are the advantages of using an employee engagement platform to carry out your surveys? 

  1. The best questions are those written with the aid of a third-party viewpoint. 外部专家的观点对领导和人力资源团队最有帮助. 这些问题可以用一种中立的方式来写,并充分利用你所获得的洞察力. 

  2. 为了匿名和信任,使用第三方员工调查平台至关重要. 它使员工的调查体验在心理上尽可能安全. 当内部进行调查时,团队可能很难相信他们的回答是匿名的.

  3. 一个专门的平台可以大大加快数据处理的速度,缩短从调查开始的时间 launch to action. When it comes to analysing and disseminating survey results, 选择一个平台来进行数据处理可能是一项明智的投资. Often saving enormous amounts of time. 


Tips for asking the right questions


To provide you with data points and written responses, 我们建议使用各种比例的问题(0-10)和一些书面反馈问题. 这将允许你的团队在合理的时间内完成调查,并让他们有机会提供更深入的评论.

💡 Aim to keep the number of questions on your employee survey around 12-20. 这样做将带来更好的数据质量和响应率,因为人们不会失去兴趣.

We recommend that you ask questions that fit in with the 4 engagement pillars, 确保你正在探索一些有助于员工敬业度的不同领域.


💡 When a company leads with purpose, employees are 78% more likely to want to work for that company.

当员工感到与公司的使命联系在一起时,他们的敬业度会显著提高. They find meaning and purpose in their work, knowing that their efforts contribute to something larger than themselves. 


💡 As many as 57% of employees quit because of their boss. 领导团队的实力对团队的文化和成功有着巨大的影响.

一个伟大的领导者能够激励和激励他们的团队成员,赢得他们的信任和尊重. They provide clear direction, guidance, and support, allowing employees to perform their best and reach their full potential. 


💡 74% of employees 说缺乏专业发展阻碍了他们充分发挥潜力.

Employee engagement improves when employees feel fulfilled in their role. When individuals find their work meaningful and aligned with their values, they are motivated to invest their time and energy into their work, going above and beyond to achieve goals. 


💡信任员工的组织会提高员工的敬业度 76%.


心理安全的工作场所促进更健康、更有生产力和更具包容性的劳动力. 它们还提供了一个环境,在这个环境中,创新可以蓬勃发展,人们可以发挥自己的最佳水平.

Getting started with your survey process


Utilising employee engagement surveys to collect truthful, trustworthy input, 有了这些反馈和数据,我们就有可能采取行动,建立一个梦幻般的工作场所.

What makes us different?

Ten Space帮助组织了解是什么推动或阻碍了团队的参与. 

We do this through frequent, bespoke engagement surveys, designed to get to the heart of culture and engagement.

WhatsApp, SMS & Email

💡 38% of employees planned to quit their job in the next six months to a year.

Our survey platform gathers employee feedback via Whatsapp, SMS & Email surveys so your people can respond on their terms. 

我们确保您可以联系到所有员工,即使是那些没有公司邮箱的员工. 这种包容性促进了员工之间更好的沟通和参与.

This leads to higher participation and a more inclusive experience, capturing the data from all your people, easily.

Bespoke question sets

💡 1/3 of frontline workers feel disconnected from their colleagues in HQ and 4 in 10 employees feel their management is out of touch. 

You can ask the questions you want the answers to. 我们提供了一系列很棒的问题供您选择,这些问题涵盖了员工敬业度的四大支柱. 

If there’s something specific you want to find out, we can do that too! Our engagement experts can help guide you to creating the perfect questions.


💡 38% of employees 不要觉得他们的经理了解他们,了解他们的全部潜力.

在分散的员工队伍中,参与和解决问题可能会面临一些挑战, where employees work in various locations. 


Our employee survey platform offers advanced data segmentation.

这使你能够从特定的地点、团队或工作角色收集反馈. With this insight, 你可以确定挑战的确切来源,并实施有针对性的行动计划来有效地解决它们.

Start your journey to high engagement with us by getting in touch. Or check out how we’ve helped others create incredible workplaces in our case studies.

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