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Duty of Care: What Is It and What Does It Mean For Organisations?

Two caring hands together

如果你是雇主,你应该熟悉注意义务的概念. 虽然从表面上看,这很明显意味着福利, support, and good practice), 公司必须充分了解自己的责任, for practical, legal and employee engagement purposes.  


What Is Duty Of Care?


The HSE sets out an employers responsibility on duty of care:

 “It is an employer's duty to protect the health, 雇员和其他可能受其业务影响的人的安全和福利. 雇主必须采取一切合理可行的措施来实现这一目标. 

这意味着要确保工人和其他人免受任何可能造成伤害的伤害, 有效控制工作场所可能产生的伤害或健康风险."

因为就业的“风险”会因行业而异, 这使得一些公司很难确切地知道自己的法律责任在哪里. 但如果不能准确理解责任的起点和终点,可能会对一个组织产生严重影响. Everything from toxic work cultures 重大的过失索赔可能是由简单的错误或未能负责任的行为引起的, 所以雇主明确他们的注意义务是至关重要的. 

How Do Employers Know What Their Duty of Care is? 

When it comes to the welfare of employees and employee engagement, legislation should be the minimum standards, not the aim. However it helps to understand the legislation as a starting point. All the standard measures in place are outlined in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1992. This covers things like:

  • 当公司有5名或更多员工时,制定明确的注意义务政策
  • Training relevant individuals on basic health and safety issues
  • Frequently updating training and health and safety guides
  • Managing and recording misconduct
  • Displaying certification
  • Keeping training records up to date
  • 给员工合适的工具来履行他们的职责

But it isn’t just physical safety that employers need to look after, 他们也有义务支持员工的心理健康. 

许多组织现在已经超越了最低限度的职责,创造了一种以员工福祉为基础的文化, supporting both physical and mental health. This employee-first approach can reap the rewards of high engagement and a positive work culture; reduce absence from work, save on recruitment costs, and encourage a more productive team. 

How To Look After Your Team’s Mental Health

According to HSE在英国,多达40%的与工作有关的疾病是由压力引起的. 这证明了工作场所的身心健康同等重要. 

如果你是一名雇主,你知道休假会导致利润和生产力下降. 利润的减少给其他团队成员增加了压力,他们承担了额外的工作量来完成目标. 这样循环往复,压力会扩散到整个团队,甚至整个组织. 简而言之,作为雇主,你的努力应该更多地集中在 preventing stress than curing it. 

以下是我们十大网博靠谱平台照顾团队心理健康的一些建议 & moving towards a “wellbeing” approach:

Encourage Anonymous Employee Feedback

If your employees are stressed,问题的核心很可能是缺乏经理或领导的支持. Once this cycle has begun, 这也可能意味着他们不太可能与同一位领导或经理分享自己的感受和担忧. Eventually, left unresolved, team members may crack.  

For this reason, employee feedback 可以成为公司最大的资源,但前提是它是匿名的——也就是诚实的——并且有行动的. 匿名员工敬业度调查将让您实时了解员工的心理健康状况, and offer suggestions about what could be improved.

Good data and insight can be predictive of issues that are forming, 或者帮助发现已经出现的问题的解决方案. 

By collaborating with a company like Space HR, 你可以通过Whatsapp分发专家制作的员工敬业度调查——专门为你的组织量身定制的调查. 你对员工的感受了解得越多,你就越能更好地履行你的注意义务. 

Ensure Your Leaders Have Received the Correct Training

员工在工作中感到不满或压力很大往往是由于与领导沟通不畅. Whether they feel generally unsupported, feel bullied, discriminated against, or placed under too much pressure to meet deadlines, leadership plays a massive role in your team’s mental health. 

Your anonymous employee engagement surveys, 将为您提供对管理团队总体看法的关键见解. 你可以利用这些反馈来找出照顾义务上的差距,并教导他们 the best practices of leadership, and encourage them to lead by example. Doing so will breed a positive workplace culture, and will make recruitment and regulation much easier going forward. 

你可能还想在这方面的专家支持和培训上投资. 管理人员和领导者拥有知识和信心,知道如何支持他们的团队,真正履行他们的职责, will have better outcomes than those who are under-invested in. 


你的注意义务政策是你能做的使你的公司免于起诉的最低限度的措施, but it doesn’t automatically build employee engagement. To truly look after your employees’ physical and mental health, you must put other measures in place to show them you care, 同时定期检查以确保它正常工作.

The tips we’ve listed here are ways of taking care of your workers and improving workplace engagement. 了解更多十大网博靠谱平台空间人力资源如何帮助您创建蓬勃发展的工作文化,以超越您的职责, get in touch

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