

At 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. This week we're speaking with Jon Woodall, Managing Director and Founder of eCommerce agency Space 48


Space 48 is an award-winning eCommerce agency that works with global, forward-thinking retailers. It blends customer experienced focused solutions with unbeatable eCommerce technology to amplify the revenue companies can generate online. Space 48 is trusted by various platforms including BigCommerce, 线上购物, Shopify, 购物软件和更多, to deliver exceptional eCommerce experiences for consumers.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the digital and tech industry?

Skills: We continue to see a shortage of people with the right skills. I think we’re fortunate enough to be in a great city like Manchester that attracts great people from all over the world, but we must continue to do our bit to narrow the skills gap. 

我不太熟悉技能差距背后的统计数据, 但从机构所有者的角度来看, 我知道这仍然是一个挑战. 我们必须尽我们所能吸引优秀的人才, 投资于他们的发展, and look to bring new people to the digital and tech sector. 

The fallout from the pandemic is creating huge unemployment levels, 而是在十大网博靠谱平台,更具体地说, 我们的数字和科技行业, 我们应该抓住机会提供帮助. There are and will continue to be great people from various sectors that will need to re-skill. At Space 48 we’re particularly interested in working with local coding academies and see these relationships with the likes of Manchester Codes as an important pillar of our 招聘策略

My message to other business owners and managers is to give people a chance. If I look back at the evolution of Space 48 wherever we have given opportunities, it’s been a win-win for the individual and the business, 我们有一些惊人的成功故事. 我们必须尽自己的一份力量,在前进的道路上帮助人们!


在此过程中,我们取得了一些重大成就. 大客户才是赢家, 奖, 增长, 员工的职业发展, raising money for charity or all the usual stuff that businesses shout about.

However, I think our biggest achievement in recent times has been 内部变化 我们在太空48号所做的一切. Just over a couple of years ago, we embarked on a journey to imagine a new version of Space 48. 我们重新定义了我们的文化, 重新设计我们的品牌, 引进新技术, 改变了我们的市场定位, 改变了我们的工作方式, 很明显, 有些人变了. No small feat for any business let alone an eCommerce agency that is 60 people strong, but we made it possible and continue to get better every day. 

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge? 

《十大网博靠谱平台》的制作历时12年, and I can assure you we’ve seen our fair share of challenges along the way. 我觉得我必须正确看待这件事, and the challenges are all relative to any small business, 世界上还有更重要的事情要发生. However, like everything in life, businesses go through their own natural life cycle. 

The biggest challenge I think we face is a fine balance between company vision, 增长的野心, 以及人们的愿望和需求. Perhaps this is what we explain as culture or the environment that we create together. 当它们都并行工作时, 这种感觉很好, but it’s unreasonable to think that will always be the case. After all, we are all following the universal life cycle and are all a product of our environment. 

I like to think we get it right most of the time, but that’s not always the case. As a business grows and changes, so do the people within. In my opinion, for what that’s worth, it’s why so much emphasis must be placed on culture. 

这是一个持续的挑战,将继续发展, 我也不会说我知道所有的答案, but I know one thing for sure it’s much easier doing it with good people you love working with. 

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s digital and tech sector?

Post pandemic and as restrictions are lifted, I think we will see a resurgence of events. 我想我们都想要更多的社交互动, 随着封锁解除, 我们希望疫苗能有所帮助, 我们会回到我们伟大的城市和人民身边. 

I think there is something very special about Manchester’s digital and tech sector. 我们有很多话要说. I hope that the challenging times we have come through will only strengthen our community and lead to an even brighter future. 


大卫·罗伯特·琼斯. 沃尔特·威利斯. 雨. 备份. 布拉德的饮料.

认识以上的名字? 不,我不这么认为! 信不信由你, 这些都是世界性的大品牌, celebrities and bands that changed their names to appeal more to their audiences.

名字里有什么呢? 嗯,很多. It can quite literally mean the difference between success and failure. When naming a brand or company, it needs to be relevant, catchy, memorable and marketable.

So you might not know that back in 2008 Space 48 started life as Optimise Internet! I don't know what I was thinking, but I'm glad we became Space 48.

For all you knowledge-thirsty geeks out there, the names belonged to:



了解更多十大网博靠谱平台Space 48的信息 点击这里.

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