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Social Value isn’t just a tick-box exercise, 它已经编织成我们是谁的结构,并且一直是我们DNA的很大一部分. Andy Hepworth, our Social Value Director, 在我们的英国企业家族中率先推出一项计划,让我们更加关注这一理念的关键组成部分. In this article, Andy explains exactly what social value means to us as an organisation; why we’re doing even more now, than ever; and why it’s important to us that we’re a business driven by purpose.

Andy Hepworth

As an organisation, we’ve always been passionate about driving positive change for our clients, our people, the world we live in, and the communities we serve. We understand that our services only matter if they make life better. From fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce, 确保我们考虑到我们的决定对我们工作的社区的影响, operate and serve. And from managing our impact on the environment, to scrutinising the way we work with our network of partners and suppliers. For us, it all comes down to three core components: People, Planet and Purpose.

3 interlinked circles saying 'people', 'planet' and 'purpose'


Our business is, first and foremost, about people. And our own people are our biggest strength. 因此,我们必须营造一个让每个人都感到被包容、被重视和被赋权的环境. 通过为来自不同背景的个人提供发展关键技能的机会,并在他们的职业生涯中为他们提供技能提升或再培训, we can pave the way for meaningful and fulfilling careers. 我们创造了一支多元化和忠诚的员工队伍,他们有能力推动变革.

The wider industry has recognised that we’re a people-centric business, 我们非常自豪地获得了伟大的工作场所®(GPTW)英国最佳工作场所™2023的认证. We’re also ranked by GPTW UK in its Best Workplaces for Wellbeing; Best Workplaces for Women; and Best Workplaces in Tech 2023 listings.

我们的员工也为能成为一家企业的一部分而感到自豪,这家企业的服务和解决方案对英国的运行和福祉至关重要. And, in turn, we’re also proud to support our people, communities and clients through our volunteering, outreach and charitable causes.


  • Recruiting and developing new talent to help grow our business.
  • Ensuring everyone in our workplace feels supported with their wellbeing.
  • 拥抱我们的差异,在我们的文化中嵌入多样性和包容性.
  • 通过每年提供三天的带薪休假,鼓励员工自愿奉献自己的时间.
  • Supporting a range of charitable activities and partnerships.
  • Providing opportunities for young people to enjoy a career in STEM (Science, Technology, 英语和数学),通过学徒和其他项目,如我们的加速数字职业学院,专注于为那些以前可能没有机会进入技术职业的人开辟道路.
  • Building partnerships with schools, colleges, universities and research establishments to improve youth employment, diversity and inclusion and develop talent for the future. 这包括“网络优先”倡议,鼓励在校学生从事网络职业,以及我们与维利尔斯公园教育信托基金的合作,该信托基金正在帮助400多名代表性不足的年轻人发展他们在大学和就业中茁壮成长所需的技能.


Climate change is widely believed to be the biggest threat facing humanity. 我们的环境和可持续发展团队帮助我们在使世界变得更美好的生活中发挥积极作用, where people can breathe clean air, the planet’s natural resources are conserved, and future generations are protected from the impact of climate change.

我们的可持续发展专家在整个业务范围内合作,帮助我们的员工获得知识, 鼓励他们利用自己的技能和才能,制定创新的解决办法,支持更健康的地球.

我们致力于到2040年实现净零排放,以避免危险的气候变化. Getting to net zero in a credible way is really important to us at Sopra Steria. 这就是为什么我们承诺遵守SBTi净零标准,并正在大幅减少我们的温室气体排放. Sustainability is a precondition for net zero. 这就是为什么我们的战略涉及气候行动以及更广泛的环境可持续性问题——从减少能源消耗和浪费, to buying renewable electricity. 我们的ISO 14001环境管理体系认证也意味着我们制作可持续发展报告,以跟踪我们如何减少业务对环境的影响.

We also recognise that we don’t operate alone. 因此,通过将可持续发展原则融入我们的服务设计和交付中, and into our buying practices, we also support our clients and suppliers in their net zero journey.


Our work touches many lives in the UK, 我们的重点是提供服务和解决方案,支持我们的客户做出积极的改变. 帮助政府提供必要的公共和保健服务,提供更多的便利和选择, to improving financial services that deliver fairer, customer-centric solutions.

We think of and provide solutions for the long term. 作为值得信赖的顾问,我们与客户合作,提供可持续增长和服务,推动商业和社会的积极变化.

无论是支持世界一流患者护理的NHS共享业务服务, 或SSCL通过与政府部门和警察部队的合作,为英国公民提供关键服务.

We’re also working continually to make sure our supply chain is fair and encourages innovation; comprising of businesses that operate ethically and sustainably.

我们正在努力确保我们所有的采购决策和规格提供社会, environmental and economic advantages to our customers and the wider community. With a focus on supply chain engagement, we want to ensure that social value is woven into every project, tender and strategic decision, we commit to creating social value every day. 这包括授权我们的员工超越通常的商业框架进行思考, embedding social value from the inside out.

Leaving a lasting legacy

Through our People, Planet, Purpose approach, we’re committed to delivering social value within every decision we make, so that as an organisation and as individuals, 我们可以为我们留下积极遗产和使世界变得更美好的承诺感到自豪. This involves doing the right thing when we’re making key strategic decisions, but it’s also about how we all go about our day-to-day roles.

我们希望创造一个持久的社会价值遗产,这最好地概括为我们自己的“生活哲学”。, which underpins our company culture and is driven by our people, united by a greater purpose:

"If we respect one another, our clients and their customers. If we care for our planet and our community. 如果我们在所做的每一件事上都追求卓越,并为卓越的发展创造条件. And if we use our empathy to understand, to connect, to create and help shape better solutions together. Then we can shape our world for the better."

We’re looking forward to continuing to shape our social value initiatives, 因此,我们可以在我们优秀的传统基础上再接再发展,在最需要的地方创造持久的变革. For more information, please contact

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