
Embracing inclusive design and fostering accessibility for all

布莱恩照片, Sopra Steria's UK Accessibility SME with the quote "accessibility awareness is crucial today, 尤其是在数字领域, and organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of inclusive design"

Article by Brain Wall, Sopra Steria's UK Accessibility Subject Matter Expert

昨天是全球无障碍宣传日. 交谈的机会, 思考和学习十大网博靠谱平台获取和包容的问题, in the hope of breaking down barriers and creating more positive working environments for all. 它鼓励我们停下来反思, 庆祝已经取得的进步, and acknowledge that there will always be ways in which we can improve diversity and inclusivity in the workplace.

I’m passionate about ensuring the workplace is more inclusive for those who have accessibility challenges and it’s my job to ensure improving accessibility is something we as a business will continually focus on. Having a clear intention to improve accessibility standards should be a priority for every organisation, 这样同事们就会感到被支持, 所见所闻, 并能充分发挥他们的潜力. Here are my top three suggestions of how to start making this possible.  

Incorporating Web Content Accessibility Guidelines design standards

如今,无障碍意识至关重要, 尤其是在数字领域, and organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of inclusive design. One way Sopra Steria promotes accessibility is by incorporating the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) design standards into business practices. 通过以下方法, organisations can ensure that the services they provide meet the necessary accessibility criteria. This not only demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity, but also helps avoid rework in the future. Reviewing and amending any work that does not meet the WCAG design standards displays a dedication to providing equal access to everyone.


It is important to recognise accessibility concerns from the design stage itself. Oversights and mistakes can have negative implications for accessibility, some of which may result in services and products which are inaccessible to disabled people. By incorporating accessibility best practices into the design process, such as conducting usability testing with disabled people and following accessibility guidelines, organisations can prevent accessibility issues before they arise.

Investing in inclusivity-led initiatives and flexible working

承认无障碍意识的重要性, we have allocated funding for an additional role in our Human Resources team. This role will support the implementation of reasonable adjustments to ensure accessibility for all employees. It aims to provide colleagues with the necessary support to perform their jobs effectively, fostering a sense of inclusivity and helping them to thrive in the workplace.

通过投资这种专门的资源, organisations are able to demonstrate a commitment to creating an inclusive work environment where disabled people have equal opportunities.

但很明显, that achieving systematic change requires collective effort and engagement from all employees throughout an organisation. An important part of my role is to raise awareness about accessibility throughout our business, 包括培训课程, 研讨会, 以及宣传活动. 通过提高可访问性, we aim to grow an inclusive culture and empower employees to champion accessibility in their roles.

在Sopra Steria, we recognise that everyone has individual needs and that these may change from day to day. Our strategy promotes work-life balance and general employee wellbeing while also improving accessibility. 例如, we understand the importance of flexible and remote working options in fostering accessibility. The independence and freedom to work in settings that best suit their needs can be given to disabled people through remote work, 灵活的工作时间, 还有其他的工作空间.

We’re making significant progress in improving accessibility in our workplace, 但我们知道还有很多事情要做. We’ll keep striving for a more inclusive and accessible organisation for all our people, 有明确的承诺和意图. The following quote from Howard Zinn says it all really:

"We don't have to engage in grand heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts when multiplied by many people can transform the world."

