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Top Tech Trends 2022 by Silverchip feat

Technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, 许多品牌重新构想了新的工作方式,Web3的推出将改变我们所知道的互联网. In this article, we explore the top technology trends to watch out for in 2022.

Throughout 2021, we saw a fresh influx of new technologies and trends hitting the mainstream. The biggest announcement came from Meta (formerly known as Facebook), who are beginning work on the metaverse. Using Web3 technology, 虚拟世界是一个以社会联系和社会互动为重点的3D虚拟世界数字网络, combining augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) with NFTs blockchain technology.

2022 is already shaping up to be an exciting year for many industries, providing new opportunities to connect and engage with customers in new ways.


Web3 (also known as Web 3.0)

What is Web3?

Web3 is the next step in the evolution of the World Wide Web. It is decentralised digital ecosystem based on the blockchain.

To provide more of an overview, Web1 was the first generation of the World Wide Web. It consisted of decentralised, open protocols which mostly involved navigating to individual static webpages. You couldn’t do much except from read and publish content.

Web2, which is active in today’s World Wide Web, uses JavaScript programming language, which provides dynamic and responsive web applications. Web2是集中的,大多数通信和商业都是在谷歌等少数强大的科技公司拥有的封闭平台上进行的, Amazon, and Meta (formerly known as Facebook).

Web3 is a decentralised digital ecosystem based on the blockchain. Platforms and apps built on Web3 will not be owned by a gatekeeper, 把数据和权力还给个人用户,减少他们目前的垄断控制.


What can you do on Web3?

With Web3, 用户可以自己为协议的治理和运营做出贡献,而不是使用免费平台来交换用户的数据. These shares are called tokens or cryptocurrencies, they signify ownership of decentralised networks known as blockchains. Anything can be a token, whether it’s a piece of digital art, a meme, or digital real estate.


Example of Web3

A good example is in the gaming industry. 玩家没完没了地抱怨电子游戏中的漏洞,或者最新补丁如何改变了他们最喜欢的武器的平衡. With Web3, players can invest in the game itself and have a say on how things should be run. Large Web2 companies, like Ubisoft and Meta, are creating virtual worlds powered by Web3. nft(不可替代代币)也将在重塑游戏行业方面发挥巨大作用,使玩家成为他们积累的物品的不可改变的所有者.

With its huge potential, Web3 is sure to be the forefront over the next decade.


The Metaverse

What is the metaverse?

As touched on earlier in the article, large technology companies, such as Microsoft and Meta, are currently in the very early stages of developing the metaverse. Using Web3 technology, 虚拟世界是一个以社会联系和社会互动为重点的3D虚拟世界数字网络.

虚拟世界将增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)与nft区块链技术相结合. Think “Ready Player One”, 这是一部以2045年为背景的科幻小说,讲述了一个反乌托邦的未来,主人公韦德·沃茨(Wade Watts)在一个全球范围的虚拟现实游戏中寻找隐藏在深处的彩蛋.

While an extended reality metaverse is still 3-5 years out, 我们开始看到构建模块发布,许多品牌都处于戒备状态,为虚拟世界做准备.


Example of the Metaverse

An example of the metaverse is The Sandbox, a blockchain-based video game known for NFT virtual land sales. One recent virtual plot of land was recently bought for a record of $4.3million by Republic Realm, an organisation who calls itself a “digital real estate company” on behalf of Atari, a well-known video game company.

零售巨头耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)最近都在虚拟世界购买了虚拟地块. Another big retail brand, H&M, recently opened its first store in the metaverse.

虚拟世界为品牌提供了重新构想虚拟体验的机会,并找到更好的方式在客户之间建立社区, experience physical goods virtually and to create more personal, AI powered concierge- style services.



Blockchain Adoption Will Continue to Increase

区块链为比特币等加密货币提供动力,并允许软件开发人员将该技术集成到他们的产品中,以实现更安全可靠的交易. 区块链是一种分布式数据库,可以用作安全跟踪交易的登记册.

It is a system of recording that makes it extremely difficult to alter or hack. When a user adds a new data record (block), a timestamp that cannot be changed. Each time a new transaction occurs on the blockchain, 一个数据块被添加,该交易的记录被添加到每个参与者的分类账中.

Distributed ledger technology, or blockchain, 是一种分散的虚拟分类账,记录P2P(点对点)网络上的交易. 世界各地运行区块链软件的计算机网络可以通过共识来批准交易, making it far more democratic than financial system infrastructure that exists today. Distributed ledger technologies have the potential to ensure faster, more secure, 对金融市场参与者和监管机构来说,以更低的成本进行更高效的交易处理.


The telephone took 76 years to be adopted by half of the US population. In comparison, the smartphone took under ten years.


我们现在正在见证区块链技术从笔记本草稿草图转变为一项成熟的技术,而互联网被接受为日常工具的时间仅为一小部分. Technology driven change is so prevalent that no industry is immune.


Improving Cybersecurity with DevSecOps

DevSecOps improves software products’ overall safety by combining development, security, and operations.


The silos between development, 随着开发人员主导的增强安全实践成为云原生组织的规范,安全和运营将继续减少.

这并不意味着每个传统组织和企业都将转移安全并采用这些安全最佳实践. It will, however, 通过降低网络安全成本和提高开发人员的生产力,为他们提供竞争优势, impacting time-to-market and profit potential.


Cloud-Native Technology Will Continue to Lead

Many software companies have chosen to focus solely on cloud-native technology. When using a Cloud-native architecture, software products are more scalable and efficient when operating with multiple servers. Not only that, but it also means they can be run from anywhere at any time.



Benefits of cloud technology:


  • Increased security: Encrypted data and zero trust verification have improved cloud security in recent years. 与其他方法一起使用,如内部强制性员工教育和访问控制, cloud computing is no riskier than traditional IT security infrastructure systems.
  • Improved products and services: The need for self-service technology has continued to accelerate in recent years. 托管在云技术上的自助服务应用程序帮助组织以更快的速度提供改进的服务.
  • Enhance Scalability: The need for a highly scalable infrastructure is paramount in this digital age. 云技术提供了快速轻松扩展的能力,同时节省了昂贵的现场基础设施.
  • Innovation opportunities: Cloud computing is an agile technology, without this ability, some of the recent technology advancements would not be possible.
  • Data management: For many industries, gathering and interpreting data is a crucial priority. Data is a key driver in many of the decisions large companies make. From administering new applications, lengthy data entry processes and analysis of customer data; companies are using cloud technology to collect and securely store readily accessible large amounts of data.


A recent research report by McKinsey, shows that by 2030, cloud technology will account for EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) in excess of $1 trillion across the world's top 500 companies.


Increased Progression Towards AI and ML-driven Approaches


AI technology features branches such as natural language processing (NLP). This enables computers to understand and classify human language. NLP的目标是建立能够理解文本并自动执行翻译等任务的系统, spell checking and grammatical errors or topic classification. It’s an efficient tool that can quickly analyse documents, extract detailed information such as customer information, products, services and processes.

Another increasingly popular branch of AI is ML (machine learning). 这是一种人工智能,它提供数据驱动的建议和预测分析,仅根据输入的数据做出决策. To do this, 机器学习使软件应用程序能够研究算法和历史数据,通过经验和信息和数据的使用来预测结果.



In summary, 2022年对于技术来说肯定是有趣的一年,因为我们将继续见证加密货币的繁荣, the mixing of virtual worlds with reality, heightened cyber security and enhancements in cloud technologies.

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