

在我们最新一期的人力资源改进系列中, 我们考虑雇主可以采取哪些措施来提高多样性, 工作场所的公平和包容.


多样性、公平和包容(DE)&I) is a phrase we commonly hear in the context of work and workplace culture, 但它在实践中意味着什么呢? 

而多样性 reflects the range of backgrounds and characteristics of the workforce, equity is treating individuals fairly based on their needs and inclusion refers to the efforts an organisation makes to integrate everyone at work so that they have a sense of belonging and respect and can speak freely. 而多样性, 公平与包容相辅相成, 一个人的存在, 并不意味着其他人会一直跟随. A diverse demographic does not always mean an inclusive culture and vice versa, for example.


众所周知,推广DE&我对员工队伍有积极的影响, with some studies even suggesting a correlation between diversity and innovation rates. It is suggested that collaborative efforts from people with varied backgrounds and different ways of thinking can produce more creative results. 

There is also increasing interest in an organisation’s approach to DE&在ESG证书的社会支柱的背景下, 与工人们, 客户, investors and regulators placing a greater focus on how employers act ethically and responsibly. 促进DE的工作场所文化&我将更容易吸引和留住人才, increase motivation and productivity and ultimately enhance the organisation’s reputation. 

Creating a diverse workforce operating within an equal and inclusive culture, 然而, 不一定是直截了当的, 那么雇主可以用什么工具来衡量和实现这个目标呢? 


It is impossible to address any gaps in the workplace if an employer does not know they exist, 所以调查是一个很好的起点. 这很简单, yet effective tool that can be used to get a feel for the workplace culture and identify areas for improvement that would not otherwise be immediately obvious. 

一份定位良好的调查可以让雇主获得有价值的见解. It enables employees to share their feedback honestly without the fear of any repercussions (providing their answers remain anonymous). An employer can use these responses to assess genuine employee engagement and identify any areas which may need fine tuning. 例如, it may become apparent that certain policies and procedures are no longer relevant to the workforce and are in need of review. Furthermore, there may be a need for additional policies in response to a changing workforce. We saw the implementation of flexible and remote working policies as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and many organisations have chosen to retain these policies permanently, 回应员工的反馈. The new way of working allows greater flexibility and fosters a more inclusive environment by accommodating those who may have difficulty accessing the office.

Surveys can be issued at intervals most appropriate for the individual organisation. 结果可以逐年比较, or quarterly (if required) to assess whether any measures implemented have been effective in achieving their aim, 或者至少朝着正确的方向发展.   


在回应调查反馈, it may be that certain networks can be created within an organisation to address some of the gaps. An employee network is a group of employees who share similar cultures, backgrounds or interests. 这些网络可以用来为个人提供支持, create a sense of community and act as a voice for employees on both an individual and collective level. 

They can be used as a platform to drive change within an organisation, raising awareness on current issues and feeding back ideas to management. It demonstrates to employees that their feedback is not only encouraged, 但我听了,并认真对待. It also provides a valuable support group (or multiple groups) to those who may be facing challenges at work, 促进所有重要的社区感觉.


Enabling the workforce to achieve a true work-life balance is another way in which organisations can foster DE&I. This could include enhancing pay during family-friendly leave as well as extending the amount of leave that can be taken. 


Being clear that the organisation has a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination, 确保政策和程序反映这一点, 也很重要. Ensuring that workers know how to raise concerns and have the confidence to do so will help employers to enforce this approach. Not only does this require clear policies to be in place but also managers to be appropriately trained on how to handle issues when they arise. 

It is also important to ensure that workplace policies and practices do not alienate or indirectly discriminate against any minority group. 


It is difficult to change a culture within an organisation unless there are role models from diverse backgrounds who are willing to advocate for and monitor DE&处理工作中遇到的问题并支持同事. It is particularly important for there to be role models at a senior level, 证明该组织致力于DE&从上到下的问题. 


了解职场文化, 在需要时确定并弥合差距, 实现真正的多元化, equitable and inclusive workplace culture will not be achieved overnight. Organisations need to commit to not only implementing the steps outlined in this article, 但是要持续监控, 更新和添加它们, 如果他们真的想要改变.

