

The conversation around Artificial intelligence (AI) regulation is set to go into a “supercharged” phase globally. 至少, 这是人们从围绕英国人工智能安全峰会的大肆宣传中得出的结论, 会在11月初举行吗, 从 本周评论 参议院领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)围绕加快美国人工智能监管的步伐提出了上述建议.

那么我们对未来几个月,特别是即将到来的,有什么期待呢 英国人工智能安全峰会


到目前为止, 英国支持对人工智能监管采取“轻触式”方式, 采用分散的模式,将监管委托给部门监管机构, 英国政府认为这将促进创新. 在接下来的几个月, 预计英国监管机构将开始发布实用指南, setting out how organisations should implement the government’s AI principles set out in the government’s 白皮书 在今年早些时候的人工智能研究中. 

然而,一个 中期报告 来自下议院科学, Innovation and Technology Committee (SITC) on  31 August took aim at this “light touch” approach, 这引发了人们的担忧,即如果英国不尽快采取行动,它将在人工智能监管方面“落后”. 

The report noted that if new legislation is not proposed in the King’s Speech on 7 November (which currently seems unlikely), 立法最早可能成为法律的时间是2025年. 在这期间, 欧盟的人工智能法案可能已经成为事实上的监管标准, 英国法律可能被迫效仿欧盟的做法. 因此,SITC主张“在新一届议会中制定一项高度集中的人工智能法案”。.

这让英国政府陷入了困境. It seems unlikely it will deviate so early from its stated approach of avoiding explicit regulation and relying instead on existing regulators, 比如ICO, FCA和CMA, 创建特定于上下文的规则. 事实上, it seems especially unlikely that the UK will change tack so shortly before it hosts the AI Summit. 


政府将对SITC的中期报告作出回应, and it is still set to publish feedback following the AI 白皮书 consultation period (which closed on 21 June). Feedback from that process is anticipated (if industry commentary is anything to go by) to include specific demands for more detail on how any proposed regime will include clear and consistent cross-sector principles, with tech providers presumably hoping for assurance that they are not going to need to take a significantly different approach with each regulator. 

现在, 虽然, 政府的当务之急是即将到来的峰会, where Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will be keen to promote both the UK’s AI credentials and its approach towards AI regulation. It seems unlikely there will be very much public development in respect of AI regulation in the UK until after the summit.


在一个 声明 9月4日, 英国科学部, 创新和技术(DSIT)详细说明了政府对峰会的雄心. 它指的是“前沿人工智能”, up to now an academic term that encompasses “highly capable foundation models that could exhibit dangerous capabilities”. We can infer that in its use of the term the DSIT is referring to the foundation model generative AIs, 包括大型语言模型, 自ChatGPT推出以来一直引起轰动, 这也是英国政府白皮书的重点. 


  • 就前沿人工智能带来的风险和采取行动的必要性达成共识;
  • 推动人工智能前沿安全国际合作, 包括如何最好地支持国家和国际框架;
  • 建议机构应采取的措施,以加强前沿人工智能安全;
  • identifying areas for potential collaboration on AI safety research; and
  • 展示了人工智能的安全发展将如何使人工智能在全球范围内得到更好的应用.

The DSIT notes the summit will agree “practical next steps” to address risks from frontier AI, 他写道,人工智能技术“以不尊重国界的方式构成……风险”. 应对这些风险的需要,包括在国际层面上,变得越来越紧迫。”. 

预计在峰会前夕,英国政界人士将发表一系列评论, as they seek to promote the UK as an influential venue in the AI space and the perfect host for conducting such an international discussion on AI regulation. 


与此同时, 在美国, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told Senate Democrats in a letter on 1 September of his plans for a series of bipartisan “AI Insight Forums”, expected to feature AI luminaries such as Sam Altman as well as big tech leaders like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.

Schumer notes that these forums will “supercharg[e] the Senate’s typical process so we can stay ahead of AI’s rapid development”.  强调任务的严重性, 他继续说道:“我们必须像对待国家安全一样严肃对待人工智能, 创造就业机会, 以及我们的公民自由。”. 

参议院人工智能工作组的另一名成员, 托德年轻, noted separately that the AI Insight Forums will be a “comprehensive way for Congress to explore key policy issues… related to artificial intelligence as we develop potential legislative solutions”.

这凸显了一个一直是欧盟新出台的人工智能法案的祸根的话题, Republican Senator Ted Cruz raised his concerns that “Democrats want to impose such stringent regulations on the development of AI that it stifles innovation”, 并强调了国际合作的困难, 提到了中国可能通过对人工智能的投资“领先”的风险.  


困难无处不在, 这也是英国人工智能安全峰会可能要解决的问题, is finding a balance between overly stringent regulation that may be too cumbersome to adapt with the technology and potentially suppress innovation, 一种过度放任的方法可能最终无法正确解释, 或者防范, 人工智能带来的风险. 

欧盟的人工智能法案在这方面受到了一些人的批评, with an open letter from 150 executives from some of Europe’s largest companies expressing concern about the AI Act’s potential to “jeopardise Europe’s competitiveness and technological sovereignty” due to its overly restrictive nature. Sam Altman of OpenAI also initially noted “the current draft of the AI Act would be over-regulating”, 后来,他又宣布“大部分规定……完全有道理”。. 

在其他地方, 他是日本政府人工智能战略委员会主席, 东京大学的松尾丰教授, 称欧盟的人工智能法案“有点过于严格”, 特别是在版权条款方面. Japan is expected to lean towards more of a light touch approach around AI regulation than the EU, perhaps tacking closer to the US or UK approaches than the stringent regulation seen in the EU’s draft AI Act. 

另一方面, 一些知名人士认为,欧盟的人工智能法案将成为全球标准, particularly as compliance may be a prerequisite for AI firms to continue accessing the large and lucrative EU market. Paul Barrett of the NYU Stern School of Business told Tech Monitor he believes the concept of “pro innovation” promoted in the UK and apparently being considered in Japan and the US “really means unregulated,,并认为“监管不一定是创新的障碍”。. Monish达, 人工智能公司Icertis的首席技术官也指出,欧盟人工智能法案草案“具有潜力”。, 全世界都在“满怀希望地注视着”, 并期望法律会顺利实施".


The UK may have its hands full in attempting to promote a global consensus on the specifics of AI regulation at the summit. 各国似乎将继续在人工智能监管方面推行自己的议程, and we may expect more doubling down on the competing structures already in evidence – such as the self-regulatory, 美国的去中心化方法, 英国和日本, 以及欧盟提出的规范性方法. 还有中国的问题, 哪个是国家主导的, 信息控制模型, 需要人工智能来促进“社会主义价值观”. 是什么样子的?, 以及它与世界其他地方提出的方法有何不同, 仍然是一个悬而未决的问题.

在这样的背景下, any progress the summit can make towards promoting international collaboration and an international framework, or towards greater clarity on how to navigate between overly stringent and overly loose regulation, 会被认为是成功吗. All eyes will be on the UK in early November to see what consensus the summit might be able to achieve.  

