
Don't tell Gen Z to "smash that button", but tell them what instead...?

后千禧一代, 所谓的紧身牛仔裤, emoji-snubbing, side-parting scoffing generation Z are accused of many flippant things, 但有一件事是肯定的, and that’s that they are more ferocious and passionate than their introspective navel-gazing contemporaries.

 这群新的年轻人, who are then newest consumers and the hardest nuts for marketers to crack care deeply about social responsibility and sustainability, 对电视的关注也越来越少, 印刷媒体或广播

那么,我们如何与这些人交谈? The so-called snowflakes, the cynics, the next generation of content creators?


Relative Insight 是基于比较的吗 文本分析平台, and uses comparative methodology to derive insights from language data – which simply put, 有文字的东西吗?.

For this investigation we took lots of data made up from a combination of YouTube discussions and teen-based forums, 包括reddit r/ teens, 学生宿舍和学院机密. 

以获得讨论的总体情况, we compared this to Relative Insight’s model of standard English, 然后进一步探索, 随着时间的推移,我们对所有这些数据进行了拆分和比较.


Z世代是第一代数字原生代, and is more reliant on social media than any generation before it. 这些家伙, unlike all other people who started their digital lives on Facebook, 大部分时间都花在YouTube和TikTok上.

It’s staggering to think that 81% of all 15-25 year-olds in the US use the channel. 鉴于这种, the fact that it commands two billion logged-in monthly users shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. YouTube claims that they reach more people in the US – on mobile alone – than any TV network.

A blurred line between the online and offline world:

One definitive trait of generation Z is the fact that there’s no clear line that divides its members’ online and offline worlds. Digital and social media easily integrates with their in-person world, but what does this really mean for brands hoping to cut-through?



  • This demographic talks a lot about accessing the platform at school, and they’re always trying to find workarounds when WiFi blocks it, 这是最近才出现的现象, 从2019年开始上涨.
  • Gaming videos (Let’s Play, Fortnite and Minecraft) comprise a huge part of Gen Z’s general viewing.
  • A YouTuber’s personality is a huge influencer on Gen Z video choice. They’re 4x more likely to choose to watch content where they have an emotional connection with the host or creator. 
  • “guy”这个词用来形容男性youtube用户, while ’guys’ is typically used by the content creator to address their mix-gender subscriber base.

Gen Z hate ‘cringy’, clichéd thumbnails, titles, intros, outros and calls to action. They don’t like being told to “smash that like button”. They also express frustration with the platform itself. 具体地说, they are annoyed by its policy of demonetising videos with ’adult’ orientated content – so much so that they’re often tempted to leave the platform when their favourite YouTubers do.

Since 2019, surprisingly, Gen Z appears to associate YouTube with poor parenting. They link mature content being demonetised with the platform being used to babysit children. They seem to believe that YouTube and parents share responsibility for unsuitable content being viewed by kids.


  • 对于这个人口统计, the para-social relationship with the content creator or host is just as important as the content they produce, 但陈词滥调往往会让Z世代的观众失去兴趣. 
  • YouTube’s heavy-handed demonetisation policies annoy Gen Z, who hate to see their favourite creators losing out.
  • Gaming videos are a unifying genre for this demographic.


  • Sports content could follow the cult YouTuber format by placing a passionate, creative personality as the face of its video content.
  • 然而, 更为关键的是, brands need to be careful about being perceived as following a specific marketing formula by using click-bait titles and thumbnails, 以及经典的youtube台词.
  • Be aware that Gen Z might jump ship – they’re loyal, but not that loyal and their frustration with YouTube continues to rise, so make sure to diversify across platforms like TikTok and Twitch.
  • Think how to leverage the overlap between sports and gaming content to capture the sweet spot that best appeals to Gen Z.

Relative Insight can analyse data from any language asset. From forum data, to open-ended survey results, to social media - the possibilities are endless! 

Download Relative Insight’s global gen Z and millennial insights report

我们来谈谈身体! Z世代和千禧一代是如何讨论他们的

