
数字的原因 teams up with Alzheimer’s Research UK for their first ever Christmas campaign

What would happen if Santa Claus suffered from Alzheimer’s? That is exactly what Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK) decided to show the public with their first ever Christmas campaign featuring an animated video by Aardman studio narrated by Stephen Fry.

十大网博靠谱平台的基础 数字的原因 has teamed up with ARUK for their first ever Christmas campaign, # SantaForgot, which launched on the 15th of November. The campaign features a heartwarming animation about a young girl, 弗雷娅命名, who lives in a world where Santa Claus can no longer deliver presents, as he is suffering from Alzheimer's. Freya decides to save Santa, 和 together with the elves she decides that research is the way to save him, because “if Santa has a disease, only research can fix it.”

Dementia is not a small problem. It currently affects around 850, 000 people in the UK, with Alzheimer’s being the most common. The disease does not only affect lives, but also has an economic impact of £24bn each year. Delaying the onset of dementia for five years would mean 450, 000 less cases 和 billions of pounds saved. According to ARUK, this could be achieved, but only through research.

This is not the first time 数字的原因 have teamed up with ARUK. In 2015, they designed 和 created the new ARUK website with the aim of raising more funds 和 giving the public a wider underst和ing of dementia. 伙伴关系继续, 和 this time 数字的原因 were taken onboard to design 和 implement a takeover homepage that would last for the whole duration of the campaign.

Raising awareness was important, but it wasn’t the only aim behind the campaign. For ARUK 和 数字的原因 it became clear early on how important it was to deliver awareness underst和ing about the effects of dementia 和 show how it can happen to anyone. Tim Parry, head of br和 at ARUK, told Marketing Week: “... Awareness of dementia is not a problem. It’s underst和ing, they don’t underst和 what it is.

In order to spread the message as efficiently as possible, social proof was added to the campaign page. A live Tweet count can be found on the campaign site, featuring the number of live tweets from people sharing the message “#Ibelieve we can defeat dementia” 和 encouraging their followers to share.

The campaign has been a massive success 和 received outst和ing feedback. After a week the message has reached more than 46 million users on Twitter 和 gone global, exp和ing all the way to Central 和 South America. Conversions 和 transactions has seen a massive increase, with transactions doubling since the campaign launched. 但最重要的是, # SantaForgot has struck a chord with many people, 和 is not only teaching the public about this disease, but also helping them talk about it more openly.

The campaign film can be veiwed on 阿的主页 和 donations can be made through the site.


