
Online safety regulation is here, Ofcom is ready, and we will make a difference

今天的写作 每日电讯报, Ofcom's Chief Executive Dame Melanie Dawes sets out the 第一个主要步骤 we're taking towards helping people in the UK live a safer life online.

If you are a child in Britain today, you can expect to see in the 22nd century. Your coming years will be shaped by artificial intelligence, with its promised revolutions in science and industry. Your online life will blend seamlessly with the physical world around you, fuelled by changes in technology that are constant and profound.

If you’re a parent, like me, this might seem both exhilarating and unnerving. After all, new opportunities seldom come without risk. The task of our generation is to recognise those risks as they emerge, 并采取积极的措施来解决这些问题. For Ofcom, that work took a major step forward today.

We are the new online safety regulator, 数字服务使每个人都比以往任何时候都更加联系和娱乐. Sometimes, those sites and apps serve up content that is harmful to younger minds. Some of it is illegal, and shouldn’t be served up to children or 成年人.

So as we take our powers to hold tech firms to account, we cannot waste a moment. 今天, 一有机会就, we are setting out how we expect to protect people from illegal harm online.

Children are our first priority, and the risk they face is real. 英国通信管理局令人担忧的新数据显示,大多数中学生(60%)在网上接触的方式可能会让他们感到不舒服. Some 30% have received an unwanted friend or follow request. And around one in six have either been sent naked or half-dressed photos, or been asked to share these themselves.

If these unwanted approaches happened so often in the outside world, many of us would hardly want our children to leave the house. Yet somehow, in the online space, they have become almost routine. 这种情况不能继续下去.


根据我们的计划,科技公司需要采取具体措施保护人们免受非法伤害. That starts with measures to protect minors from harmful interactions, such as removing them from friend suggestion lists and blocking strangers’ messages.

我们还希望看到更多的自动检测和删除儿童性虐待材料, and much stronger measures to stop children accessing pornography. 我们希望在线服务采取果断措施,防止青少年接触到危险的自杀和自残内容.

适合所有年龄的用户, we will focus on deterring online fraud, as well as action to tackle terrorist content.

重要的是,Ofcom不是一个审查机构. We won’t have powers to take content down. 而不是, 我们的工作是通过制定新的标准,并要求公司在设计服务时考虑到安全,来解决造成伤害的根本原因. 我们将确保我们的规则切实可行,充分考虑到人们的隐私和言论自由, 在线讨论的命脉.

这是个大工程. 这不会很快或很容易实现. The technical detail must be right; our draft regulations today comprise 1,000 pages. 我们不能单独做到这一点. Protecting people from online risk will demand a broad coalition of those who care.


因此,今天我们正在与专家、行业和公众就我们计划采取的方法进行磋商. We’re setting out how we assess online risk, how companies should measure and reduce it, and how we’ll enforce against those who fall short. 议会将在明年行业行为准则生效前对其进行审查.

We are undaunted by the scale of the challenge, and inspired by its urgency. Ofcom has spent three years preparing for our new role. 我们已经培训并聘请了具有在线行业经验的专家团队,因此我们的监管将是可行的,并能适应变化.

Of course, we cannot solve the internet’s every ill. 危险是人类生活的一部分. We cannot shield young people from all sources of jeopardy, and we shouldn’t try. 但我们也不应该容忍孩子在网络上面临某种程度的风险,这种风险是我们在现实生活中永远无法接受的. Regulation is here, and Ofcom is ready to make a difference.



Ofcom是英国独立的通信服务监管机构,负责电视、宽带和广播等通信服务. We aim to protect consumers from bad practices and have most recently been appointed the regulator for the draft Online Safety Bill; a global first looking at protecting users in the online space.我们到底要做什么?我们有相当广泛的责任,包括确保人们从宽带中获得最好的服务, 家庭电话和移动服务, as well as keeping an eye on TV and radio. 我们还帮助确保英国各地的人们对他们在电视和广播中看到和听到的内容感到满意, and that programmes reflect the audiences they serve. We consider every complaint we receive from viewers and listeners. 通常,我们会进一步调查,有时会发现广播公司违反了我们的规定. Complaints about Love Island yes they come to us! We also oversee the universal postal service, which means Royal Mail must deliver and collect letters six days a week, 还有包裹,一周5天, at an affordable and uniform price throughout the UK.  We look after the airwaves used by wireless devices like cordless phones, walkie talkies and even some car keys and doorbells. 我们还帮助确保人们不被欺骗,并免受不良行为的影响. This is particularly important for vulnerable or older people. 我们的职责来自议会,我们的首要任务是保护消费者,我们有时会通过促进我们监管的公司之间的竞争来做到这一点. What else do we offer apart from being a pretty cool company? We believe that the reward package at Ofcom is based on much more than just salary. 我们的目标是让同事承担有趣和重要的工作,我们致力于投资和支持人们充分发挥他们的潜力.我们相信,我们的同事最适合选择对他们最有价值的福利, so we have designed a flexible benefits package to suit individual needs. 可选择的利益范围反映了我们旨在创造的灵活环境.我们的标准福利包括:弹性福利津贴、退休金津贴、25天假期、私人医疗保险、年度健康检查、人寿保险、收入保障保险。您还可以选择更多的弹性福利, including the option to purchase additional annual leave, 旅游保险, 你家人的私人医疗保险... 还有更多. 在Ofcom,人才是我们最大的资产,所以培养人才是我们的基本理念. We take professional development very seriously, 并鼓励同事不仅要寻求发展,还要提高自己在角色上的表现, 以及持续专业发展(CPD),以提升他们的专业能力和就业机会. 同事使用个人发展计划来记录和优先考虑他们的个人发展需求. We then provide a variety of opportunities for colleagues to meet those needs, including:a comprehensive set of internal training courses;career coaching;investment to attend appropriate external courses;sponsorships for professional or academic qualifications; andmemberships of professional bodies. As well as these 'traditional' methods of development, 我们也鼓励借调, project-based work and 'on the job' learning.  Be part of a global firstThis is an exciting time to join Ofcom. 我们正在提供重要的工作,以帮助塑造今天和明天的通信服务——从帮助英国成为5G移动领域的全球领导者, 推动对超高速宽带的投资,支持传统的邮政服务. 来支持所有的工作, 我们在技术和消费者行为等令人兴奋的领域开展世界级的研究. 除此之外,我们作为《十大网博靠谱平台》的监管者的角色,使我们处于一个非常有利的位置,可以成为全球第一个保护在线用户的机构. 如果你想成为改变生活的一部分,今天就澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Ofcom,为所有人创造一个更安全的在线生活.

Coordinator - Online Safety Technology Academic Engagement

Ofcom是英国独立的通信服务监管机构,负责电视、宽带和广播等通信服务. We aim to protect consumers from bad practices and have most recently been appointed the regulator for the draft Online Safety Bill; a global first looking at protecting users in the online space.我们到底要做什么?我们有相当广泛的责任,包括确保人们从宽带中获得最好的服务, 家庭电话和移动服务, as well as keeping an eye on TV and radio. 我们还帮助确保英国各地的人们对他们在电视和广播中看到和听到的内容感到满意, and that programmes reflect the audiences they serve. We consider every complaint we receive from viewers and listeners. 通常,我们会进一步调查,有时会发现广播公司违反了我们的规定. Complaints about Love Island yes they come to us! We also oversee the universal postal service, which means Royal Mail must deliver and collect letters six days a week, 还有包裹,一周5天, at an affordable and uniform price throughout the UK.  We look after the airwaves used by wireless devices like cordless phones, walkie talkies and even some car keys and doorbells. 我们还帮助确保人们不被欺骗,并免受不良行为的影响. This is particularly important for vulnerable or older people. 我们的职责来自议会,我们的首要任务是保护消费者,我们有时会通过促进我们监管的公司之间的竞争来做到这一点. What else do we offer apart from being a pretty cool company? We believe that the reward package at Ofcom is based on much more than just salary. 我们的目标是让同事承担有趣和重要的工作,我们致力于投资和支持人们充分发挥他们的潜力.我们相信,我们的同事最适合选择对他们最有价值的福利, so we have designed a flexible benefits package to suit individual needs. 可选择的利益范围反映了我们旨在创造的灵活环境.我们的标准福利包括:弹性福利津贴、退休金津贴、25天假期、私人医疗保险、年度健康检查、人寿保险、收入保障保险。您还可以选择更多的弹性福利, including the option to purchase additional annual leave, 旅游保险, 你家人的私人医疗保险... 还有更多. 在Ofcom,人才是我们最大的资产,所以培养人才是我们的基本理念. We take professional development very seriously, 并鼓励同事不仅要寻求发展,还要提高自己在角色上的表现, 以及持续专业发展(CPD),以提升他们的专业能力和就业机会. 同事使用个人发展计划来记录和优先考虑他们的个人发展需求. We then provide a variety of opportunities for colleagues to meet those needs, including:a comprehensive set of internal training courses;career coaching;investment to attend appropriate external courses;sponsorships for professional or academic qualifications; andmemberships of professional bodies. As well as these 'traditional' methods of development, 我们也鼓励借调, project-based work and 'on the job' learning.  Be part of a global firstThis is an exciting time to join Ofcom. 我们正在提供重要的工作,以帮助塑造今天和明天的通信服务——从帮助英国成为5G移动领域的全球领导者, 推动对超高速宽带的投资,支持传统的邮政服务. 来支持所有的工作, 我们在技术和消费者行为等令人兴奋的领域开展世界级的研究. 除此之外,我们作为《十大网博靠谱平台》的监管者的角色,使我们处于一个非常有利的位置,可以成为全球第一个保护在线用户的机构. 如果你想成为改变生活的一部分,今天就澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Ofcom,为所有人创造一个更安全的在线生活.


