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Ofcom launches brand new Online Safety Podcast

Ofcom has launched Life Online, a new podcast diving into themes around online safety. 在本系列节目中,我们与专家讨论了网络上真实发生的事情, how people feel about it, and what can be done to help everyone live safer lives online.

Ofcom的第一集《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》讨论了错误信息, disinformation, and how to identify it. 我们的最新研究表明,30%的人不会质疑错误信息, 而6%——每20个互联网用户中就有一个——相信他们看到的一切.

We speak to Rebecca Skippage, the BBC’s Disinformation Editor, Luca Antilli, Ofcom’s Head of Media Literacy Research, and Professor Rasmus Nielsen from the Reuters Institute, 解读这些发现并理解它们对错误信息传播的意义.

Listen to The Genuine Article: Tackling Misinformation

《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》目前正在议会进行辩论,该法案将赋予英国通信管理局新的责任,以帮助确保人们的网络安全. The bill sets out new rules that social media platforms must follow, 在维护言论自由的同时,寻求保护人们免受有害和非法内容的侵害.

With a new episode every month, 英国通信管理局的《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》将探讨《十大网博靠谱平台》对我们所有人的影响. 我们将讨论的主题包括如何保护儿童免受网络伤害, 如何应对网络恐怖主义?科技平台需要如何创新以遵循这些新规则. Join us for a journey into Life Online.

Listen on other platforms here.

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Head of People Business Partnering

Ofcom是英国独立的通信服务监管机构,负责电视、宽带和广播等通信服务. We aim to protect consumers from bad practices and have most recently been appointed the regulator for the draft Online Safety Bill; a global first looking at protecting users in the online space.What exactly do we do?我们有相当广泛的责任,包括确保人们从宽带中获得最好的服务, home phone and mobile services, as well as keeping an eye on TV and radio. 我们还帮助确保英国各地的人们对他们在电视和广播中看到和听到的内容感到满意, and that programmes reflect the audiences they serve. We consider every complaint we receive from viewers and listeners. 通常,我们会进一步调查,有时会发现广播公司违反了我们的规定. Complaints about Love Island yes they come to us! We also oversee the universal postal service, 这意味着皇家邮政必须每周6天投递和收信, and parcels five days a week, at an affordable and uniform price throughout the UK.  我们负责无绳电话等无线设备使用的无线电波, walkie talkies and even some car keys and doorbells. 我们还帮助确保人们不被欺骗,并免受不良行为的影响. This is particularly important for vulnerable or older people. 我们的职责来自议会,我们的首要任务是保护消费者,我们有时会通过促进我们监管的公司之间的竞争来做到这一点. What else do we offer apart from being a pretty cool company? 我们认为,Ofcom的奖励方案不仅仅是基于工资. 我们的目标是让同事承担有趣和重要的工作,我们致力于投资和支持人们充分发挥他们的潜力.我们相信,我们的同事最适合选择对他们最有价值的福利, 因此,我们设计了一个灵活的福利方案来满足个人的需求. 可选择的利益范围反映了我们旨在创造的灵活环境.我们的标准福利包括:弹性福利津贴、退休金津贴、25天假期、私人医疗保险、年度健康检查、人寿保险、收入保障保险。您还可以选择更多的弹性福利, including the option to purchase additional annual leave, travel insurance, private medical cover for your family... and much more. 在Ofcom,人才是我们最大的资产,所以培养人才是我们的基本理念. We take professional development very seriously, 并鼓励同事不仅要寻求发展,还要提高自己在角色上的表现, 以及持续专业发展(CPD),以提升他们的专业能力和就业机会. 同事使用个人发展计划来记录和优先考虑他们的个人发展需求. 然后,我们为同事提供各种机会来满足这些需求, including:a comprehensive set of internal training courses;career coaching;investment to attend appropriate external courses;sponsorships for professional or academic qualifications; andmemberships of professional bodies. As well as these 'traditional' methods of development, we also encourage secondments, project-based work and 'on the job' learning.  Be part of a global firstThis is an exciting time to join Ofcom. 我们正在提供重要的工作,以帮助塑造今天和明天的通信服务——从帮助英国成为5G移动领域的全球领导者, 推动对超高速宽带的投资,支持传统的邮政服务. To support all that work, 我们在技术和消费者行为等令人兴奋的领域开展世界级的研究. 除此之外,我们作为《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》的监管者的角色,使我们处于一个非常有利的位置,可以成为全球第一个保护在线用户的机构. 如果你想成为改变生活的一部分,今天就澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Ofcom,为所有人创造一个更安全的在线生活.

Coordinator - Online Safety Technology Academic Engagement

Ofcom是英国独立的通信服务监管机构,负责电视、宽带和广播等通信服务. We aim to protect consumers from bad practices and have most recently been appointed the regulator for the draft Online Safety Bill; a global first looking at protecting users in the online space.What exactly do we do?我们有相当广泛的责任,包括确保人们从宽带中获得最好的服务, home phone and mobile services, as well as keeping an eye on TV and radio. 我们还帮助确保英国各地的人们对他们在电视和广播中看到和听到的内容感到满意, and that programmes reflect the audiences they serve. We consider every complaint we receive from viewers and listeners. 通常,我们会进一步调查,有时会发现广播公司违反了我们的规定. Complaints about Love Island yes they come to us! We also oversee the universal postal service, 这意味着皇家邮政必须每周6天投递和收信, and parcels five days a week, at an affordable and uniform price throughout the UK.  我们负责无绳电话等无线设备使用的无线电波, walkie talkies and even some car keys and doorbells. 我们还帮助确保人们不被欺骗,并免受不良行为的影响. This is particularly important for vulnerable or older people. 我们的职责来自议会,我们的首要任务是保护消费者,我们有时会通过促进我们监管的公司之间的竞争来做到这一点. What else do we offer apart from being a pretty cool company? 我们认为,Ofcom的奖励方案不仅仅是基于工资. 我们的目标是让同事承担有趣和重要的工作,我们致力于投资和支持人们充分发挥他们的潜力.我们相信,我们的同事最适合选择对他们最有价值的福利, 因此,我们设计了一个灵活的福利方案来满足个人的需求. 可选择的利益范围反映了我们旨在创造的灵活环境.我们的标准福利包括:弹性福利津贴、退休金津贴、25天假期、私人医疗保险、年度健康检查、人寿保险、收入保障保险。您还可以选择更多的弹性福利, including the option to purchase additional annual leave, travel insurance, private medical cover for your family... and much more. 在Ofcom,人才是我们最大的资产,所以培养人才是我们的基本理念. We take professional development very seriously, 并鼓励同事不仅要寻求发展,还要提高自己在角色上的表现, 以及持续专业发展(CPD),以提升他们的专业能力和就业机会. 同事使用个人发展计划来记录和优先考虑他们的个人发展需求. 然后,我们为同事提供各种机会来满足这些需求, including:a comprehensive set of internal training courses;career coaching;investment to attend appropriate external courses;sponsorships for professional or academic qualifications; andmemberships of professional bodies. As well as these 'traditional' methods of development, we also encourage secondments, project-based work and 'on the job' learning.  Be part of a global firstThis is an exciting time to join Ofcom. 我们正在提供重要的工作,以帮助塑造今天和明天的通信服务——从帮助英国成为5G移动领域的全球领导者, 推动对超高速宽带的投资,支持传统的邮政服务. To support all that work, 我们在技术和消费者行为等令人兴奋的领域开展世界级的研究. 除此之外,我们作为《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》的监管者的角色,使我们处于一个非常有利的位置,可以成为全球第一个保护在线用户的机构. 如果你想成为改变生活的一部分,今天就澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Ofcom,为所有人创造一个更安全的在线生活.


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