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Did you know that only 19 per cent of the tech workforce is made up of women?




But the reality is that while the fight for talent is at an all-time high. 科技行业兼职工作缺乏灵活性的问题从未如此明显.



我花了一些时间和我刚出生的孩子和家人一起享受时光,一年后,我重新审视了就业市场,看看有什么选择. The answer was not very much.


For me, having two young children and not living close to any family, I made the decision (with the support of my husband) to work three days a week, so I could strike a balance between work and family.

考虑到科技行业严重的技能短缺以及整个行业的性别多样性问题, I thought I would be able to find a role –  but how wrong was I?


In my case I got lucky by stumbling across Naimuri.

说实话,我以前从未听说过Naimuri,但我立刻就喜欢上了他们描述自己所做的事情的方式, their vision and their values and, even more perfectly, they were advertising for a part-time marketing and communications role!


Tech Returners are doing a great job of supporting women back into the industry and the Digital Her scheme 是否在努力激励未来几代女性投身科技行业, 但是,在科技企业中,灵活和兼职的机会仍然缺乏.

It is widely documented that childcare is extremely expensive in the UK, so to support women returning to the workplace or retraining after kids, 雇主需要做更多的工作来创造一种让女性人才发光的文化, but also, not feel frazzled by the daily demands and juggles of trying to ‘have it all’.

As well as offering flexibility around working days and hours, social events, team meetings and workplace activities need to be considered, to ensure employers are not segmenting some of their employees, who have commitments they can’t change.

尽管在过去的几年里,人们一直在讨论工作世界是如何适应的, 我们仍然需要教育更多的雇主,让他们认识到兼职可以为企业带来巨大的价值,职场文化必须发生巨大的转变.

研究不断表明,劳动力的多样性和包容性越高, the more talent thrive, feel valued and create good work.



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Technical Lead

努力使英国成为一个更安全、更美好的地方。我们的愿景是彻底改变国家安全, data intelligence, and law enforcement through the use of technology. We’re the company everyone wants to work with.We are a team of highly experienced, passionate, technology experts.我们结合我们在大型系统集成商工作中获得的经验,并以最快的速度应用它, innovation and mindset of a small, efficient organisation.We are motivated by our mission to make the UK a safer and better place, which is evident in everything we do. 我们致力于在不断发展的文化、人员和流程的推动下不断改进.We don’t do agile, we are agile.Being lean and agile is not something we do, it’s something we are. It is ingrained as a core characteristic of our DNA. 这是我们所有人的本能心态,隐含在我们所做的每件事中.软件开发我们是提高效率和简化流程的整个开发生命周期的专家. We focus on the whole life costs, not just development. 我们开发系统的方法默认是安全的,并将技术卓越与创新相结合, 前瞻性的解决方案安全的云迁移我们可以将您的网络扩展到云中, 迁移您的应用程序和基础设施,重点关注安全性和可靠性. Our approach provides a seamless transition, 允许您在对业务造成最小干扰的情况下利用云.devops缩短软件开发周期,将其部署到生产环境中. 我们可以帮助您实现基础架构的自动化,并为您的开发团队提供一个工具集,使其成为自助服务. 不再需要向运维团队提出请求,也不再需要等待服务器的供应. 我们可以帮助您开发一个持续交付管道,使您能够更快地实现应用程序的价值,并降低运营风险.Our people are what make us great.We are a diverse group of inventive, pragmatic, forward thinking individuals.我们以人为本,营造每个人都能茁壮成长的创新环境.


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