
生命中的一天:Paul Brackenridge, Naimuri的送货主管

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?

Paul Brackenridge是Naimuri的配送主管.

我们采访了他,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台这个角色的信息, 他在奈穆里的经历以及平常的一天是怎样的.


澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Naimuri之前, I worked in a number of ‘Technical Delivery’ and ‘Software Development’ related roles. 

I am passionate about delivering great software and solutions to meet technical problems. My experience spans logistics, food service, home delivery and mobile workflow management.



  1. 他们合作的客户类型和他们解决的问题.
  2.  文化. Naimuri works with some really interesting clients delivering solutions that provide real world benefit to the UK.
    They also trust their employees to get the job done in the way they see fit. Naimuri feels like a family and makes it very clear that happy people create great work.



我被完全分配给了一个客户项目, 所以我的一天主要围绕着管理项目和团队展开. 我扮演Scrum Master/交付经理的角色.

My days generally start off with admin and replying to emails and Slack/teams messages. 

We have our stand-up at 10 am with the Dev and Test teams where we get updates on all of the inflight tickets and identify (and ideally resolve) any blockers. 

剩下的时间取决于我们在冲刺周期中的位置, but it will generally be refining the backlog with the Product Owner / wider team, 促进技术或设计会议, 举办回顾会议或Three Amigo会议. 

We have a whole team stand up at 4 pm where we provide updates to the wider project team and get updates on what other areas have been working on. 


I’d say the two key challenges of my role are keeping the Developers and QAs working as efficiently and frictionlessly as possible and working seamlessly with the client, (along with our Tech Lead) to identify future work or refine user stories for the current or future sprints.

Working with a client that isn’t used to Agile ways of working can pose a challenge - so not only are we delivering a great solution, 但我们正在改善他们的文化和工作方式.


I think the biggest surprise has been how flexible and family oriented Naimuri is. It’s something that was talked about a lot during the recruitment process and one of the things that drew me to the role in the first place. It’s really refreshing to see a company that walks the walk, as well as talking the talk.


我想说最好的部分是人(我的团队是惊人的)!)以及我们所处理的客户和问题领域. It’s a really varied and challenging role and you get to work with some of the best people in the field. 

再一次,我要说的是文化. Great people make great companies and the way everyone collaborates and helps others is great to see.


友好的, 以人为本,以家庭为本, 不断改进, 有帮助的, 专注和高绩效.

Can you share details of one project/achievement you are most proud of since starting in this role?


The team brought forward the vast majority of one of our epics and delivered it massively ahead of time, allowing us to focus more on the applications core functionality and look and feel in the upcoming releases.



Working to make the UK a safer and better placeOur vision is to revolutionise national security, 数据情报, 通过使用技术来执法. 我们是每个人都想与之合作的公司.我们是一个经验丰富、充满激情的技术专家团队.We combine our experience gained from working in large systems integrators and apply it with the speed, 创新和心态的小, 有效的组织.我们的使命是让英国成为一个更安全、更美好的地方, 这在我们所做的每件事中都是显而易见的. We are committed to constant improvement driven by ever evolving culture, people and processes.我们不做敏捷,我们就是敏捷.精益和敏捷不是我们做的事情,而是我们本来就是这样. 它是我们DNA中根深蒂固的核心特征. It is instinctive in the mindset of all our people and implicit in everything we do.Software DevelopmentWe are experts across the full development lifecycle in increasing efficiencies and streamlining processes. 我们关注的是整个生命周期的成本,而不仅仅是发展. Our approach to developing systems is secure by default and couples technical excellence with innovative, forward thinking solutionsSecure Cloud MigrationWe can extend your networks into the cloud, migrating your applications and infrastructure with a strong focus on security and reliability. 我们的方法提供了无缝的过渡, allowing you to take advantage of the cloud with minimum disruption to your business.DevOpsReduce the cycle of developing your software to getting it deployed into production. We can help you automate your infrastructure and provide your development team with a toolset which makes this self-service. No more raising tickets with the Operations team and waiting for servers to be provisioned. We can help you to develop a Continuous Delivery Pipeline that will allow you to realise the value of your applications sooner and with much lower Operational risk.我们的员工成就了我们的伟大.We are a diverse group of inventive, pragmatic, forward thinking individuals.We put our people first to cultivate a creative environment where everyone can thrive.


