

For the third of our 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 Culture Club features, we caught up with musicMagpie, a UK-based tech business at the forefront of the global recommerce revolution, allowing customers to both sell to and buy from a service that is smart for them, 对地球来说也是明智的. 

了解更多有关构成公司文化的态度和行为, we’ve interviewed 3 members of their team - one of their talent leads, a new starter and a long term employee.

Rachel Coxon, Group HR and Talent Director


musicMagpie is a UK-based tech business at the forefront of the global recommerce revolution. 我们的网站和移动应用程序允许客户轻松地为他们不想要的科技和媒体项目获得现金, 然后,我们将这些产品翻新到良好的新状态,然后在我们自己的商店以及全球市场上转售. 刚开始是买cd的, DVDs and games from co-Founder Steve’s garage in Stockport in 2007, the company now turns over £150m per annum, with 25% of its turnover now generated by our US brand, Decluttr.

首先,我们是一个家庭,我们所做的一切都围绕着这种精神. 我们关心彼此, 我们的社区和, although we are all talented individually, we know that we work better as a team. 在这个团队中,我们公开交流, ensure that everyone has a voice and respects each other no matter what. 同事之间的这种开放使我们能够进行建设性的对话,并接受反馈, which helps us continually improve on matters relating to our work, 我们的文化和我们的客户. 我们也确信,房间里的任何人都可以提出伟大的想法和想法,我们热情地支持彼此, 我们知道,企业中的每一个人都为我们的成功做出了贡献. 我相信,这就是我们成功的原因,也是让我们的员工快乐和有动力的原因.

How does the company go above and beyond to attract and retain tech talent?

在吸引人才方面, we adopt the same approach as we do with our way of working, 那就是保持开放的心态. 我们知道人才可以来自不同的群体,我们并不拘泥于一个人的简历是什么样的,以及是否遵循“传统”的路径. The critical thing for us is that we see alignment to our values, 在那个人身上, and we seek out this alignment throughout every stage of the recruitment process. The ultimate goal is to ensure that person will thrive at musicMagpie. With sustainability running at the heart of our business, 我们也希望听到那些出于环境和道德原因对音乐感兴趣的人的声音, as this is such a central component in our future. 

在招聘过程中,将人才与我们的价值观相匹配,也是确保我们在人才澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台公司后留住他们的关键. 我们相信,通过在招聘前集中时间和资源,以确保候选人是一个完美的匹配, 技术上和文化上, for a business pays off in the long term. Where an individual’s personal values align to our values, they are more likely to enjoy and stay working at musicMagpie.

However, the work certainly doesn’t end there. 我们有一个全面的入职流程,我们不断评估并获得反馈, to ensure when someone joins the business, their first couple of months are as helpful, 顺利进行, 尽可能. 在你的音乐喜鹊期间,你也可以期待一个大的关注健康和社会, 还有免费的理疗课程, 尊巴类, 惊喜的礼物, as well as company social events including quizzes, 魔术表演和更多.

What does the future look like for the company and its employees?

今年无疑是一个挑战,从面对面的协作和“饮水机聊天”转向远程工作, 但我相信这让我们作为一个团队变得更加强大,我们会带着更多的同情心走出困境, appreciation and drive than ever before. We’ve got to know each other’s kids, 宠物, even interior preferences and have supported one another through a very tough period, so this will only bring us closer as colleagues and friends. 

We never assume what our people will benefit from, 什么会吸引和激励他们, 我们问, 我们有各种各样的反馈渠道,正是这些反馈让我们的同事感到积极参与到业务的持续改进中来. 在过去的一年里,在决定我们如何继续最好地支持所有同事方面,获得反馈是至关重要的.

喜鹊从来不会坐等太久,我们已经有一些重要的项目在今年和以后的管道. 对于任何新候选人来说,都有很多工作要做,我们对他们的承诺是,我们将支持他们在公司中发挥自己的作用,并允许他们有成长和成长的机会——天空真的是无限的.

Padma Turlapati, QA分析师

Can you describe your role at the company?

I recently joined musicMagpie as a QA analyst. My role is centred around testing applications and solving problems and issues. 这包括与QA团队的其他成员,以及开发人员和产品所有者合作.

What was it about the organisation that attracted you to the role?

I was attracted by the excellent growth the company has seen in the past few years, which made it seem like a really exciting place to work. Having researched the company when the opportunity arose, 我真的很喜欢这个牌子, 网站和它所代表的意义.

我特别被这个角色吸引,因为我们将从头开始构建测试过程,因此我将澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台这个开发的开始阶段, which seemed like a great challenge from the outset.

Can you describe the onboarding process you’ve experienced?

我对musicMagpie的入会过程感到非常高兴,不仅仅是因为同事们对我的热情欢迎, 但也因为欢迎包非常全面,给了我公司的背景和历史, which is invaluable as a new starter

As we’re working remotely at the moment, 我也惊讶于我所有的设备到达的速度,我需要的所有技术都被设置好了. musicMagpie made this part of the induction process easy and smooth on my side.

我的团队每天早上都有一个站立会议,这有助于我们彼此合作,并查看当天的优先事项, this frequent contact with my QA colleagues has helped me get bedded in too.

Steve King, Group Head of Marketing, Sell

Can you describe your role at the company?

I head up all of our marketing activity at musicMagpie and Decluttr, for the ‘sell’ side of the business. 在这个职位上,我将推动我们屡获殊荣的技术回收服务的战略方向, 在我们所有的收购中, conversion and retention campaigns and initiatives. It’s quite an expansive remit… one day I may be developing our brand-new TV creative, the next guiding the implementation of our new UX experiment. Next week may be a new email retention campaign, 下一步是与我们的SEO团队合作,研究如何对最新的谷歌算法更新做出反应. 每天都有新的挑战, 新的机会, 没有两天是完全一样的, 虽然这是一个要求很高的角色, it’s an exciting and rewarding one (and goes without saying, 肯定会让你很忙!).

You’ve been at the company for a number of years, can you tell me what has kept you at the company for so long?

到现在为止,我已经在这个行业工作了8年,我很享受那段时间的每一秒. 作为一名毕业生,我以营销主管的身份澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了这家公司,并从那里迅速成长为客户关系管理主管, a市场经理, 然后是营销主管, 在此之前担任集团营销主管. 我认为这个在公司内部成长的机会是让我留在公司这么久的一个重要因素, 但这不是主要原因. The real reason why musicMagpie and Decluttr have so many long-standing team members, 确实如此, 是因为我们是一家人吗. I know that may sound a little cliché, but it really is true. 这是我们企业精神的精髓,也是我们所做一切的核心价值. 这与几乎每天的欢笑和与业务一起成长的机会相结合, makes it impossible to look elsewhere.

What would you say to a person considering joining the company?

别想了,澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台吧! If you like the sound of a fast paced, challenging and innovative working environment, 想澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台一个以可持续发展和多元化为核心,力求在所有方面都做到最好的企业吗, as well as have the opportunity to grow and get rewarded for your efforts, 然后我会说, 你还在等什么!?

To find out more about musicMagpie and the work they do, 点击这里.

如果你是会员,想参加我们的文化俱乐部系列的未来版本, 请联系 thom@ycdwkj666.com.

