
How to reframe the data in your 数字 PR campaign when the links aren’t rolling in…


It’s one of the most exciting parts of managing a 数字 PR campaign, launching it to the media. 


But when a journalist’s instant response isn’t “I love this, 我现在就讲。”, 这可能令人沮丧.  


So, to set the scene – you’ve got a data set that you have focused your campaign around, you’ve pulled out what you considered the sexiest statistics to be. 你是, 不幸的是, 令人遗憾的是, 可怕的(所有悲伤的同义词)错误, 现在正在寻找备选方案. 你竞选的新角度.


现在, 作为数字公关策略的一部分, we would always have numerous hooks 和 angles at the ready, 以防第一轮的宣传没能成功. 


But below are a few tips for looking at an existing data set to form a new, 更有媒体价值的角度, if you’re struggling to get coverage for your 数字 PR campaign.  


首先,抛开你最初的竞选角度. 用艾尔莎的话来说,放手吧.   




Interrogating a data set is integral to any 数字 PR campaign. 如果你委托别人做过调查, requested data as part of a Freedom of Information request or acquired it externally, once it’s in your inbox that’s when the work really begins. 


打开你的excel表格, or whatever format your data is in 和 get your calculator ready with a pad 和 a pen. Here are a few calculations to look for that could help you find your new angle:


  • If you compare your data set to the population respectively can you figure out what the “largest”, “最小”, “最佳”或“最差”获胜者的数据是? 


  • If your data represents an issue, can you use time or days in a year to prove the scale of the issue? 


  • 这是最大的一次计算? 添加一个全新的数据集. Look to compare your existing data to the new set; this can make a narrative more interesting 和 the end result is likely to be something a journalist wouldn’t have had time to pull together themselves. 





媒体不断上传新内容, so go back 和 analyse your top-tier media 和 see if you can alter your data to mirror their latest content. 


Most titles have their own SEO strategies with KPIs now, so if your press release ad在这里s 和 contributes to the success of their strategy, 你更有可能得到你的结果. 


  • 网站上经常使用的标题是什么? 例如, when we found that headlines starting with “this is the age when…” were particularly popular in our target media, we found an angle in our data set that worked for this headline 和 ran with it.


  • What tone of voice is used 和 what’s the typical article layout? 你能让你的数据在这个模板上工作吗?




Sometimes it’s easy to get tunnel vision 和 be set on securing national coverage only. If you’ve not looked into uncovering regional angles within your data, now is the time to deep dive. 


Most top-tier regional websites have great authority 和 l和ing a piece of coverage on them could aid local 搜索 visibility too. 


当重新洗牌数据,以工作的地区标题, remember that everyone loves to see w在这里 their town ranks against the next. 




是的,有. 当你一直盯着屏幕努力工作的时候, the world has still been turning 和 that presents another opportunity. 


A great example of this is a campaign we crafted around dog-friendly holidays. After securing coverage/links 和 exhausting the first angle, we found a great opportunity to widen the breadth of our campaign 和 piggyback on National Pet Preparedness Month. 


The awareness day made our campaign highly relevant 和 we made sure we moved our data around so the statistics matched the new angle. 


Look at significant dates 和 what’s happening in the media right now; LinkedIn 和 twitter have amazing dynamic trend 和 news widgets that can help you to keep your finger on the pulse. 




You’ll be right in thinking that after writing that title, the rest of my office has been plagued by the number one hit by Hear'Say. 如果它现在也在你的脑海里,那就不客气了.  


But t在这里 is a genuine reason for this lyrical header; as a creative 和 deep thinker, I’m often looking for multiple meanings 和 the most niche insights when mining data. And while that’s proved to serve great results in most cases, you sometimes need to strip everything back 和 keep it simple. 


Look at the data 和 pick out the simplest insight possible; sometimes journalists are looking for uncomplicated pieces that will resonate with a wide audience 和 get clicks.


更多的见解,或了解我们的 数字 PR 和 有机 搜索 服务,与麦肯互联团队取得联系 在这里.

