
Manchester Metropolitan University:  Proudly fostering digital 创新 and leadership 

In the heart of the dynamic and cosmopolitan city of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University 是现代教育的灯塔, 培养创新, and contributing to the growth of both our local community and the national landscape. 根据 2020/21年度毕业生成果调查, 91% of our former students are either in employment or in further education 15 months after graduating. This showcases our commitment to shaping the future by delivering impactful programmes that not only elevate professional development but also drive digital transformation, 推动数码时代的商业发展. 探索我们的一些数字解决方案: 

The creative epicentre: Manchester School of Digital Arts 

数字艺术学院(SODA) shows Manchester Met's commitment to bridging creativity and technology. This brand-new building is a £35 million investment and features spaces to collaborate, 专业的设施, 包括UX套件, 电影制片厂, 绿色的屏幕, 编辑套件, 声音, 音乐和制作工作室, 电影院, 还有一个画廊.  

我们的学徒雇主合作伙伴代表, 艾略特Milliard, 英国电信集团内容设计经理, shared his thoughts about our school: “The facilities at the SODA building were great to see. SODA为人们提供了他们需要学习的一切.” 阅读更多 十大网博靠谱平台他和我们的经历.


DigitalLabs@MMU embodies Manchester Met's dedication to providing immediate business solutions through experimentation, 知识共享, 和发现. 我们的专业团队制作基于web的应用程序, 移动应用程序, 和游戏, developing both large and small software applications.  

Our expertise includes: App development (iPhone/Android), 射频识别, 无线识别标签, 条形码, QR码, 以及位置感知应用程序, 等. 探索更多的 about this service and discover the applications we've developed. 


我们还有 企业中心(CfE), 屡获殊荣的, multi-disciplinary team dedicated to harnessing academic knowledge for business engagement, 创新, 促进中小企业和企业家的增长. The Centre has worked with over 2,000 SMEs and won funding bids of over £40 million since 2012.  

在CfE内部,我们有 数码创新中心, a UK Government Innovation Accelerator programme led by Manchester Met and funded through the nationwide 1亿英镑的政府创新加速器. CDI is directed towards implementing initiatives for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Northwest region, focusing on four strategic strands: Artificial Intelligence, 网络安全, 工业数字化, 和沉浸式技术. This initiative aims to create a supercluster of digital 创新, expertise and skills development for the region to become a beacon in the UK for digital 创新. 
As part of Manchester Met's commitment to promoting technology among businesses in the Northwest, we are organising an event in collaboration with Bayes Business School. 本次活动的重点是 guiding small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on leveraging AI tools to creatively solve business problems and seize new opportunities.  

十大网博靠谱平台大学也参与了一项研究 1.200万美元的重大合作项目 with other Northwest universities that will develop cutting-edge cybersecurity research to support the region’s businesses and economic growth. 

Degree 学徒制: Nurturing tomorrow's digital leaders 

Manchester Met's apprenticeship initiatives play a crucial role in shaping the future of digital design and technology. 提供创意数字设计, 用户体验, 数码科技解决方案, 与数字营销, our University is dedicated to nurturing a new generation of professionals equipped with the skills required to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. 探索我们的 数字规划 然后找出答案 你如何与我们合作 提供学徒机会.  

We stand as a vibrant hub where creativity, technology, and industry collaboration intersect. From state-of-the-art facilities to pioneering partnerships, Manchester Met empowers apprentices to not just meet but surpass the challenges of the digital era. 我们的创意数码设计学徒, 阿比盖尔亚伯拉罕, shared how our programme helped her to think as a designer and challenged her to be more innovative. 阅读更多十大网博靠谱平台她的学徒生涯 与我们一起经历. 

Whether they are experienced professionals or a school leaver, we offer programmes tailored to enhance their capabilities and transform them into digital leaders. 更多地了解我们的学徒。 与我们一起经历.


Professional development and employability are at the heart of our Business School ethos. We deliver professionally relevant courses in subject areas directly linked to the needs of employers.   

The extent of our triple accreditations is reflected in the practical and applied nature of our curriculum and fosters 创新 in our approach to business and management education. We offer a range of undergraduate, postgraduate and professional courses. 了解更多.

Manchester Metropolitan University will be joining 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 as Education 2024年数字技能节合作伙伴. 点击这里 了解更多.

