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十大网博靠谱平台数字即将上演的好戏一览| 2023年5月

New Updates | May 2023

Upcoming Events

Member Conference: “FutureVision Manchester -绘制一条通往更美好明天的道路”. Date: 22nd of June.

Thursday 22nd June 2023 | 13:00 - 17:00 | No1 Circle Square, 3 Symphony Park, Oxford Road, Manchester, M1 7FS | Book your tickets.

十大网博靠谱平台数字会员会议将于下个月回归,为您带来一些最尖端的创新见解, challenges and best practices happening in the region. 

The past 12 months, 自上次会议以来,我们的生活充满了令人兴奋的发展, and we’re proud to host digital leaders, charting a path to a better tomorrow. 

会谈之后还会有一个晚上的食物和饮料供会员交流. Tickets are just £15 per person and include: 

  • 您选择的饮料(一杯啤酒、葡萄酒、普罗赛克、烈性酒和混合酒或软饮料)
  • As well as a curry and rice buffet.

Book your tickets. 

Event for CTOs & Founders: MD技术领袖谈话:与TalkTalk首席技术官Phil Haslam的谈话.

十大网博靠谱平台数字的技术领袖会谈为西北地区大型数字和技术企业的高级领导人提供了聚集在一起建立网络的机会, share best practices and make new connections.


This event will be in the format of a lunch event, including a light lunch for attendees, a keynote presentation and a Q&A session with Phil.

Book your ticket

Fintech Week 2023- Conference Day tickets are now available

十大网博靠谱平台数字邀请您参加我们的下一届金融科技会议, which will take place on Thursday 21st September 2023.

Book your ticket


十大网博靠谱平台数字邀请您澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们的下一个新兴技术会议, which will take place on Thursday 7th December 2023.

Book your ticket. 

Digital Her Events: 

Digital Her presents ... Accelerating Your Career in Tech

In Partnership with hackajob & GlobalLogic. An afternoon of talks, workshops & networking for women who are early in their tech career. June the 1st. 

Whether you are a graduate, career changer, up-skiller or returner, 本次活动承诺提供十大网博靠谱平台如何在科技和数字世界启动或推进你的职业生涯的独家见解.

Prepare to learn and be inspired, 同时从现实生活中的行业榜样那里得到实用的建议和指导.

Book your ticket

Digital Her Leadership For Digital Growth. For Leaders and Senior Managers. 

June Cohort (In-person) 2 x Full day sessions. 

我们的领导力队列项目在6月6日至7日进行了整整两天的面对面培训. 我们的课程旨在为女性提供她们在职业生涯中脱颖而出所需的工具和资源. 我们相信,通过提供一个支持性和赋权的环境, 妇女可以充分发挥其潜力,并在其组织中产生有意义的影响.


  • 了解领导者和管理者在数字化转型时期所需要的技能
  • Critique their own leadership and management style
  • 检查他们团队的情商水平,改善员工之间的互动方式
  • 反思远程和混合工作的管理挑战
  • 准备自己的战略和商业挑战的高级领导/管理在他们的组织

Book your space

What else?


The Startup hub is now live! Check it out here.


We are seeking those who can offer support to startups. 无论你是独立顾问还是大公司的一员, 我们希望确保您的品牌和服务在创业中心被发现. 

You can let us know how you can help Startups here, and we'll ensure you appear on the page. 

Submit good news.

Big News. Bigger Celebrations! 

Good news! 我们期待在月底的会员文摘上分享更多的好消息. 

我们很高兴能从会员那里听到好消息,我们也想听到 feature them in our monthly digest. As we reflect on the events of the 在过去的一个月里,我们想要突出积极的故事并庆祝 accomplishments. If you have any good news to share, please submit it and we'll include it in our next digest.

You can submit good news here.

Project Management Training

参加我们为期两天的项目管理课程,学习实用的技能和知识,以应用于您的角色. Gain essential skills to plan, execute, control, communicate, manage budgets, mitigate risks, and monitor progress effectively. 不要错过这个加速你职业发展的机会!

Training Dates: 

队列10(虚拟)1x 30分钟诱导28/06/2023 (12:30-13:00)                              
2 x Sessions - 19/07/2023; 20/07/2023

队列11(虚拟)1x 30分钟诱导28/06/2023 (12:30-13:00)                                
2 x Sessions - 29/08/2023; 30/08/2023

Book your Space

Contribute to specific Job role pages.

Are you recruiting for any of the following roles? If so, 我们最近在网站上创建了一些页面,专门为求职者分享有价值的信息,比如当前的职位空缺, 企业招聘和具体内容,以帮助他们在他们的角色.

Community Channels

Wider community events coming up:

See more on our events calendar.

Did you know? 


Check out what we’ve been up to recently:

  • We've recently joined the Tech Talent Charter
  • 十大网博靠谱平台数字公司努力向地方和国家政府代表您的利益. 我们是国家数字技能委员会的成员,我们正在努力提高学徒制的使用率,使其更好地为企业和学习者服务. 我们还撰写了一份十大网博靠谱平台如何支持区域技术生态系统的国家报告,并确保我们的成员能够继续发展和发展他们的业务. 

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