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The Key Pillars of Digital Transformation by 60 Innovations

在60创新,我们是数字转型软件顾问. As Manchester Digital members, 我们认为写一篇文章详细介绍您在启动数字转换项目时可能需要考虑的所有事情会很有用.

The key pillars of digital transformation


  • People
  • Process
  • Technology
  • Strategy (vision)
  • Culture


Which order you chose to approach them from is paramount, and you need to understand your organisation very well, and its appetite for change in every area, at every level.

最好为自己准备一组度量标准,并在过程中经常这样做, our scorecards are free and not a bad place to start. 至关重要的是,这项事业是由组织最高层的人拥有和支持的, the easy example being C-level execs or equivalent.


People对任何企业来说,人都是至关重要的一部分,这是显而易见的? 不要低估数字化转型或数字化演进可能给你的企业带来的紧张程度. 即使是经验丰富的资深人士,当他们了解技术现在所能做的真正规模时,也会感到非常不安. Keep comms channels open, and information flowing both ways in the business, make meaningful commitments to people and act on them! When you are evolving in a digital way, 很明显,你是在重新训练人们,让他们以不同的方式思考,以一种新的方式思考,让他们在技术方面拥有新的能力, this takes time, so having the right mix of people is key.

Culture: An ever-increasing one in terms of importance is culture. 如果两家公司有同等的技术和资金能力, 拥有最有效文化的公司将成为主导品牌. Did you notice I didn’t say “best” culture? 这是因为你无法轻易定义什么是“最佳”文化,因为每家公司的文化都是独一无二的.

虽然文化的某些方面在不同的组织之间是共享的, they often have each company’s unique slant on them, and for very good reason. 除非你对另一家公司的文化有深刻的了解,否则照搬它是一件危险的事情. We have seen a number of cases now where, 没有战略的组织开始进行转型工作, copying a bit of Spotify, a bit of Google a pinch of Facebook, for it to just end up a confusing mess, that ultimately did not deliver very much, very effectively. Main take away, study other successful company cultures, but create your own, and most importantly do this WITH your team!

Technology当前位置现代技术变革的速度是惊人的,而且只会越来越快. 无论你选择何种技术,我们都认为有几点是有效的;



以上两种说法并不是你在阅读有关数字化转型的文章时经常读到的那种耀眼的浮华, we make no apology for that either. 如果没有以上两点成为你的技术团队文化的一部分, you will remain at risk of failed initiatives, and vast, quickly-established technical debt. 任何已经开始扩大规模或获得市场份额的组织都将获得技术债务, the important part is to recognise it, 并创造一种允许合理管理和解决问题的文化.

Strategy策略有时会被误解为一套财务目标. For example, 你想要增加15%市场份额的战略, is not really a strategy, it’s a target. 策略是对你如何达到目标的大致时间表的详细描述. The previous statement is not meant to be condescending, 我们走访了一些相当大的企业,他们向我们展示的“战略”只不过是财务目标. 我们强烈建议您从合格且经验丰富的咨询公司获得战略帮助, 即使你有一个一流的策略,也值得有一双新鲜的眼睛来审视它. If a strategy is something you have struggled with before, 或者你不确定如何快速获得一个有效的策略, then get someone in to help you. It will pay you back in a very short space of time, and will certainly be less costly than having a go on your own, 也许没有正确地使用它,或者没有达到应有的效果.

Process转换的目的当然涉及业务的所有领域的过程. 我们在这里指的不仅仅是提供新技术和解决方案的过程, it how the very business operates that can, 是否应该对有用的地方进行改造或发展,以充分利用新的可用技术来获得竞争的商业优势.

To summarise the above as a list.

  1. 流程应该使数字化转型之旅尽可能高效.
  2. Process must deliver an amazing customer experience.
  3. 流程必须确保您的技术策略支持您的业务策略.
  4. 流程必须允许技术告知业务战略家他们可以带来的潜在新功能和产品.

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