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On the 8th July 2021, Manchester Digital hosted a virtual Financial Services Roundtable, sponsored by ENGINE Transformation.

The roundtable provided an opportunity to discuss some of the key challenges facing the Financial Services sector, 面对疫情带来的变化,各组织迅速实现数字化和自动化, ongoing shifts in consumer behaviour, continued erosion of trust, and an increase in disruption from unlikely sources.

The session was led by Katie Gallagher, Managing Director of Manchester Digital, and Suzi Bentley Tanner, Strategy Director at ENGINE Transformation, who were joined by participants from Adyen, Total Processing, Monevo, Auden and BankiFi.

Ahead of the discussion, Suzi summarised some of the challenges facing the financial services sector as:

  • The increased risk of commoditisation as the role of the physical bank declines
  • As the role of the physical bank decreases, 我们看到僵化和制度化的思维仍在继续,这不再适合我们的目的.
  • 在某些情况下,金融服务被视为需要解决的父母/子女关系.
  • Even though there is a plethora of data, 更传统的组织在相关性和个性化方面起步较晚.
  • 更传统的组织被遗留技术所束缚,这是一个问题, particularly with the presence of fintechs increasing.
  • 金融服务机构往往发现很难超越其经济价值, 此外,还需要将企业的商业重点与社会贡献结合起来.
  • As fintechs are technology driven, they can sometimes struggle with customer centricity. This includes being able to effectively articulate their customer value proposition, 此外,在优先考虑以体验为导向的举措而不是技术改进方面也存在问题.


On legacy technology blocking productivity and agility...

Nick Reid, BankiFi:

“The main blocker to productivity and agility is not necessarily legacy technology, it’s the attitude to embracing innovation. Those who have embraced innovation and continue to do so, stand to benefit the most.  

在考虑第三方解决方案时,银行都有同样的争论:是自己建造、购买还是合作. Banks usually come to the conclusion to partner, 由于他们现有的传统技术使得建设市场的速度慢得多,成本低得多.”

Cameron Lee, Total Processing:

“Traditionally banks have tried to be all things to all people, 但是如果你想要创造出最好的产品,你就需要非常细分,并且在一个特定的领域有洞察力.

金融服务业创新的最大障碍是一种心态,即你需要尽快收购以捍卫自己的市场份额. In reality, 如果你让小企业进一步繁荣,他们就能创造出更好的产品.


Richard Bartlett, Auden:


当大型组织在现状中有很大的利害关系时,它们可能很难进行创新. 如果你拥有很大的市场份额,那么保持一个根深蒂固的地位往往要比创造一种会蚕食现有盈利业务的新产品容易得多. 这就是为什么通常是小型的新企业创造了改变市场的新产品.” 

Colin Neil, Adyen:


Consumers look for consistency and convenience in a shopper journey. 连接分散的和/或收购的支付平台并保证一致性是非常困难的.


支付行业面临的一个重大挑战是,如何在技术主导的方法与商品优先的方法之间取得平衡,在商品优先的方法中,商家的行为似乎会降低成本, which if not managed can be detrimental to the transformation of technology.”

On financial anxiety/debt management shame and the need for better financial education…

Lee Stretton, Monevo:

“我们的美国企业客户(Monevo)向我们表明,人们比英国人更清楚自己的财务状况. 我认为消费者确实需要金融教育.’’

Cameron Lee, Total Processing: 

“Coming at it from a B2B angle, 我认为同样的道理也适用于企业的金融教育. 

Relative to their consumer protections, business owners are often at a disadvantage to consumer lending, per se, 在新冠疫情期间,我们遇到过一些情况,大型传统企业在一夜之间改变了他们的政策. This then meant that these businesses could not take payments, or were left with a couple of months to actually find an alternative provider. 

我认为真正需要建立的是金融服务提供者和消费者之间的公开对话和关系, whether that be businesses or individuals. For Total Processing as a business, that open communication is at the foundation of what we try to do.”


Nick Reid, BankiFi:

“As we exit the pandemic and companies are weaned off financial support schemes, attention will inevitably turn to paying off that financial support. 

 Businesses will value tools that accelerate their access to working capital, 以可靠和负责任的方式向他们提供技术意味着它不必损害社会价值.”

James Wilkinson, Zuto:

“Long gone are the days where success is defined by growth and profitability. 

Businesses have a fundamental part to play in supporting local communities, helping the planet and doing great things for employees so we can live in a fairer, more equal society. In fact I’d say businesses have a bigger role to play in this than the government. 

Given that fintechs are leading change, doing great things for customers, giving more transparency, I believe they should also be at the forefront of driving social change.”


Attendees at this roundtable session included:

  • Katie Gallagher, Managing Director at Manchester Digital
  • Suzi Bentley Tanner, Strategy Director at ENGINE Transformation
  • Cameron Lee, Director at Total Processing 
  • Colin Neil, Head of Commercial at Adyen
  • Lee Stretton, CIO at Monevo
  • Nick Reid, Sales Executive at BankiFi
  • Richard Bartlett, CEO at Auden
  • Kate Wilson, Partnerships Manager at Manchester Digital

Additional comments provided by James Wilkinson, CEO at Zuto.

感谢ENGINE Transformation,他们赞助了我们十大网博靠谱平台特定行业挑战的一系列圆桌讨论.

For more information on ENGINE Transformation, please click here.

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