
In the Spotlight with Elev8Exec: Pioneering Fractional COO Services and Performance Advisory for Tech Ventures

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们请来了公司创始人兼首席执行官Mark Hawtin Elev8Exec.


We are Elev8Exec and we specialise in providing interim Chief Operating Officer services and leadership advisory services to help technology businesses achieve sustainable performance improvements. We recognise that early-stage businesses understand the value and need for the COO role but may not be able to afford one full-time, 因此我们提供部分或兼职COO服务. We also recognise the value of helping early-stage technology businesses gain cost-effective access to the experience of leaders that have successfully scaled companies. 

What specific expertise and experience does your firm bring to technology businesses seeking performance improvement?

We use a combination of industry-proven metrics and a suite of best practices to introduce sustainable process improvements across all business functions, driven by an upfront diagnostic developed by drawing on 30+ years helping technology businesses scale and grow, 有机地和通过收购. The actions we take are unique to every client and designed in a way that the client can implement under our guidance using its’ own resources. 我们可以通过专注于成功的策略来避免陷阱.  

Could you provide examples of successful projects where your advisory services have helped technology companies achieve sustainable performance improvement?

In one case a founder-led healthcare technology business was struggling to win new business against a younger, 商业上咄咄逼人的竞争者. We reviewed the go-to-market and found that the messaging and positioning of their core product wasn’t as well aligned as competition and the pricing structures made them difficult to compare. 

我们从采访他们的客户开始, 记录他们用来描述利益和改变销售的语言 & 市场营销信息, 从他们的目的(或使命)到产品在网站上的描述方式. We dedicated time to getting the whole team comfortable with the revised messaging and reinforced it through a variety of tactics such as office signage and via regular company meetings. 

同时,我们重新调整了价格表, 抓住机会修改价格水平,并重新包装附加模块, 创建新的服务流并转向纯订阅基础. 

结果是,有机收入增加了30%, 年度经常性收入和盈利能力增长15%,从盈亏平衡上升到EBITDA的21%. And win rates went from <10% to 66% in competitive tenders.

How do you tailor your advisory approach to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by technology businesses?

We believe in diagnosis before prescribing solutions and so we start with a discovery call to understand and explore the dynamic intentions and vision of a client. This is followed by a structured “Ignite” diagnostic process which combines quantitative benchmarking and qualitative exploration of how a technology business operates today in its’ competitive environment. The diagnostic is guided by the discovery call as to which business functions deserve more time and effort. 一旦诊断完成, we collaborate with the client to form recommendations of priority actions that will deliver the vision more effectively. This allows us to use a common approach but uniquely tailored to the specific circumstances of the client.

What methodologies or frameworks do you typically employ when working with technology companies to stimulate new thinking and apply best practices?

有了工程背景,我们知道如何处理各种情况, 将它们分解成组件并寻找性能的根本原因(好的和坏的). We combine this with creative flair based on our experience of growing technology companies through booms, 衰退和其他破坏性事件提供了解决方案. 

然而, I think one of the most powerful aspects of our work is that we’re completely unbiased by past client performance, current practices and other tightly-held client beliefs – which allows us to challenge how things get done today in a constructive way and pose questions about how to do things differently. We combine this with a structured program we call “Discovery Mindset” which introduces a different way of looking at the business to find breakthrough opportunities for change and encouraging structured experimentation to evaluate them before implementation.

How do you stay up-to-date of emerging trends and technologies within the tech industry to ensure your advice remains current and relevant to your clients' needs?

我们通过阅读投入大量时间进行研究, 参与相关论坛, 建立人际关系,促进小组思考和讨论. This is particular important as AI becomes more prominent across all business functions and like many others this is one of the highest priority areas we’re following right now. It’s one of the reasons we joined Manchester Digital and other similar regional groups as you continue to do such a great job with the awareness and impact of emerging trends. 

谢谢你! Elev8Exec 

