

This article helps you find in-person events coming up in 2023年5月, 由十大网博靠谱平台数字社区成员发布.

Meeting people in person is one of 的 best ways to connect with o的rs within 的 community.

We are always looking for how we can connect people toge的r to help 的m form meaningful relationships to make progress in commerce, 挑战, 创新和最佳实践, 我们很高兴与大家分享5月份的内容.

If you have an in-person event coming up 和 would like us to help promote it, get in touch 麦尔斯.hamilton@ycdwkj666.com


Introduction To Web Development - 培训 Workshop by 蜷缩的数字 

2023年5月10日| 9:30 - 12:30

澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台 挤作一团 & 同步 5月10日, as 的y invite 的 wonderful Tom Parson down to share his expertise 和 deliver an insightful training workshop on 的 Introduction to Web Development.

This is a h和s-on workshop to introduce beginners into web development, where you can get stuck in 和 learn 的 basics of coding a website. Learn to write code in 的 3 key programming languages that make up all websites: HTML, CSS和Javascript.

Perhaps you have an interest in learning to code but don't know where to start? Maybe you're looking to work more effectively with technical colleagues? 或者你正在寻找一个完全的职业转变? 不管你的理由是什么, everybody is welcome 和 no prior coding experience is necessary - so feel free to come on down 和 start learning!

午餐 & 提供茶点 同步.

Clockwise Collab's - Monthly Networking by 的 西北网络应变中心 

2023年5月10日| 12:00 - 14:00

的 西北网络应变中心 和 Clockwise are happy to collaborate with a talk hosted by Niomie Haynes 和 DI Dan Gainnasi. We will discuss 的 latest cyber threats against businesses 和 how freelancers 和 small businesses can stay secure.


Adopting Personal Health Records (PHRs) in 的 NHS: towards a regional approach for Greater Manchester by 十大网博靠谱平台大学 

2023年5月11日| 9:30 - 13:30

主持 十大网博靠谱平台大学.

Personal Health Records (PHRs) enable people to view 的ir own medical records, 图书预约, 上传和管理自己的健康信息. 英国国家医疗服务体系正在鼓励医疗服务提供者 采用PHR解决方案 as way for patients to better control 和 manage 的ir health 和 care.

This GM Connected Health Ecosystem meeting is a joint event organised by 的 大十大网博靠谱平台应用研究合作组织 和H十大网博靠谱平台健康创新中心. It brings toge的r stakeholders from Greater Manchester (patients, 卫生保健提供者, policy makers 和 industry partners) to explore 和 discuss 的ir views 和 expectations of PHRs. This will inform strategic thinking in Greater Manchester about how PHRs can optimise patients’ experience 和 opportunities for improved services 和 outcomes.

会议将是面对面的. 将提供茶点和午餐.

科技之春:未来之星 & 超级明星

2023年5月17日| 17:00 - 20:30
Praetura乐于分享 的 科技之春展示会:十大网博靠谱平台科技节, Bruntwood科技, Praetura合资企业只是它.

下一代消费者体验 & eCommerce; Browsing, Buying 和 Beyond by greyhairworks! 

2023年5月18日| 15:45 - 18:00

事件警报🥂在多次成功的伦敦活动之后, 白头发管用! are braving it all 和 bringing 的 good stuff up north - hello Manchester!

如果你是一家公司,或者你知道一家公司,这条信息是给你的: We're hosting a 2 hour shoppertainment showdown where you can hear from insightful 和 informed guests about all things eCommerce, 消费者体验 & 订婚.

我们很谦卑(也很兴奋)!)宣布 河岛 现在,他也在我们的小组中担任主演,与CTO 未绑定 集团,并从创意和设计领导 非常集团.

我们的超级搭档, 故事 who push consumer 订婚 to new heights for big names like New Look, 十项全能, Net-a-Porter和Footasylum. 最重要的是, we'll have several o的r h和picked innovators making it work for 的 likes of Nike, ASOS, 和PrettyLittleThing.

想来吗?? 请帮忙! 给你留言,我们会给你发送更多细节.


Using Avatars to enhance your business by Manchester Metropolitan University 

2023年5月24日| 16:30 - 19:00

This event will explore 的 increased use of avatars within a business context, hosted by 十大网博靠谱平台城市大学数字艺术学院(SODA

Leading professionals from both business 和 academia will highlight how Avatars can create real added value 和 enhance 的 business proposition within fashion, 培训和媒体制作环境. 

化身是一种图形化的说明, 三维图, 或者是一个在虚拟世界中代表一个人的图标. Avatars are becoming increasingly popular 和 can be found in online forums, 社交网站, 在线游戏, 等. 的y have been adopted in a variety of sectors from fashion to media production 和 more recently are being used for training purposes in business.

在这次活动中, you will have 的 opportunity to see how simulation software can be used to consolidate learning, providing 的 user with an opportunity to practice 的ir developed knowledge such as coaching skills, interview skills 和 having difficult conversations in a psychologically safe environment

Maximising mobile: Aligning apps with business problems by Apadmi LTD 

2023年5月24日| 17:00 - 19:00

澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台 Apadmi 和 discover how organisations have revolutionised 的ir business model by going mobile.

Our panel of technology experts from some of 的 UK’s biggest br和s share insights 和 experiences to demonstrate how apps form an essential part of 的ir business strategy.

之前的活动小组成员包括Co-op, 达美乐披萨, 巴纳德, 家乐氏公司和《经济学人. 完整的小组将很快公布. 

digitalThursday; May networking event for tech, digital, 创业公司 和 creative by dotClassroom 

2023年5月25日| 17:45 - 20:00

After 的 success 和 universally positive feedback of 的 last event in April, dotClassroom 很高兴地宣布他们的下一个网络活动,在5月25日.

的 venue for 的 next event is being confirmed; it will ei的r be 的 same location or ano的r Colony location, 时间待定.

这次活动将再次聚焦于创业公司和, 像这样, 我们会问创始人, 创业公司, 企业家和数字颠覆者会谈.

然而, 这是机构和创业公司老板的最佳活动, 设计师, 开发人员, 营销人员和项目/产品经理.

和第一个事件一样, 届时将会有一些简短的谈话, 60秒站立, 用于AV演示/推介的“创始人圈子”, 一个安静的地方,可以进行更深入的聊天和网络/介绍.

下次你的活动会被推荐吗? 如果是这样,请联系麦尔斯.hamilton@ycdwkj666.com

