
电子商务会议2022 -综述

Manchester Digital hosted its first Ecommerce Conference on Thursday 1st December 2022 at the Tech Incubator, 十大网博靠谱平台技术中心.

大十大网博靠谱平台的成功 电子商务部门 是有充分记录的, 该地区拥有许多创新的电子商务品牌, agencies and other businesses that support this thriving industry. 

在过去的几年里,这个行业出现了惊人的增长, but there are undoubtedly big challenges ahead as the UK slips into a potentially long and difficult recession.

在这样的背景下, it was fantastic to welcome over 130 guests for a packed afternoon of presentations from leading industry figures, 小组讨论和网络.

电子商务会议由 Adobe商务, 先进的商务, GAIN LINE, mapp, 马什商业 and PushON.

The afternoon kicked off with keynote presentation delivered by Kristal Ireland, 行政总监 七点钟起床, who discussed to a packed main room “How to create the perfect cross channel brand moment to drive sales”.

Kristal Ireland,七点起床的执行董事

Drawing on some fascinating case studies and recent projects that 七点钟起床 have worked on, 克里斯托演讲的一些关键要点是:

  • In the last 2 years, consumer search behaviour has changed faster than ever
  • 消费者正变得不耐烦,希望尽快看到结果!
  • 说到黑色星期五, 你需要考虑如何消除你的竞争对手, 不仅仅是花得比他们多
  • 促使人们购物的因素可以分为两类——驱动因素 & 主持人
  • Search is changing so every strategy and campaign 七点钟起床 deliver is audience first
  • TikTok is creating huge demand for products and brands through influencer and creator campaigns
  • 42% of TikTok users are aged between 30-49, so this audience shouldn’t go ignored
  • 影响力营销的力量不应该被低估, with 80% of marketeers finding influencer marketing effective at driving quality traffic and 89% saying ROI from influencer marketing is comparable or better than other channels.


我们下午的第一个小组提出了问题, “How are brands integrating new technologies into their businesses and what will have the biggest impact?".

该小组由莫妮卡裁缝担任主席,他是该公司的高级副全球总监 McCann的技术主管尼尔·梅莫特(尼尔Memmott)也参加了会议 非常组蒂姆·威利斯(蒂姆·威利斯)是微软电子商务主管 PushON.

  • "At Very, we're continually enriching the consumer experience and trying to engage with the consumer. We need to give the consumer the confidence to buy, and not have to return."

  • “消费者现在更愿意货比三家, which has led to a more fragmented shopping experience than we had pre-cost of living crisis. The experience a consumer has on your website is now absolutely key."

  • “反弹已经发生,但没有我们预期的那么多. The experience people expect across both online and in store is much more fluid, 但消费者对网上购物的期望要高得多.”

  • “在可持续性方面,非常组关注的重点是:  

  • "We could be a few years away from seeing what retail looks like in the metaverse. For now, brands should start testing the waters and see where their customers are with this sort of tech."


跟随零售面板, our first presentation in the main event space was delivered by Ricardas Montvila, 全球战略副总裁 mapp, who discussed "Identifying largest revenue growth opportunities in 2023".

RRRicardas Montvila, mapp全球战略副总裁

与此同时,在董事会会议室里,科技公司的弗拉基米尔·穆尔赫姆 & 创新总监 创意内容作品 介绍了“从CGI到虚拟世界的6个步骤”.

Vladimir Mulem,技术 & 创意内容作品的创新总监

在喝杜松子酒的情况下,短暂休息一下,建立关系网 & Tonics, our next presentation of the afternoon in the main event space was delivered by André Brown, Founder & CEO of 先进的商务 (曾任attrqt /Fredhopper联合创始人兼首席执行官), who discussed "The disconnect between marketing and merchandising".

Andre Brown,创始人 & 先进的商务首席执行官

Meanwhile, the boardroom saw Marcus Hadfield, Chief Strategy Officer at Apadmi和Adam Hopwood,产品主管 Co-op, join together to present "Conversations with Co-op and Apadmi: How to build a loyalty app and drive 2.300万次下载”.


今天下午的最后一次演讲, guests in the main event space enjoyed "How to accelerate growth in a challenging economic climate", 尼尔·麦凯(Neil McKay)报道, CEO of 无尽的获得.

Neil McKay, 无尽的获得的首席执行官

与此同时,在会议室, GAIN LINE 促进互动式冲刺会议, as they showed “"How to use Sprint methodology to solve your challenges in ecommerce".

凯文·威廉姆斯,GAIN LINE的技术总监

下午的最后一节课, all guests gathered together in the main event space once again for our second panel, this time focusing on the agency side of ecommerce as we asked “Is Composable Commerce the future?".

Agency panel L-R: Chris McCarthy-Stott, 斯蒂芬妮Kershaw, Nik Southworh, 史蒂夫·盖尔

The panel was chaired by Chris McCarthy-Stott, Associate Director of Ecommerce at PushON的合作伙伴销售经理斯蒂芬妮·克肖(斯蒂芬妮Kershaw)也参加了会议 Adobe商务,首席商务官史蒂夫·盖尔 CTI Group尼克·索斯沃思(尼克Southworth)担任首席产品官 & 技术主任 IMS 前身为美丽湾.

  • "The whole thing combined is a wheel, rather than the individual parts."

  • “我们现在要说的是,我们希望一切都是最好的."

  • "With composable, it’s evolution, not revolution - you don’t need to start everything from scratch."

  • “There are retailers who genuinely want to differentiate themselves in terms of their technology and grow their own teams.”

  • “We look at the market in two segments - SMEs and Larger Enterprises. 即插即用并不适用于所有人, and true composable requires a lot of work and planning so just not possible for smaller merchants. We wouldn’t talk about composable to all customers, as it isn’t a one size fits all solution.”

会议结束后, 嘉宾们来到了圆形广场的Tahi餐厅, as we gathered together to discuss the points that had been raised over the course of the afternoon, reconnect with old friends and make new acquaintances over sharing boards and drinks long into the evening.

我们的下一个电子商务活动的细节将很快公布. Sign up to the Manchester Digital newsletter to keep up to date with all the latest news and announcements. 

