

In order to transform digital delivery in healthcare and achieve better patient outcomes, we need to learn the lessons from the COVID-19 response and the ongoing digital transformation occurring within trusts.

This requires us to keep users at the heart of the services we build and to utilise the full potential of the cloud, as well as developing the digital skills and capabilities that are needed at Trust level.


在我们谈话时 数字领袖峰会, 安迪Callow and I discussed three key enablers for achieving ‘better patient outcomes’ within Trusts:

用户首先: Employing a user-first approach means being driven by patient needs and measuring success through clinical outcomes. 我们和安迪和他的团队一起 快速开发 the NHS Book a virtual visit service precisely because there was a clear patient need and have facilitated over 1,000 calls with an average call duration of over an hour so it is measurably having a positive impact on the lives of Kettering General Hospital’s patients.

可互操作的: Without interoperability between systems you will struggle to pick the right tool for the job and to have the right data at the right time. When systems refuse to talk with other systems outside of a particular vendor’s own ecosystem, Trusts’ hands are effectively tied when it comes to picking products or building their own services to deliver better patient outcomes. This vendor lock-in is stifling for innovation and is one of the drivers for NHS staff members having to remember 最多15次登录来完成他们的工作.

合作: 数字化创新, Trusts need to develop new capabilities and the best way to achieve this is by collaborating and sharing ideas with other Trusts, suppliers and organisations undergoing similar transformations. I personally feel that open source software presents a massive opportunity as a collaboration mechanism between Trusts. The open source NHS Design System enabled us to rapidly prototype the book a virtual visit service in just 48 hours and have it tested on wards within a week.


在我们的谈话中, we discussed a number of ways Trusts can iteratively and incrementally work towards better patient outcomes. This certainly isn’t an overnight process and, in my opinion, it’s not even a process with an end. 这是一个持续改进的过程. You have to start somewhere though and we shared a few ideas on how and where you might start.

构建候选服务的管道:开发 路线图 that includes all your candidate digital improvements and services which focus on better patient outcomes is a great way to keep track, 优先考虑并沟通你正在进行的工作.

确保适当的资金: You should aim to secure specific funding for your digital programme, 这样你就可以让交付团队来解决这个问题. This will allow you to ensure your funding is directed towards continuous improvement of software. You should also try to help your entire Trust become more comfortable with the transition from capital to revenue, 当您转向云中的订阅服务时.

通过早期的成功建立动力: 然而 small your early successes might be, they can really help you to build momentum. 为你的团队投资, expose them to new ways of working and make sure the organisation knows about it. A tool for helping the discharge process was one early success at Kettering General Hospital.

在户外工作: Keeping your successes to yourself wastes time for you and others looking to learn from it. 也, 随着越来越多的远程工作的发生, documenting your work helps others and helps you to ensure your explanation of the detail is as clear as possible.

委员会开源替代方案: 在理想的情况下, if individual Trusts can develop small amounts of technology themselves, 为了每个人的利益,这些可以与他人分享. This will ensure patients aren’t paying for services twice and drive down costs over the long term. 这也意味着可以提供更多的数字服务 建立透明的在开放和NHS服务标准.

要求供应商培养技能: Suppliers should not just be building services for Trusts, 他们还应该帮助他们发展技能. While delivering the NHS Book a virtual visit service for Kettering General Hospital, I’m proud that we were able to work with their developers and eventually handed the service over to them.


Crucially, this is a path that any NHS Trust can plot should they choose to do so. Andy freely admits that, not long ago, Kettering General Hospital was a digital lagard.

然而, 通过实现用户至上, 互操作性和协作策略, it is demonstrating how the NHS as a whole can be radically transformed and achieve better patient outcomes.

