
How Data Visualisation Can Help Your Business Make Money

The pressure to produce innovative marketing might seem like it never ends. 不管你在哪个行业, you need to attract clients and sell your services in order to keep your business afloat. 有很多方法可以做到这一点, but you should first consider what your customers are ultimately looking for. Marketing should provide reassurance and demonstrate value — and that’s why turning your data into images can translate into profit. 让我们来看看你需要知道什么.

Data Visualisation Starts with Decision-Making

 Any business owner knows that making decisions can be tough. After all, there are many factors to consider, and it can be hard to know which direction to take. 然而,数据可以提供帮助. 通过花时间收集和分析数据, 并得到一个清晰的视觉表现, you’ll have a better understanding of what your customers want, employee performance and where your business needs improvement. 除了, data will help you spot trends and identify opportunities that you might otherwise have missed.

Using Data Visualisation in Your Digital Marketing

Data visualisation is exactly what it sounds like — the practice of taking raw data and representing it in the form of an illustration, 图表, 或信息. 这是STEM领域常用的方法, and it’s quickly emerging as a valuable strategy in the business world. You can apply this strategy to data regarding sales, customer satisfaction, or 转化率. Creating a graphic to represent this information can help your staff — and yourself — understand it better.

Data visualisation can be valuable to your company for other reasons, too. It helps turn abstract data into an easy-to-understand image, which makes it ideal for use in training materials. 除了 to its potential benefit for internal applications, it’s an effective tool for 在数字营销活动中使用.

Few strategies are as effective as a marketing campaign that shows prospective customers the benefits of your brand. 您可以使用数据可视化来 展示客户满意度, the volume of your business, and other selling points that can be presented persuasively. Data visualisation is particularly well-suited to digital marketing because graphics can easily be uploaded online.

Many businesses like to share data visualisation images in their social media marketing campaigns as they engage with customers. 如果你 探索上传PDF文件的方法 onto Facebook, keep in mind that PDFs can only be posted on business pages.

Demonstrating Value to Customers and Investors

除了 to the value that data visualisation offers customers, it’s an innovative tool to use 向投资者发表讲话时. Anybody who’s considering funding your business will be most motivated by cold, hard data — but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t present it in a digestible form. Data visualisation allows you to do both, which investors will likely appreciate.

Remember that digital platforms aren’t the only venue you can use for data visualisation. You can print a graphic on paper and hand out flyers just as easily as you can post them on social media. 事实上, flyers are a great way to promote your business — one study found that 48% of flyer recipients sought more information about the brand advertised

要创建图形,您应该查找 数据可视化工具 它可以很容易地将数字转换成图像. Some of these tools are available online, and others are software that needs to be downloaded. You should look for an effective tool until you find one that creates the image you envision.

Market Smarter With Data Visualisation Techniques

Data visualisation might sound like a buzzword, but it’s much more than a buzz. It’s an innovative technique for connecting with customers more effectively and representing information clearly. 除了 to the value it can offer your own company, it’s a great way to market to investors or launch a digital marketing campaign online.

