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In The Spotlight - KindGeek

At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Kindgeek.

What does your organisation do?

Kindgeek是一家专门从事咨询服务和软件开发的科技公司,总部位于利沃夫, Ukraine. Kindgeek provides software engineering, agile delivery, product design, cloud computing, DevOps, big data, data science, maintenance, and support services.

For seven years on the market, we’ve grown into a team of 200+ geeks, continuing to expand across all company areas. 

Fintech is our key domain, but we also work in Education, Healthcare, Retail, 为中小企业和初创企业提供定制软件开发. 我们的客户能够通过我们的软件开发和咨询服务筹集近10亿美元的投资,我们对此感到自豪. 

Having developed our own products from scratch, 我们坚信以产品为导向的方法,并以最终用户为中心构建产品.



当今科技行业面临的最重要问题之一是客户参与度. 市场上充斥着相同类型的应用,关注着相同的问题. 由于新冠肺炎疫情和俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰,在充斥着数字噪音的世界里,吸引用户和吸引他们的注意力变得更加困难. To grow, 企业需要通过深入研究目标受众,找到核心痛点的解决方案,专注于解决实际问题. 

由于全球地缘政治环境,安全和隐私是科技行业面临的另一个担忧. 麦肯锡最新的网络安全报告显示,由于网络攻击风险的增加,网络安全技术和服务提供商的市场机会将达到2万亿美元, 为网络安全行业的创新创造了一个独特的时刻. 


What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

Through seven years of work, 我们公司经历了三次重大危机:乌克兰东部战争的开始, the Covid-19 pandemic, and a full-scale war, yet none has affected our growth. Though all of that time, the company continues to show stability and expands; we’ve developed 100+ products, 其中20多个项目获得了数百万的投资,并达到了自筹资金的里程碑. 我们最杰出的成就在于与客户建立了有意义的合作伙伴关系,使我们受益并共同扩大规模.



As for many companies, 我们面临的最大挑战是在Covid-19大流行突然爆发期间, when all companies were struck by uncertainty, and many projects were closed. We're proud to have successfully adapted to the pandemic landscape, and although some of the projects were closed, we haven't made redundancies. We stabilized the situation and continued to reach our goals.   

This experience also helped us during Russian invasion. 我们适应得很快,因为我们已经习惯了高效工作,即使是远程工作. As we're based in Lviv, 距离波兰边境43英里,距离敌对行动有几百英里, 我们帮助员工搬迁到西方或国外,并重新定义了许多操作流程,使一切顺利进行.

We've successfully adapted to the new reality, retained all the projects, kept all the deadlines, 我们从未忘记我们的首要目标——为我们的客户和合作伙伴提供一个积极变革的平台.

In KindGeek, we continued working, 尽管入侵的最初几天在效率方面有些棘手. 自3月份以来,我们95%的员工已经恢复了正常的工作流程.  What's most invigorating is that we've signed new projects, haven't stopped hiring, and are open to new projects and partnerships. Even during turbulent circumstances, Kindgeek通过采取网络安全措施和应急计划来保持其稳定性. 



Being one of the biggest UK tech hubs, 十大网博靠谱平台拥有众多数字和科技企业——从初创企业和中小企业到全球品牌和众多本土企业, talented entrepreneurs. Since 2020, 由于新冠肺炎大流行的余震和俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,它遇到了许多经济挑战.

For Manchester’s key sectors – Fintech, Cybersecurity, E-commerce, SaaS, 医疗保健——韧性和可持续性是未来的关键. To remain competitive and keep the wind in the industry’s sails, 城市及其商业部门必须找到优化资源的方法, get more digital, 并构建能够长期优化核心流程的产品——主要是通过履行企业责任, 可持续发展实践以及利用人工智能和机器学习技术. 

For Fintech, AI and ML are game changers; these technologies can improve awareness, reduce costs, help make data-driven decisions, and automate core processes. In addition, SEON, a cybersecurity organisation, 从2021年到2022年,美国和英国的网络攻击几乎翻了一番. Banking fraud has shown similar growth in the UK, 2021年这种类型的攻击比2020年多66%. To mitigate the effects of online fraud and secure costs, 在数字化转型过程中,英国金融科技公司必须在网络安全方面进行投资. 

Tell us something we might not know about your company.

Originally,  Kindgeek由很大一部分有抱负的大学生组成, so we started as a student-based company. Decent higher education, flat organisational structure, and startup spirit shaped the business, laid a foundation, and gave rise to many other employees who’ve started their own service and product companies; there’re already 11 of them. Since the Kindgeek launch, 我们的目标是成为一个为客户和员工带来积极变化的平台


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