

丽萃麦克道尔, 花王数据市场经理, 谈到了在科技领域消除性别差距的重要性, what Manchester’s digital industry now has to offer and chats to female colleagues about their careers in the fast-growing data centre sector.

2024年国际妇女节 又一次将目光投向了女性, 激励他人做更多的事情, 更包容,抓住更多机遇, 解决所有行业的不平等问题——科技行业也不例外.

研究告诉我们,还有很多工作要做.  普华永道的研究称, 是时候缩小性别差距了, 在2,000名A-Level学生和大学生, identifies that the gender gap in technology starts at school and carries on through every stage of a female’s life . 

自信或冒名顶替综合症在 打破障碍:科技领域的女性大声疾呼 ——由十大网博靠谱平台先锋的贝基·泰勒合著 科技回击者 brand, as one of five barriers that need to be tackled to help women fulfil their potential. 

缺乏对科技行业的认识或接触, 缺乏可见的榜样, exclusionary hiring processes and discrimination are also all featured as challenges we need to overcome. 

This is clearly well out of kilter with the needs of the tech world which is innovating faster than ever before and with 技能短缺 everywhere including critical industries such as AI, digital infrastructure and cyber security. 的refore there is an urgent business case for bridging the gender divide sooner rather than later.

Manchester has a history of disruptive women taking aim at traditional male paradigms and like the suffragettes of the early 20th century who fought for the right to vote there is a new set of females seeking to bridge the gap. 出色组织的努力,比如 代码第一女孩教会了超过15万名女性如何编程,或者 十大网博靠谱平台数字公司的“数字她” 计划, 与曼城足球俱乐部(Manchester City FC)合作,为新一代女性技术人员赋权, 还有像 科技界的女性十大网博靠谱平台科技节,都在朝着正确的方向大步前进.


好吧, in the past 12 months 60% of our newest recruits have been female so we are making tangible strides into diversifying our workforce and as we build our £350m data centre in Stockport, 哪一家有望在2026年开业, we hope more women will feel encouraged to apply for some of the 100+ jobs on site, 要么通过我们自己,要么通过分包商.

不仅如此, we hope they will benefit from the countless jobs more compute power in the Manchester city region will deliver. Data centres are the stages on which the tech rock stars of the future will do their thing and we for every Mick Jagger equivalent we also need techs answer to Stevie Nicks.

拷数据的 首席人事官,卡莱·穆迪利 同意. 她说:“在未来, gender diversity in the data centre industry will be synonymous with innovation and progress. 在花王数据, 我们的作用是明确的:通过包容性政策倡导多样性, 赋予女性领导地位, and inspiring the next generation of female talent to thrive in this dynamic sector."

As well as transitioning our compute power we are also bringing our community outreach and education 计划 to Stockport. 

花王学院 is a section of our website aimed at school children and I am so proud to be a part of this pioneering initiative which talks to girls and boys at key stage two about data centres with hands-on experiences and interactive learning opportunities. We are keen to encourage girls to explore their potential and challenge the misconception that they are not as naturally inclined or passionate about technology-related careers

It is fantastic to work for a company that is committed to breaking down stereotypes and demonstrating the exciting possibilities within the data centre field for women irrespective of age or circumstance.  

客户服务经理Jo O 'Riordan 作为一个职业母亲说, Kao Data offers her a level of flexibility that is invaluable when juggling both professional responsibilities and family commitments.  

She said: “I feel empowered to manage my schedule in a way that suits both my career aspirations and my role as a parent. 另外, Kao Data's commitment to diversity and gender inclusion means that I have the opportunity to explore and contribute to a wide array of business areas. 这种曝光不仅让我的工作充满活力和吸引力, 但也能让我拓宽我的技能和知识.” 

Wendy Bailey,客户执行经理, explains how her role as a female Mental Health First Aider helps other women to feel more comfortable seeking support. 

She commented: “I aim to promote our inclusive working environment and remind our colleagues that we are supported whether we are, 或者认定为, 男性或女性. My sincere hope is that my colleagues would feel comfortable to confide in me and discuss anything that is concerning them, 无论是工作上的问题还是重要的生活经历, 哪些地方需要额外的支持.”

合规官Katie Harper, touched on how a female perspective adds value to her role in a traditionally male-dominated field: She added: “Women often bring a collaborative and empathetic approach to problem-solving, fostering a more inclusive work environment where a range of diverse voices are heard and valued. This inclusive mindset not only enhances the team dynamics but also leads to more comprehensive risk assessments and compliance strategies. 我相信这为我们的合规工作增加了深度和丰富性, 为我们数据中心运营的整体成功和完整性做出贡献.”

的 UK data centre industry is expected to grow by over 10% by 2029 which makes it the third fastest-growing marketplace in the UK - of any market. That comes with a set of responsibilities to lead on issues of gender and we intend to step up to the plate.

Our investment in Manchester is a signal to everyone that you don’t have to go to London to pursue a career in tech  and women - with the right encouragement, 培训和机会——在这个领域同样可以做得很好.

在最近的 西北科技变形金刚50强 over 50% were female leaders including those heading up digital change in some of the region’s best-known companies - PZ Cussons, Talk Talk和阿斯利康. 他们是我们的开拓者. 我们的时代就是现在.

