
2023年国际妇女节-我们询问了Intechnica的女性 & 克罗斯莱克:我们怎样才能成为技术领域女性平等的拥护者?

International Women’s Day this year focuses on Embracing 股本 to get the world to start talking about 为什么平等的机会还不够. 

为了阐明这个重要的话题,我们采访了一些杰出的女性 IntechnicaCrosslake: ‘我们怎样才能成为拥护科技领域女性平等的斗士?



股本 refers to the practice of recognising different circumstances which individuals may face 和 taking this into account when offering opportunities, 而不是把每个人都当作一个同质的群体.

“对我来说, championing equity for women in technology is about firstly recognising the differences between women as a wider group. It is crucial to consider how those differences may lead to varying levels of access to technology whilst growing up 和, 晚些时候, 行业内的工作. 

例如, many socioeconomically disadvantaged schools struggle to provide technology-enabled learning to their pupils due to under-funding. Young girls at these schools not only face the oft-cited barrier of technology being a traditionally male-dominated space; a lack of access to technology also means they are not acquiring the relevant skills to 晚些时候 enter the industry, 甚至不知道技术是一种可行的职业选择. 解决这一数字鸿沟, we could be working with schools to educate young people about the technology careers on offer 和 supporting initiatives 和 charities that help to provide technology access to disadvantaged schools...“


“理解我们都是不同的,有个人的需求是很重要的. 并不是每个人都能够并且愿意以同样的速度工作,或者按照你想要的复杂程度工作. By underst和ing the needs of the individual to move in the career direction required means you can work at their pace 和 ensure that their experience is a positive one.

确保我们为每个人提供合适的工作环境,让他们感到安全和受到鼓励是关键. The only barrier to anyone working in tech should be their own aspirations; if we as employers are making it difficult, 那么我们需要认识到这一点,并对此采取行动.

但是要做到这一点, we also need to underst和 from our colleagues what those issues are 和 work together to resolve them.

任何人都不应该害怕寻求帮助,无论这是否是对自己角色的认可, 灵活的工作或帮助他们的健康. Regardless of gender we need to work together to ensure that we are doing the best for everyone who works with us.“


Creating an environment that is inclusive rather than exclusive is imperative to make all women feel empowered at work.

“作为科技领域的女性, we are in the unique position of having our own stories 和 experiences that we can use to help 和 encourage others at different stages of their careers.

有很多方法可以做到这一点, 比如把技能传授给同事这种简单的行为, 指导其他女性, 或者参加活动并发表演讲. 如果我们的工作环境是公平的, 每个人都应该有机会发言并被倾听, 有时这对女性来说更困难, 即使是在遥远的地方. So, 在日常工作生活中,我们可以做的一件事就是确保会议中的每个人都感到舒适, 有空间说话吗, 并且明白他们的意见是有价值的,即使他们不是房间里声音最大的人.“


寻址 交集 

交叉性是一个强大的框架,可以帮助我们理解和解决不平等问题, taking into account overlapping identities 和 experiences to underst和 the complex preconceptions that we may face.

“在努力实现公平时,我们采取交叉方法是至关重要的. Women aren’t a homogenous group 和 we each face our own challenges alongside the sexism that IWD initiatives generally seek to combat. 提供平等的机会是件好事, but we need to recognise that everyone reaches those opportunities from a different position 和 only with equity can we truly level the playing field.

已经因为性别歧视而处于不利地位, 许多女性和非二元性别的人也因为他们的其他身份而受到歧视. 为了真正实现女性和非二元性别人士在科技领域的平等, we also need to address these intersections 和 make sure that we’re working all year round to eliminate biases based on age, 残疾, 性别认同, 性, 比赛, 宗教, class, 孕妇, 婚姻状况和性别.

当我们作为个体对待时,我们都能更好地发挥我们的全部潜力. 以及在全公司范围内开展活动 积极 解决我们面临的交叉障碍, real champions for equity must also help team members tackle their individual challenges 和 reach their professional goals through mentoring schemes, 量身定制的个人发展培训, 常规的签到, 以及工作与生活的平衡.“

玉奥尼尔, Intechnica送货经理

“...然而,社会经济背景只是一个例子. We can go further by acknowledging the many intersecting ways women are being excluded from the tech industry – be it on the grounds of 比赛, 性, 残疾, or gender identification – 和 start exploring how we can shape our workplaces to accommodate 和 empower all women.”



支持我们身边的人, 无论是在日常生活中还是在工作场所,创造一个平等的环境都是非常有益的.

“为了实现变革,我们需要在多个不同层面上持续的力量. 我们需要有影响力的人, 我们需要鼓舞人心的变革者, 我们需要有远见的立法者, 我们需要临界质量. 改变的力量从你开始. 你可以采取小而关键的步骤来带来改变, 在日常生活中发挥你的个人能力和影响力. 我有三个实用的建议供你考虑:1)大声说出来, 2)建立联盟3)要求你想要的.

  • 大声说出来如果你目睹过歧视,无论多么微不足道,都要大声说出来. 不要沉默地见证. 评论一下你的观察. 也许那时什么都不会改变,但你的声音会被听到. 
  • 建立联盟建立同盟来支持你,不要陷入孤立. 投入时间和精力在你周围建立一个人际网络, 的同事, 朋友和家人, 谁能给你支持和建议. 寻找你可以澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台的志同道合的人的社区. 你不是一个人在旅途中. 
  • 要求你想要的你想在工作中做那个又酷又有趣的项目吗? 你想要加薪吗? 主动要求! 说明为什么这是一个公平的要求. 如果不是现在,就开始讨论如何以及何时能得到你想要的东西.

这些都是道路上的台阶. 参与其中,如果没有别的,你会感到更有力量. 这是一个正在发生的变化!“


“The most important thing for us to do to emb比赛 equity for women in technology is to insist on transparency 和 flexibility. 从同工同酬到灵活的工作时间和儿童保育选择. 通过这样做, 女性无论是否为人母,都会有更多的职业发展机会, 职业转换者或刚开始工作的人. 作为一家科技公司, we can better support the advancement of women in technology by providing them with opportunities to build a wide array of skills, 同时提供结构化的专业发展指导. 

企业可以探索的一个潜在领域是拥有内部冠军, a group of women in the business who 积极 discuss 和 promote potential development 和 training opportunities for women. 让更多女性在科技企业担任高级职位,可以促进机会平等的文化, 多样性和包容性.“



拥抱变化是生活的一个基本方面, it can be said to be a constant element in life which is why we should aim to take control of change instead of resisting it.

苏珊·沃西基离开YouTube, 这让我觉得这是一个有新闻价值的事件, 这让我有点难过. 几年后, CEO离职是很正常的, but women in top executive positions in technology companies are rare enough that any departure becomes significant. 这是一种损失. 苏珊(Susan)、吉妮·罗梅蒂(Ginni Rometty)或谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl S和berg)等女性刚开始在科技行业工作时,日子很不好过. 在科技公司,女性少之又少,她们必须为自己开辟一条道路. 他们在与惰性和偏见作斗争的同时,又很聪明,很擅长自己的工作. 我想到了“穿着高跟鞋向后跳舞”这个短语.

The good news is that there is less friction today for women in technology than when Susan or Sheryl entered the workforce. 女性开始形成一些势头. 企业知道,多样性对产品增长至关重要, 了解客户, 建立稳定的劳动力队伍, 最终, 提高盈利能力. 领导结构多元化程度较高的公司表现优于领导结构多元化程度较低的公司. 正如职场女性报告所指出的那样, 女性高管比例从2017年的约25%上升到2022年的约30%.

公司如何增加动力? 通过从概念上的平等(拥有工作的权利)转变为公平(成功的能力), 从平等的基础开始). 针对招聘人员和招聘经理的偏见培训等工具, 管理人员情景管理培训, 或者制定一个指导或指导计划,对创造一个公平的工作场所大有帮助. But this change doesn’t have to come from the top 和 certainly doesn't have to be a human resources initiative. 当我们个人支持变革时,公平就会发生.

有几种方法可以成为今天的开拓者. 参加一些组织,比如女孩科技协会或者女性STEM协会. 主动成为公司的导师或教练. 为公司领导团队提供见解和想法,以平衡天平. 让我们保持这种势头!“

依莉莎白胚, Crosslake首席执业律师

"可见性:代表很重要! Female representation in executive leadership positions demonstrates to women within the organization that as they grow in their roles 和 move up at the company, 他们有一天也可以在谈判桌上占有一席之地. 进一步, women are more likely to succeed if there are strong growth opportunities 和 mentors (both men 和 women alike) to support their professional development. 

补偿 & 海拔高度: 确保男女薪酬公平平等. 评估性能时, determining bonuses 和/or promotions – be cognizant of gender biases that may impact career advancement. 如果有人做得更好,也要给予奖励! 

责任 & 问: Be mindful of assigning non-promotable tasks to women within the workforce that are not aligned with their roles. 女性有时会被不成比例地要求承担行政任务. 这可能是以记笔记、组织活动或处理沟通的形式出现的. 如果这些任务超出了某人的职责范围, 但这是必须要做的, 在组织内平等地分配男性和女性的责任. 

灵活性: 吸引和留住女性人才, 找到支持女性的方法,她们有时可能需要在自己的角色中有更多的灵活性. 这可以是远程工作选择和/或灵活的工作时间. 良好的产假/陪产假政策加分!

回馈并参与: Encourage women of all ages to be bold 和 ambitious in their careers 和 help pave the path for them to move up! 最好的想法来自不同的群体. “每个女人的成功都应该是对其他人的激励. 当我们互相加油时,我们是最强大的.——塞雷娜·威廉姆斯

珍妮米尔斯, Crosslake客户关系总监

Thank you to all who shared their amazing thoughts on how we can emb比赛 equity for women in technology!



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